
Interface Summary
IAssignmentLhs IAssignmentLhs is the interface implemented by expressions that can appear on the left hand side of an Assignment
IConceptClass IConceptClass is an interface that idenfities all class like concepts as concept classes (Group, ObjectClass, ConceptualClass and AreaDef).
IConceptInstance IConceptInstance is an interface that idenfities all instance like concepts as concept instances (Agent, ObjectInstance, ConceptualInstance and Area).
IExpression IExpression is an interface for general expressions in the Brahms language that may appear on the right-hand side of assignments and as arguments to method and constructor invocations
IJavaClassInfo IJavaClassInfo provides information about a Java class' properties to access and set values of a Java class or object.
IJavaPropertyDescriptor IJavaPropertyDescriptor describes one property that a Java class has available to set and/or get its value.
IJavaReadAccessor IJavaReadAccessor provides read access to a Java property's value.
IJavaWriteAccessor IJavaWriteAccessor provides write access to a Java property's value.
Type This interface defines a generic interface for types used in the Brahms language.

Class Summary
ActiveConcept An ActiveConcept defines a concept that can perform activities based on facts or beliefs.
ActiveInstance class ActiveInstance
Activity An activity represents an agent or object doing something.
ActivityRef An ActivityRef is a reference to an activity made in a workframe.
Agent An agent in Brahms is the most central construct in a Brahms model.
Area An area represents a geographical location and is used to create a geographical representation for use in the model.
AreaDef An area definition is used for defining area constructs used for representing geographical information in a model.
ArrayAccess An ArrayAccess represents a Java array access expression that specifies one or more index expressions that evaluate to the indices to be used to access or set elements of the array, e.g.
ArrayCreation An ArrayCreation represents a Java array creation expression that specifies one or more dimension expressions that evaluate to the size of some number of the dimensions of the array, e.g.
ArrayInitializer An ArrayInitializer represents a Java array initializer expression that specifies zero or more expressions that evaluate to the elements of a newly created array, e.g.
Assignment Assignment specifies an assignment operation in the body of workframe used to assign a value to a variable or parameter.
Attribute An Attribute represents a property of a concept.
BFrame class BFrame
BrahmsObject BrahmsObject is a generic object extended by all brahms data objects.
BroadcastActivity The broadcast activity is a primitive activity but allows for the initiator to broadcast information into a location.
CollectionType A CollectionType represents a type that can maintain a list of multiple values optionally identified by an index or key.
CommunicateActivity A communicate activity is a primitive activity but allows for the communication of beliefs between the initiating agent or object and another agent or object.
Comparison The Comparison specifies a relationship between two expressions.
CompositeActivity A composite activity is an activity that has to be decomposed into more specific workframes.
Concept class Concept
ConceptualClass A conceptual object class defines a type of conceptual objects used in a model.
ConceptualConcept class ConceptualConcept
ConceptualInstance A conceptual object is used to allow for a user to track things that exist as concepts in people's minds, like the concept of an order.
Condition The Condition class specifies a conditional expression used to either test whether the condition holds true when compared with a belief and/or fact set and/or is used to conclude a new belief/fact state by comparing the condition with a belief and/or fact set.
Consequence A consequences is a logical statement for concluding/asserting new beliefs for an agent or object and/or facts in the world.
ConstructorInvocation A ConstructorInvocation is a Java class instance creation expression.
ContainmentActivity The containment activity class is a generic class for the put and get activities managing the containment of agents and objects by other agents or objects.
CreateAgentActivity A create agent activity is a primitive activity allowing to dynamically create new agents.
CreateAreaActivity A create area activity is a primitive activity allowing to dynamically create new areas.
CreateObjectActivity A create object activity is a primitive activity allowing to dynamically create new objects or make copies of objects.
Current Current is used in conditions to refer to the active instance that 'owns' the condition.
Delete Delete specifies a delete operation in the body of workframe used to mark an element for deletion.
Detectable A detectable is a declarative statement defining first which state changes an agent or object can detect and second what action results from detecting the state change.
