Package brahms.base.system

Class Summary
AddObjectToArrayActivity The AddObjectToArrayActivity allows a modeler to pass a bound source array variable, an unbound destination array variable and a java object variable all of the same component-type.
CreateExternalAgentActivity The CreateExternalAgentActivity allows a modeler to dynamically create a new external agent.
DeregisterFromAgentMonitorActivity The DeregisterFromAgentMonitorActivity causes the performing agent to deregister itself from the agent monitor to no longer be monitored for unexpected failures and termination.
GetArrayLengthActivity The GetArrayLengthActivity allows a Brahms active instance to retrieve the length of an array of objects.
GetJavaAttributeValueActivity The GetJavaAttributeValueActivity allows a Brahms active instance to retrieve the value for a primitive-type or Object attribute of a java object.
GetObjectAtActivity The GetObjectAtActivity allows a Brahms active instance to retrieve the java object at a given index in an array of Java Objects.
PrintBeliefActivity The PrintBeliefActivity allows a model builder to print a belief about a specified concept and attribute or relation to the virtual machine's log file.
PrintFactActivity The PrintFactActivity allows a model builder to print a fact about a specified concept and attribute or relation to the virtual machine's log file.
PrintlnActivity The PrintlnActivity allows a model builder to print a string to the virtual machine's log file as an info message.
ReadBeliefsActivity The ReadBeliefsActivity allows a model builder to read all the beliefs of the specified subject.
RegisterWithAgentMonitorActivity The RegisterWithAgentMonitorActivity causes the performing agent to register itself with the agent monitor to be monitored for unexpected failures and termination.
ReplaceActivity The ReplaceActivity is an external activity that can be used in Brahms Java Activities.
RetractAllBeliefsActivity The RetractAllBeliefsActivity allows a model builder to retract all beliefs from a specified concept.
RetractBeliefsActivity The RetractBeliefsActivity allows a model builder to retract beliefs about a specified subject's attribute or relation.
RetractFactsActivity The RetractFactsActivity allows a model builder to retract facts about a specified subject's attribute or relation.
SendBeliefsActivity The SendBeliefsActivity allows a model builder to send all the beliefs held by the performings agent about a specified relation of a concept to another agent.
SetJavaAttributeValueActivity The SetJavaAttributeValueActivity allows a Brahms active instance to set the value for an attribute of a java object.
ToIntActivity The ToIntActivity allows a model builder to convert a double value or String value to an int value.

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