Class CommunicativeAct

  extended by brahms.communication.CommunicativeAct
All Implemented Interfaces:
IEnvelopeProperties, IPayloadProperties

public class CommunicativeAct
extends java.lang.Object
implements IEnvelopeProperties, IPayloadProperties

An internal representation of a Brahms CommunicativeAct object about which a ComAgent can receive beliefs. Provides static methods for creating communicative acts and for manipulating the belief sets of a communicative act.

$Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2009/11/23 21:00:16 $ $Author: rnado $
Mike Scott, Ron van Hoof

Nested Class Summary
static class CommunicativeAct.MAP
          Constant identifiers for the communicative act's 'content' and 'payload' and payload map attributes
Field Summary
static java.text.SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT
          Used to timestamp data
static java.lang.String ENVELOPE
          Envelope attribute name
static java.lang.String EXCEPTION
          The attribute name in the Brahms CommunicativeAct for the RaisedException
static java.lang.String PAYLOAD
          Payload attribute name
Fields inherited from interface brahms.communication.IEnvelopeProperties
Fields inherited from interface brahms.communication.IPayloadProperties
Constructor Summary
CommunicativeAct(IObject communicativeAct, IContext ctx)
          Constructor, creates a new CommunicativeAct to represent a Brahms CommunicativeAct and automatically reads the attribute values from the communicative act.
CommunicativeAct(IObject communicativeAct, IContext ctx, boolean retrieveMapValues)
          Constructor, creates a new CommunicativeAct to represent a Brahms CommunicativeAct.
Method Summary
static IObject createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String performative, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, IContext ctx)
static IObject createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String performative, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
 java.lang.String getAction()
          Returns the communicative act's action.
static boolean getBooleanPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the boolean value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static byte getBytePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the byte property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static char getCharPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the char property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
 IObject getCommunicativeAct()
          Returns the Brahms CommunicativeAct for which this is the Java representation.
static IClass getCommunicativeActClass()
          Returns the Brahms IClass for CommunicativeAct from the current model.
static IConcept getConceptPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the IConcept value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
 java.lang.Object getContent()
          Returns the communicative act's content.
 java.lang.String getConversationID()
          Returns the communicative act's conversation-id.
 java.lang.String getDate()
          Returns the communicative act's date.
static double getDoublePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the double value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
 java.lang.Object getEnvelopeValueForIndex(java.lang.String index)
          Returns the envelope value for the specified collection index.
static float getFloatPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the float value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
 IActiveInstance getFrom()
          Returns the communicative act's sender as specified in the envelope.
static int getIntPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the int property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static java.lang.Object getJavaPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the Java Object value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static long getLongPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the long property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the CommunicativeAct's name.
 java.lang.Object getPayloadValueForIndex(java.lang.String index)
          Returns the payload value for the specified collection index.
 Performative getPerformative()
          Returns the communicative act's performative.
 IConceptualObject getRaisedException()
          Returns the exception associated with the CommunicativeAct.
 IActiveInstance getReceiver()
          Returns the communicative act's receiver as specified in the payload.
 IActiveInstance getReplyTo()
          Returns the communicative act's reply-to agent.
 IActiveInstance getSender()
          Returns the communicative act's sender as specified in the payload.
static getSerializablePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the Serializable value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static short getShortPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the short property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static java.lang.String getStringPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the string property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
 java.lang.String getSubject()
          Returns the communicative act's subject.
static java.lang.String getSymbolPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the symbol property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
 IActiveInstance getTo()
          Returns the communicative act's receiver as specified in the envelope.
static IUnknown getUnknownPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the boolean value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static void reset()
          Resets the static variables maintained by this class.
static void sendCommunicativeAct(IObject commAct, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
          Sends the beliefs stored in the specified Brahms CommunicativeAct to the the specified receiver and makes sure that the 'envelope("sender")' belief is sent last.
static void setAction(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String action, IContext ctx)
          Sets the action for the specified communicative act.
 void setAction(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the communicative act's action, does not set the belief.
 void setAction(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's action, also set the belief.
static void setConversationID(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String conversationID, IContext ctx)
          Sets the conversation-id for the specified communicative act.
 void setConversationID(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the communicative act's conversation-id, does not set the belief.
 void setConversationID(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's conversation-id, also set the belief.
 void setDate(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the communicative act's date, does not set the belief.
 void setDate(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's date, also set the belief.
 void setFrom(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the envelope, does not set the belief.
 void setFrom(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, also set the belief.
static void setPerformative(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String performative, IContext ctx)
          Sets the performative for the specified communicative act.
 void setPerformative(Performative value)
          Sets the communicative act's performative, does not set the belief.
 void setPerformative(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's performative, also set the belief.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, char value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, double value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, float value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, int value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, long value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, short value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, char value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, double value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, float value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, int value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, long value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, short value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void setRaisedException(IObject communicativeAct, IConceptualObject exception, IActiveInstance sender, IContext ctx)
          Sets the 'raisedException' attribute for the given communicative act.
 void setReceiver(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, does not set the belief
 void setReceiver(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, also set the belief.
static void setReceiver(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
          Sets the receiver attribute for the specified communicative act.
 void setReplyTo(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's reply to, does not set the belief.
 void setReplyTo(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's reply to, also set the belief.
static void setReplyTo(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance replyTo, IContext ctx)
          Sets the replyTo attribute for the specified communicative act.
 void setSender(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, does not set the belief
 void setSender(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, also set the belief.
static void setSender(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance sender, IContext ctx)
          Sets the sender attribute for the specified communicative act.
static void setSubject(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Sets the subject for the specified communicative act.
 void setSubject(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the communicative act's subject, does not set the belief.
 void setSubject(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's subject, also set the belief.
 void setTo(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the envelope, does not set the belief
 void setTo(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, also set the belief.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.text.SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT
Used to timestamp data


