Class Summary |
CommunicativeActStatementSetOrganizer |
A CommunicativeActStatementSetOrganizer is a statement organizer
that organizes the list of statements for a CommunicativeAct
in such an order that the envelope("sender") belief is
always last in the list. |
NameManager |
NameManager is used to assign unique names to dynamically created
concepts. |
ShortestPathAlgorithm |
The ShortestPathAlgorithm provides an implementation of Dijkstra's
shortest path algorithm. |
StatementSet |
A Statement set manages a set of statements allowing for assertion
and retraction of statements. |
VMActiveInstanceCtx |
The VMActiveInstanceCtx is the runtime class for active
instances (agents and object instances) with extensions
for it to function in the Brahms virtual machine. |
VMActivityCtx |
The VMActivityCtx is an ActivityCtx with extensions for use in
the virtual machine. |
VMAgentCtx |
The VMAgentCtx is the runtime class for the agents with extensions
for it to function in the Brahms virtual machine. |
VMAreaCtx |
The VMAreaCtx is the runtime representation of areas defined
in a Brahms model with extensions for use in the virtual
machine. |
VMAssignmentCtx |
The VMAssignmentCtx is an AssignmentCtx with specializations for use
in the virtual machine. |
VMBeliefCtx |
The VMBeliefCtx is a BeliefCtx with extensions for use in the virtual
machine. |
VMBroadcastActivityCtx |
The VMBroadcastActivityCtx is a broadcast activity context with
extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the context
of a broadcast activity being or to be executed by an active instance. |
VMCommunicateActivityCtx |
The VMCommunicateActivityCtx is a communicate activity context with
extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the context
of a communicate activity being or to be executed by an active
instance. |
VMCompositeActivityCtx |
The VMCompositeActivityCtx is a composite activity context with
extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains
start and end times for an activity, the duration, priority,
status, state of the frames that are part of the composite
activity and the active detectables of the composite
activity. |
VMConceptualInstanceCtx |
The VMConceptualInstanceCtx is the runtime representation of
conceptual instances defined in a Brahms model with extensions
for use in the virtual machine. |
VMConsequenceCtx |
The VMConsequenceCtx is a ConsequenceCtx with specializations for use
in the virtual machine. |
VMContainmentActivityCtx |
The VMContainmentActivityCtx is the generic context for the
VMPutActivityCtx and VMGetActivityCtx. |
VMCreateAgentActivityCtx |
The VMCreateAgentActivityCtx is a create agent activity context with
extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the context of
a create agent activity being or to be executed by an active instance. |
VMCreateAreaActivityCtx |
The VMCreateAreaActivityCtx is a create area activity context with
extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the context of
a create area activity being or to be executed by an active instance. |
VMCreateObjectActivityCtx |
The VMCreateObjectActivityCtx is a create object activity context with
extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the context of
a create object activity being or to be executed by an active instance. |
VMDeleteCtx |
The VMDeleteCtx is a DeleteCtx with specializations for use
in the virtual machine. |
VMDetectableCtx |
The VMDetectableCtx defines the context for a fired detectable
defining the detectable that was fired, in what frame or composite activity
the detectable was fired, the fact or belief detected and the belief
created by the detectable. |
VMDetectCtx |
The VMDetectCtx is a detectable action that maintains the information
about when the detection took place, what fact was detected and what
belief was created as a result of the detection. |
VMExternalAgentCtx |
The VMExternalAgentCtx is the runtime class for the external agents
with extensions for it to function in the Brahms virtual machine. |
VMFactCtx |
The VMFactCtx is a FactCtx with extensions for use in the virtual
machine. |
VMFrameCtx |
The VMFrameCtx maintains the general state information for
a Brahms frame, workframe or thoughtframe and is a specialization
of the FrameCtx to provide extensions for use in the virtual
machine. |
VMGestureActivityCtx |
The VMGestureActivityCtx is a gesture activity context with
extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains
the start and end times for an activity, the duration, priority,
status, randomness, duration, resources, and gesture made
when the activity was executed. |
VMGetActivityCtx |
A VMGetActivityCtx is a GetActivityCtx with extensions for the virtual
machine that maintains the context of a get activity being or to be
executed by an active instance. |
VMJavaActivityCtx |
The VMJavaActivityCtx is a java activity context with
extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains
the start and end times for an activity, the duration, priority,
status, randomness, duration, resources, what java class it used to
execute the activity and when the activity was executed. |
VMJavaObjectCtx |
VMJavaObjectCtx is a Virtual Machine context object used for memory management of
Java objects that are the subject of Brahms facts and beliefs. |
VMMethodInvocationCtx |
The VMMethodInvocationCtx is a MethodInvocationCtx with specializations for use
in the virtual machine. |
VMMoveActivityCtx |
The VMMoveActivityCtx is a move activity context with
extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains
the start and end times for an activity, the duration, priority,
status, randomness, duration, resources, start location and
destination location. |
VMObjectInstanceCtx |
The ObjectInstanceCtx is the runtime class for the objects with
extension for use in the virtual machine. |
VMPathCtx |
The VMPathCtx is the runtime representation of a path
defined in a Brahms model with extensions for use in the virtual machine. |
VMPreconditionCtx |
The VMPreconditionCtx defines the context for a precondition defining
the beliefs or facts that made the precondition evaluate to true
and defining the frame for which the precondition evaluated to true. |
VMPrimitiveActivityCtx |
The VMPrimitiveActivityCtx is a primitive activity context with
extensions for use in the virtual machine. |
VMPutActivityCtx |
A VMPutActivityCtx is a PutActivityCtx with extensions for the virtual
machine that maintains the context of a put activity
being or to be executed by an active instance. |
VMStatementCtx |
The VMStatementCtx is a StatementCTx with extension for use in
the Brahms virtual machine. |
VMThoughtframeCtx |
The VMThoughtframeCtx is identical to the VMFrameCtx and maintains
state information for a thoughtframe to be executed by an
active instance. |
VMTransferDefinitionCtx |
The VMTransferDefinitionCtx is the context for a transfer definition
defining in what communication or broadcast activity the transfer
took place, the direction of the transfer, the communicated beliefs,
the beliefs created by the transfer definition, the parameters used
by the transfer definition and the variables bound by this transfer
definition. |
VMTriggerCtx |
The VMTriggerCtx is a detectable action that maintains the information
about when the trigger or action part of the detectable was executed and
what belief triggered the action. |
VMVariableCtx |
The VMVariableCtx maintains information regarding the binding
of a variable defined for a frame and bound in a frame
context. |
VMWorkframeCtx |
The VMWorkframeCtx maintains the state for a workframe and has extensions
for use in the virtual machine. |