Class Summary |
ActiveClass |
ActiveConcept |
An ActiveConcept defines a concept that can perform activities
based on facts or beliefs. |
ActiveInstance |
class ActiveInstance |
Activity |
An activity represents an agent or object doing something. |
ActivityRef |
An ActivityRef is a reference to an activity made in a workframe. |
Agent |
An agent in Brahms is the most central construct in a Brahms model. |
Area |
An area represents a geographical location and is used to create a
geographical representation for use in the model. |
AreaDef |
An area definition is used for defining area constructs used for
representing geographical information in a model. |
ArrayAccess |
An ArrayAccess represents a Java array access expression that specifies one or
more index expressions that evaluate to the indices to be used to access or set
elements of the array, e.g. |
ArrayCreation |
An ArrayCreation represents a Java array creation expression that specifies one or
more dimension expressions that evaluate to the size of some number of the dimensions
of the array, e.g. |
ArrayInitializer |
An ArrayInitializer represents a Java array initializer expression that specifies zero or
more expressions that evaluate to the elements of a newly created array, e.g. |
Assignment |
Assignment specifies an assignment operation in the body
of workframe used to assign a value to a variable or parameter. |
Attribute |
An Attribute represents a property of a concept. |
BFrame |
class BFrame |
BrahmsObject |
BrahmsObject is a generic object extended by all brahms
data objects. |
BroadcastActivity |
The broadcast activity is a primitive activity but allows for the
initiator to broadcast information into a location. |
CollectionType |
A CollectionType represents a type that can maintain a list of
multiple values optionally identified by an index or key. |
CommunicateActivity |
A communicate activity is a primitive activity but allows for the
communication of beliefs between the initiating agent or object
and another agent or object. |
Comparison |
The Comparison specifies a relationship between two expressions. |
CompositeActivity |
A composite activity is an activity that has to be decomposed into
more specific workframes. |
Concept |
class Concept |
ConceptualClass |
A conceptual object class defines a type of conceptual objects used
in a model. |
ConceptualConcept |
class ConceptualConcept |
ConceptualInstance |
A conceptual object is used to allow for a user to track things that
exist as concepts in people's minds, like the concept of an order. |
Condition |
The Condition class specifies a conditional expression used
to either test whether the condition holds true when compared
with a belief and/or fact set and/or is used to conclude a
new belief/fact state by comparing the condition with a
belief and/or fact set. |
Consequence |
A consequences is a logical statement for concluding/asserting new beliefs for
an agent or object and/or facts in the world. |
ConstructorInvocation |
A ConstructorInvocation is a Java class instance creation expression. |
ContainmentActivity |
The containment activity class is a generic class for the put and get
activities managing the containment of agents and objects by other
agents or objects. |
CreateAgentActivity |
A create agent activity is a primitive activity allowing to
dynamically create new agents. |
CreateAreaActivity |
A create area activity is a primitive activity allowing to
dynamically create new areas. |
CreateObjectActivity |
A create object activity is a primitive activity allowing to
dynamically create new objects or make copies of objects. |
Current |
Current is used in conditions to refer to the active instance that
'owns' the condition. |
Delete |
Delete specifies a delete operation in the body
of workframe used to mark an element for deletion. |
Detectable |
A detectable is a declarative statement defining first
which state changes an agent or object can detect and second what action
results from detecting the state change. |
Expression |
class Expression |
GeographyConcept |
class GeographyConcept |
GestureActivity |
A gesture activity is a primitive activity but is used to have an
agent or object make a gesture. |
GetActivity |
A get activity is a primitive activity that allows an agent or object
to pick up one or more objects and/or agents, referred to as items,
to carry it with it while performing activities. |
Group |
The concept of a "group" in Brahms is similar to the concept of a template
or class in object-oriented programming. |
InitialStatement |
Initial statements define an initial state for an agent, object or the world,
specifying the initial values for attributes or initializing the relationship
