Package gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert

Interface Summary
IConverter IConverter is the interface to an object that is able to convert data between a Java representation and a Brahms representation.
IInstanceMapping IInstanceMapping is an interface to access a mapping between existing Brahms and Java objects used to ensure that during the conversion between Brahms and Java objects no new objects are created when a mapping already exists, in that case state information is updated in the mapped object.

Class Summary
ArrayConverter ArrayConverter handles the conversion between Java and Brahms arrays.
BeanConverter BeanConverter handles the conversion between Java and Brahms objects with the Java objects complying with the Java Bean specification for automatic discovery of members and their read/write methods.
CollectionConverter CollectionConverter handles the conversion between Java and Brahms collections.
ConversionContext ConversionContext maintains additional information usable during the conversion of objects.
ConverterManager ConverterManager is a manager responsible for supporting the conversion between Brahms objects and Java objects.
CORBAEnumConverter CORBAEnumConverter handles the conversion between CORBA enums and Brahms symbols.
EnumConverter EnumConverter handles the conversion between Java enums and Brahms symbols.
InstanceMappingSingleton InstanceMappingSingleton is a singleton IInstanceMapping used to maintain a mapping between existing Brahms and Java objects used to ensure that during the conversion between Brahms and Java objects no new objects are created when a mapping already exists, in that case state information is updated in the mapped object.
MapConverter MapConverter handles the conversion between Java and Brahms maps.
NullConverter NullConverter handles the conversion between null and unknown values.
PrimitiveTypeConverter PrimitiveTypeConverter handles the conversion between Java and Brahms primitive types.

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