public static final java.lang.String EXCEPTION
The attribute name in the Brahms CommunicativeAct for the RaisedException

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ENVELOPE
Envelope attribute name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PAYLOAD
Payload attribute name

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public CommunicativeAct(IObject communicativeAct,
                        IContext ctx)
                 throws ExternalException
Constructor, creates a new CommunicativeAct to represent a Brahms CommunicativeAct and automatically reads the attribute values from the communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct to be represented by this CommunicativeAct.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an error occurs in wrapping the CommunicativeAct into this CommunicativeAct.


public CommunicativeAct(IObject communicativeAct,
                        IContext ctx,
                        boolean retrieveMapValues)
                 throws ExternalException
Constructor, creates a new CommunicativeAct to represent a Brahms CommunicativeAct.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct to be represented by this CommunicativeAct.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
retrieveMapValues - true if the envelope and payload map values should be read from the specified communicative act, false if they are set manually
ExternalException - if an error occurs in wrapping the CommunicativeAct into this CommunicativeAct.
Method Detail


public static final IClass getCommunicativeActClass()
                                             throws ExternalException
Returns the Brahms IClass for CommunicativeAct from the current model.

IClass the Brahms CommunicativeAct class
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void reset()
Resets the static variables maintained by this class.


public static final IObject createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action,
                                                   java.lang.String subject,
                                                   java.lang.String performative,
                                                   IActiveInstance sender,
                                                   IActiveInstance receiver,
                                                   IActiveInstance replyTo,
                                                   IContext ctx)
                                            throws ExternalException

Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information

action - the action to be taken by the receiver
subject - the subject of the message
performative - the communicative type of the message (request, inform, etc.)
sender - the sender of the message
receiver - the receiver of the message
replyTo - the agent to send the reply to
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
IObject a new CommunicativeAct object
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final IObject createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action,
                                                   java.lang.String subject,
                                                   java.lang.String performative,
                                                   IActiveInstance sender,
                                                   IActiveInstance receiver,
                                                   IContext ctx)
                                            throws ExternalException

Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information

action - the action to be taken by the receiver
subject - the subject of the message
performative - the communicative type of the message (request, inform, etc.)
sender - the sender of the message
receiver - the receiver of the message
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
IObject a new CommunicativeAct object
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void sendCommunicativeAct(IObject commAct,
                                              IActiveInstance receiver,
                                              IContext ctx)
                                       throws ExternalException
Sends the beliefs stored in the specified Brahms CommunicativeAct to the the specified receiver and makes sure that the 'envelope("sender")' belief is sent last.

commAct - the CommunicativeAct with the beliefs to be communicated
receiver - the receiver of the beliefs
ctx - the context used to communicate the beliefs
ExternalException - ExternalException if an internal error occurs, in case of a communication failure the linked exception will be one of ServiceException, NoSuchActorException, ActorNotActiveException, NotLocatableException, TransportFailure, or SecurityFailure
See Also:
ServiceException, SecurityFailure, NoSuchActorException, ActorNotActiveException, NotLocatableException, TransportFailure, MessageNotRepliedToException


public static final void setRaisedException(IObject communicativeAct,
                                            IConceptualObject exception,
                                            IActiveInstance sender,
                                            IContext ctx)
                                     throws ExternalException
Sets the 'raisedException' attribute for the given communicative act. Specifically adds the belief 'communicativeAct.raisedException = raisedException' to the sender's belief set.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set the raisedException attribute.
exception - The Brahms exception object.
sender - The agent attemptint the communication.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setSender(IObject communicativeAct,
                                   IActiveInstance sender,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets the sender attribute for the specified communicative act. Specifically adds the belief 'communicativeAct.envelope("from") = sender' to the communicative act's belief set.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set the sender attribute.
sender - the agent that is the sender of the communicative act.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setReceiver(IObject communicativeAct,
                                     IActiveInstance receiver,
                                     IContext ctx)
                              throws ExternalException
Sets the receiver attribute for the specified communicative act. Specifically adds the belief 'communicativeAct.envelope("to") = receiver' to the communicative act's belief set.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set the receiver attribute
receiver - the agent that is the receiver of the communicative act
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setReplyTo(IObject communicativeAct,
                                    IActiveInstance replyTo,
                                    IContext ctx)
                             throws ExternalException
Sets the replyTo attribute for the specified communicative act. Specifically adds the belief 'communicativeAct.payload("reply-to") = replyTo' to the communicative act's belief set.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set the replyTo attribute.
replyTo - the reply-to agent for the communicative act.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPerformative(IObject communicativeAct,
                                         java.lang.String performative,
                                         IContext ctx)
                                  throws ExternalException
Sets the performative for the specified communicative act. Specifically adds the belief 'communicativeAct.payload("performative") = performative' to the communicative act's belief set.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set the performative
performative - the performative
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setConversationID(IObject communicativeAct,
                                           java.lang.String conversationID,
                                           IContext ctx)
                                    throws ExternalException
Sets the conversation-id for the specified communicative act. Specifically adds the belief 'communicativeAct.payload("conversation-id") = "conversationID"' to the communicative act's belief set.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set the conversation id
conversationID - the message conversation identifier
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setAction(IObject communicativeAct,
                                   java.lang.String action,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets the action for the specified communicative act. Specifically adds the belief 'communicativeAct.payload("action") = action' to the communicative act's belief set.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set the action
action - the message action
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setSubject(IObject communicativeAct,
                                    java.lang.String subject,
                                    IContext ctx)
                             throws ExternalException
Sets the subject for the specified communicative act. Specifically adds the belief 'communicativeAct.payload("subject") = subject' to the communicative act's belief set.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set the subject
subject - the message subject
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final IUnknown getUnknownPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                                     CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                                     java.lang.String key,
                                                     IContext ctx)
                                              throws ExternalException
Returns the boolean value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not a boolean value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
IUnknown the unknown value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final boolean getBooleanPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                                    CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                                    java.lang.String key,
                                                    IContext ctx)
                                             throws ExternalException
Returns the boolean value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not a boolean value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
boolean the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final IConcept getConceptPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                                     CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                                     java.lang.String key,
                                                     IContext ctx)
                                              throws ExternalException
Returns the IConcept value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not instance of IConcept then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
IConcept the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final float getFloatPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                                CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                                java.lang.String key,
                                                IContext ctx)
                                         throws ExternalException
Returns the float value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not a float value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
float the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final double getDoublePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                                  CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                                  java.lang.String key,
                                                  IContext ctx)
                                           throws ExternalException
Returns the double value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not a double value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
double the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final int getIntPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                            CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                            java.lang.String key,
                                            IContext ctx)
                                     throws ExternalException
Returns the int property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not an int value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
int the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final char getCharPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                              CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                              java.lang.String key,
                                              IContext ctx)
                                       throws ExternalException
Returns the char property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not a char value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
char the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final byte getBytePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                              CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                              java.lang.String key,
                                              IContext ctx)
                                       throws ExternalException
Returns the byte property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not a byte value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
byte the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final short getShortPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                                CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                                java.lang.String key,
                                                IContext ctx)
                                         throws ExternalException
Returns the short property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not a short value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
short the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final long getLongPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                              CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                              java.lang.String key,
                                              IContext ctx)
                                       throws ExternalException
Returns the long property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not a long value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
long the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final java.lang.String getStringPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                                            CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                                            java.lang.String key,
                                                            IContext ctx)
                                                     throws ExternalException
Returns the string property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not a string value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
String the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final java.lang.String getSymbolPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                                            CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                                            java.lang.String key,
                                                            IContext ctx)
                                                     throws ExternalException
Returns the symbol property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not a symbol value then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
String the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final getSerializablePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                                                      CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                                                      java.lang.String key,
                                                                      IContext ctx)
                                                               throws ExternalException
Returns the Serializable value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key, or if the value is not instance of Serializable then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
Serializable the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final java.lang.Object getJavaPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                                          java.lang.String key,
                                                          IContext ctx)
                                                   throws ExternalException
Returns the Java Object value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. If there is no value keyed to the given key then an ExternalException is thrown.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to get a property value.
map - The map attribute which contains the property value.
key - The key for the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
Object the value mapped to the given key.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          boolean value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          float value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          double value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          int value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          char value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          byte value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          short value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          long value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          java.lang.String value,
                                          boolean symbol,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
symbol - true if the String value represents a symbol, false if it is a string
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          IConcept value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          IUnknown value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public static final void setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
                                          CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          java.lang.Object value,
                                          IContext ctx)
                                   throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.