between two concepts. |
Invocation |
Invocation is an abstract class that captures the common aspects of Java
method invocations and constructor invocations |
JavaActivity |
A java activity is a primitive activity but is used to call an
externally specified activity written in Java. |
JavaClassInfo |
JavaClassInfo provides information about a Java class' properties
to access and set values of a Java class or object. |
JavaDescriptorReadAccessor |
JavaDescriptorReadAccessor provides read access for a property's value
through a Java PropertyDescriptor's read method. |
JavaDescriptorWriteAccessor |
JavaDescriptorWriteAccessor provides write access for a property's value
through a Java PropertyDescriptor's write method. |
JavaFieldReadAccessor |
JavaFieldReadAccessor provides read access for a property's value
through a field. |
JavaFieldWriteAccessor |
JavaFieldWriteAccessor provides write access for a property's value
through a field. |
JavaIntrospector |
JavaIntrospector is a class used to find and obtain the accessor
properties for Java objects and classes to allow Brahms actors
to set/get Java property values. |
JavaMethodReadAccessor |
JavaMethodReadAccessor provides read access for a property's value
through a method. |
JavaMethodWriteAccessor |
JavaMethodWriteAccessor provides write access for a property's value
through a method. |
JavaProperty |
The class JavaProperty is a subclass of Attribute used to represent a property
of a Java object that complies with the Java Bean Specification. |
JavaPropertyDescriptor |
JavaPropertyDescriptor describes one property that a Java class
has available to set and/or get its value. |
JavaType |
JavaType is the Brahms representation for a Java type. |
MetaType |
The MetaType class specifies a supported Brahms metatype. |
MethodInvocation |
A MethodInvocation is a reference to an Java method made in a workframe. |
Model |
class Model |
ModelElement |
class ModelElement |
MoveActivity |
A move activity is a primitive activity but is used to move an agent
from its current location to the location as specified in the activity. |
NamedModelElement |
class NamedModelElement |
ObjectClass |
The concept of a 'class' in Brahms is similar to the concept of a template
or class in object-oriented programming. |
ObjectComparison |
class ObjectComparison |
ObjectInstance |
An 'object' in Brahms is the second most central element in a Brahms
model. |
Operand |
class Operand |
Parameter |
class Parameter |
ParameterValue |
The ParameterValue represents the argument passed to an activity
reference for a parameter defined for the activity referenced
by the activity. |
Path |
A path connects two areas together and represents a route that can be
taken by an agent or object to travel from one area to another. |
Precondition |
Preconditions control the activation of a workframe and thoughtframe. |
PrimitiveActivity |
A primitive activity is the lowest level of activity an agent or
object works on for a specified amount of time. |
PutActivity |
A put activity is a primitive activity that allows an agent or object
to put down (drop) one or more objects and/or agents, referred to as
items, carried by the agent or object performing the activity to no
longer carry the item while performing future activities. |
QualifiedName |
Used to represent qualified names without using string concatenation
A name with the string form "name1.name2.name3" would be represented
by new QualifiedName("name3", new QualifiedName("name2", new QualifiedName("name1", null)))
This representation saves space when many names share the same prefix. |
Relation |
A relation represent an association between two concepts. |
Thoughtframe |
A Thoughtframe is a production rule. |
TransferDefinition |
A TransferDefinition is used in Broadcast and Communication
activities and defines the what information is to be transferred
and in what direction the transfer needs to take place (send = to,
receive = from). |
Unknown |
Unknown represents the 'unknown' value that can be used in the
various conditions and statements. |
UnknownType |
The UnknownType represents the type of the 'unknown' value. |
Validator |
Validator is responsible for reading, decoding and validating a
license file. |
ValueComparison |
A ValueComparison represents a comparison between two values
in a relation that can be one of '=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<='. |
ValueType |
A ValueType represents a primitive value type used to define
the type of atributes, relations, or variables. |
Variable |
A Variable is used in Workframes and Thoughtframes. |
Workframe |
A Workframe is an action rule. |