Uses of Interface

Packages that use IFormatter   

Uses of IFormatter in

Methods in that return IFormatter
 IFormatter IFormat.getFormatter(BrahmsObject obj)
          Returns the formatter for the given object.

Uses of IFormatter in

Classes in that implement IFormatter
 class ActiveClassFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the ActiveClass
 class ActiveConceptFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the ActiveConcept
 class ActiveInstanceFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the ActiveInstance
 class ActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the Activity
 class AgentFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the Agent
 class AreaDefFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the AreaDef
 class AreaFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the Area
 class AttributeFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the Attribute
 class BrahmsObjectFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the BrahmsObject
 class BroadcastActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the BroadcastActivity
 class CommunicateActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the CommunicateActivity
 class CompositeActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the CompositeActivity
 class ConceptFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the Concept
 class ConceptualClassFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the ConceptualClass
 class ConceptualConceptFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the ConceptualConcept
 class ConceptualInstanceFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the ConceptualInstance
 class ContainmentActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the ContainmentActivity
 class CreateAgentActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the CreateAgentActivity
 class CreateAreaActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the CreateAreaActivity
 class CreateObjectActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the CreateObjectActivity
 class GeographyConceptFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the GeographyConcept
 class GestureActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the GestureActivity
 class GetActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the GetActivity
 class GroupFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the Group
 class JavaActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the JavaActivity
 class ModelElementFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the ModelElement
 class ModelFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the Model
 class MoveActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the MoveActivity
 class NamedModelElementFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the NamedModelElement
 class ObjectClassFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the ObjectClass
 class ObjectInstanceFormatter
          This class provides the XML formatting logic for the ObjectInstance
 class PathFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the Path
 class PrimitiveActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the PrimitiveActivity
 class PutActivityFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the PutActivity
 class RelationFormatter
          This class provides the Ontology formatting logic for the Relation

Methods in that return IFormatter
 IFormatter OntologyFormat.getFormatter(BrahmsObject obj)
          Returns the Ontology formatter for the given object.

Uses of IFormatter in

Classes in that implement IFormatter
 class ActivityRefFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the ActivityRef
 class BFrameFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the BFrame
 class ComparisonFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Comparison
 class ConditionFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Condition
 class ConsequenceFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Consequence
 class CurrentFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Current
 class DeleteFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Delete operation.
 class DetectableFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Detectable
 class EnvironmentFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Environment
 class ExpressionFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Expression
 class InitialStatementFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the InitialStatement
 class ObjectComparisonFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the ObjectComparison
 class OperandFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Operand
 class ParameterFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Parameter
 class ParameterValueFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the ParameterValue
 class PreconditionFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Precondition
 class ThoughtframeFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Thoughtframe
 class TransferDefinitionFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the TransferDefinition
 class ValueComparisonFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the ValueComparison
 class VariableFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Variable
 class WorkframeFormatter
          This class provides the source code formatting logic for the Workframe

Methods in that return IFormatter
 IFormatter SourceCodeFormat.getFormatter(BrahmsObject obj)
          Returns the source code formatter for the given object.

Uses of IFormatter in

Methods in that return IFormatter
 IFormatter UMLFormat.getFormatter(BrahmsObject obj)
          Returns the UML formatter for the given object.

Uses of IFormatter in

Classes in that implement IFormatter
 class ArrayAccessFormatter
          This class provides the XML formatting logic for an ArrayAccess expression
 class ArrayCreationFormatter
          This class provides the XML formatting logic for a an ArrayCreation expression
 class ArrayInitializerFormatter
          This class provides the XML formatting logic for an ArrayInitializer expression
 class AssignmentFormatter
          This class provides the XML formatting logic for the Assignment operation
 class ConstructorInvocationFormatter
          This class provides the XML formatting logic for a ConstructorInvocation
 class MethodInvocationFormatter
          This class provides the XML formatting logic for a MethodInvocation

Methods in that return IFormatter
 IFormatter XMLFormat.getFormatter(BrahmsObject obj)
          Returns the XML formatter for the given object.

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