communicativeAct - the CommunicativeAct for which to set a property value.
map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public IObject getCommunicativeAct()
Returns the Brahms CommunicativeAct for which this is the Java representation.

IObject the Brahms CommunicativeAct


public java.lang.String getName()
Returns the CommunicativeAct's name.

String the name


public IConceptualObject getRaisedException()
Returns the exception associated with the CommunicativeAct.

IConceptualObject the exception associated with the message, null if no exception is associated with the message


public java.lang.Object getEnvelopeValueForIndex(java.lang.String index)
Returns the envelope value for the specified collection index. Returns null if the envelope map does not contain the specified index.

index - The collection index of the requested envelope data.
Object the envelope data for the given index or null.


public java.lang.Object getPayloadValueForIndex(java.lang.String index)
Returns the payload value for the specified collection index. Returns null if the payload map does not contain the specified index.

index - The collection index of the requested payload data.
Object the payload data for the given index or null.


public final java.lang.String getDate()
Returns the communicative act's date.

String the date formatted as "yyyyMMddTHHmmssSSSZ", null if not set


public final IActiveInstance getFrom()
Returns the communicative act's sender as specified in the envelope.

IActiveInstance the sender of the message, null if not set


public final IActiveInstance getTo()
Returns the communicative act's receiver as specified in the envelope.