Expression class Expression
GeographyConcept class GeographyConcept
GestureActivity A gesture activity is a primitive activity but is used to have an agent or object make a gesture.
GetActivity A get activity is a primitive activity that allows an agent or object to pick up one or more objects and/or agents, referred to as items, to carry it with it while performing activities.
Group The concept of a "group" in Brahms is similar to the concept of a template or class in object-oriented programming.
InitialStatement Initial statements define an initial state for an agent, object or the world, specifying the initial values for attributes or initializing the relationship between two concepts.
Invocation Invocation is an abstract class that captures the common aspects of Java method invocations and constructor invocations
JavaActivity A java activity is a primitive activity but is used to call an externally specified activity written in Java.
JavaClassInfo JavaClassInfo provides information about a Java class' properties to access and set values of a Java class or object.
JavaDescriptorReadAccessor JavaDescriptorReadAccessor provides read access for a property's value through a Java PropertyDescriptor's read method.
JavaDescriptorWriteAccessor JavaDescriptorWriteAccessor provides write access for a property's value through a Java PropertyDescriptor's write method.
JavaFieldReadAccessor JavaFieldReadAccessor provides read access for a property's value through a field.
JavaFieldWriteAccessor JavaFieldWriteAccessor provides write access for a property's value through a field.
JavaIntrospector JavaIntrospector is a class used to find and obtain the accessor properties for Java objects and classes to allow Brahms actors to set/get Java property values.
JavaMethodReadAccessor JavaMethodReadAccessor provides read access for a property's value through a method.
JavaMethodWriteAccessor JavaMethodWriteAccessor provides write access for a property's value through a method.
JavaProperty The class JavaProperty is a subclass of Attribute used to represent a property of a Java object that complies with the Java Bean Specification.
JavaPropertyDescriptor JavaPropertyDescriptor describes one property that a Java class has available to set and/or get its value.
JavaType JavaType is the Brahms representation for a Java type.
MetaType The MetaType class specifies a supported Brahms metatype.
MethodInvocation A MethodInvocation is a reference to an Java method made in a workframe.
Model class Model
ModelElement class ModelElement
MoveActivity A move activity is a primitive activity but is used to move an agent from its current location to the location as specified in the activity.
NamedModelElement class NamedModelElement
ObjectClass The concept of a 'class' in Brahms is similar to the concept of a template or class in object-oriented programming.
ObjectComparison class ObjectComparison
ObjectInstance An 'object' in Brahms is the second most central element in a Brahms model.
Operand class Operand
Parameter class Parameter
ParameterValue The ParameterValue represents the argument passed to an activity reference for a parameter defined for the activity referenced by the activity.
Path A path connects two areas together and represents a route that can be taken by an agent or object to travel from one area to another.
Precondition Preconditions control the activation of a workframe and thoughtframe.
PrimitiveActivity A primitive activity is the lowest level of activity an agent or object works on for a specified amount of time.
PutActivity A put activity is a primitive activity that allows an agent or object to put down (drop) one or more objects and/or agents, referred to as items, carried by the agent or object performing the activity to no longer carry the item while performing future activities.
QualifiedName Used to represent qualified names without using string concatenation A name with the string form "name1.name2.name3" would be represented by new QualifiedName("name3", new QualifiedName("name2", new QualifiedName("name1", null))) This representation saves space when many names share the same prefix.
Relation A relation represent an association between two concepts.
Thoughtframe A Thoughtframe is a production rule.
TransferDefinition A TransferDefinition is used in Broadcast and Communication activities and defines the what information is to be transferred and in what direction the transfer needs to take place (send = to, receive = from).
Unknown Unknown represents the 'unknown' value that can be used in the various conditions and statements.
UnknownType The UnknownType represents the type of the 'unknown' value.
Validator Validator is responsible for reading, decoding and validating a license file.
ValueComparison A ValueComparison represents a comparison between two values in a relation that can be one of '=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<='.
ValueType A ValueType represents a primitive value type used to define the type of atributes, relations, or variables.
Variable A Variable is used in Workframes and Thoughtframes.
Workframe A Workframe is an action rule.

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