Interface IPrimitiveActivityCtx

All Superinterfaces:
IActivityCtx, IBrahmsObjectCtx
All Known Subinterfaces:
IBroadcastActivityCtx, ICommunicateActivityCtx, IContainmentActivityCtx, ICreateAgentActivityCtx, ICreateAreaActivityCtx, ICreateObjectActivityCtx, IGestureActivityCtx, IGetActivityCtx, IJavaActivityCtx, IMoveActivityCtx, IPutActivityCtx
All Known Implementing Classes:
BroadcastActivityCtx, CommunicateActivityCtx, ContainmentActivityCtx, CreateAgentActivityCtx, CreateAreaActivityCtx, CreateObjectActivityCtx, GestureActivityCtx, GetActivityCtx, JavaActivityCtx, MoveActivityCtx, PrimitiveActivityCtx, PutActivityCtx, VMBroadcastActivityCtx, VMCommunicateActivityCtx, VMContainmentActivityCtx, VMCreateAgentActivityCtx, VMCreateAreaActivityCtx, VMCreateObjectActivityCtx, VMGestureActivityCtx, VMGetActivityCtx, VMJavaActivityCtx, VMMoveActivityCtx, VMPrimitiveActivityCtx, VMPutActivityCtx

public interface IPrimitiveActivityCtx
extends IActivityCtx

The IPrimitiveActivityCtx is the interface for primitive activity contexts. A PrimitiveActivityCtx maintains the context of a primitive activity being or to be executed by an active instance. The context maintains the start and end times for an activity, the duration, priority, status, randomness, duration and resources.

28 July 2000
Ron van Hoof

Method Summary
 void addResource(ParameterCtx resource)
          Adds the specified resource as a resource for this activity.
 long getDuration()
          Returns the calculated duration of the activity used by the VM
 long getElapsedTime()
          Returns the elapsed time when the activity has been active
 ParameterCtx getMaxDuration()
          Returns the maximum duration of the activity.
 ParameterCtx getMinDuration()
          returns the minimum duration of the activity.
 ParameterCtx getRandom()
          Returns whether the duration of the activity is random or not.
 int getResourceCount()
          Return the number of resources associated with the activity.
 java.util.Enumeration getResources()
          Returns a list of all the resources (ParameterCtx).
 void removeResource(ParameterCtx resource)
          Removes the specified resource as a resource for this activity.
 void setElapsedTime(long elapsedTime)
          Specifies the elapsed time when the activity has been active
Methods inherited from interface gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt.IActivityCtx
getCompletionCause, getDisplayText, getParentFrame, getPerformedBy, getPriority, getReferencedBy, getStatus, setCompletionCause, setDisplayText, setParentFrame, setPerformedBy, setReferencedBy, setStatus
Methods inherited from interface gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt.IBrahmsObjectCtx
addNote, getContextFor, getEndTime, getID, getNote, getNotes, getStartTime, removeNote, setEndTime, setID, setStartTime

Method Detail


ParameterCtx getRandom()
                       throws gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException
Returns whether the duration of the activity is random or not. The random indicator is set through a parameter context containing either the actual value or a reference to a variable containing the random value.

ParameterCtx containing a boolean value defining whether the activity duration is random
gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException - if no random indicator is specified


ParameterCtx getMinDuration()
                            throws gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException
returns the minimum duration of the activity. The minimum duration is set through a parameter context containing either the actual value or a reference to a variable containing the value.

ParameterCtx containing an integer value defining the minimum duration of the activity
gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException - if no minimum duration is specified


ParameterCtx getMaxDuration()
                            throws gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException
Returns the maximum duration of the activity. The maximum duration is set through a parameter context containing either the actual value or a reference to a variable containing the value.

ParameterCtx containing an integer value defining the maximum duration of the activity
gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException - if no maximum duration is specified


long getDuration()
Returns the calculated duration of the activity used by the VM

long the total duration of the activity


void setElapsedTime(long elapsedTime)
Specifies the elapsed time when the activity has been active

elapsedTime - the activities elapsed time


long getElapsedTime()
Returns the elapsed time when the activity has been active

long the activities elapsed time


void addResource(ParameterCtx resource)
                 throws gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException
Adds the specified resource as a resource for this activity. The actual resource is the concept referenced by the parameter context where the parameter context specifies when the resource was associated with the activity.

resource - the resource (ParameterCtx) to be added
gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException - if resource is null


void removeResource(ParameterCtx resource)
                    throws gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException
Removes the specified resource as a resource for this activity. The actual resource is the concept referenced by the parameter context where the parameter context specifies when the resource was (dis)associated with the activity.

resource - the resource (ParameterCtx) to be removed
gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException - if resource is null, no resources are available, or the resource is not found


java.util.Enumeration getResources()
                                   throws gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException
Returns a list of all the resources (ParameterCtx).

Enumeration an enumeration of ParameterCtx
gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.exceptions.BrahmsException - if there are no resources


int getResourceCount()
Return the number of resources associated with the activity.

int the number of resources

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