IActiveInstance the receiver of the message


public final IActiveInstance getSender()
Returns the communicative act's sender as specified in the payload.

IActiveInstance the sender of the message, null if not set


public final IActiveInstance getReceiver()
Returns the communicative act's receiver as specified in the payload.

IActiveInstance the receiver of the message


public final IActiveInstance getReplyTo()
Returns the communicative act's reply-to agent.

IActiveInstance the agent to reply to


public final Performative getPerformative()
Returns the communicative act's performative.

Performative the performative, null if not set


public final java.lang.String getConversationID()
Returns the communicative act's conversation-id.

String the conversation-id, null if not set


public final java.lang.String getAction()
Returns the communicative act's action.

String the action, null if not set


public final java.lang.String getSubject()
Returns the communicative act's subject.

String the message subject, null if not set


public final java.lang.Object getContent()
Returns the communicative act's content.

Object the content


public final void setDate(java.lang.String value)
                   throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's date, does not set the belief.

value - the date formatted as "yyyyMMddTHHmmssSSSZ"
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setDate(java.lang.String value,
                          IContext ctx)
                   throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's date, also set the belief.

value - the date formatted as "yyyyMMddTHHmmssSSSZ"
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setFrom(IActiveInstance value)
                   throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's sender in the envelope, does not set the belief.

value - the sender of the message
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setFrom(IActiveInstance value,
                          IContext ctx)
                   throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, also set the belief.

value - the sender of the message
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setTo(IActiveInstance value)
                 throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's receiver in the envelope, does not set the belief

value - the receiver of the message
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setTo(IActiveInstance value,
                        IContext ctx)
                 throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, also set the belief.

value - the receiver of the message
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setSender(IActiveInstance value)
                     throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, does not set the belief

value - the sender of the message
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setSender(IActiveInstance value,
                            IContext ctx)
                     throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, also set the belief.

value - the sender of the message
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setReceiver(IActiveInstance value)
                       throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, does not set the belief

value - the receiver of the message
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setReceiver(IActiveInstance value,
                              IContext ctx)
                       throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, also set the belief.

value - the receiver of the message
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setReplyTo(IActiveInstance value)
                      throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's reply to, does not set the belief.

value - the agent to reply to
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setReplyTo(IActiveInstance value,
                             IContext ctx)
                      throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's reply to, also set the belief.

value - the agent to reply to
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPerformative(Performative value)
                           throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's performative, does not set the belief.

value - the performative
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPerformative(java.lang.String value,
                                  IContext ctx)
                           throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's performative, also set the belief.

value - the performative
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setConversationID(java.lang.String value)
                             throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's conversation-id, does not set the belief.

value - the conversation-id
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setConversationID(java.lang.String value,
                                    IContext ctx)
                             throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's conversation-id, also set the belief.

value - the conversation-id
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setAction(java.lang.String value)
                     throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's action, does not set the belief.

value - the action
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setAction(java.lang.String value,
                            IContext ctx)
                     throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's action, also set the belief.

value - the action
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setSubject(java.lang.String value)
                      throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's subject, does not set the belief.

value - the message subject
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setSubject(java.lang.String value,
                             IContext ctx)
                      throws ExternalException
Sets the communicative act's subject, also set the belief.

value - the message subject
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   boolean value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   float value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   double value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   int value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   char value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   byte value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   short value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   long value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   java.lang.String value,
                                   boolean symbol,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
symbol - true if the value is a symbol, false if it is a string
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   IConcept value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   IUnknown value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.


public final void setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   java.lang.Object value,
                                   IContext ctx)
                            throws ExternalException
Sets a property value for the communicative act.

map - The map attribute which the property will be added to.
key - The key for the property value.
value - the property value.
ctx - the IContext specifying contextual information necessary to interact with agents and objects.
ExternalException - if an unexpected internal error occurs.

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