Interface IObject

All Superinterfaces:
IActiveConcept, IActiveInstance, IConcept, IType, IUserDefinedType

public interface IObject
extends IActiveInstance

An 'object' in Brahms is the second most central element in a Brahms model. An object represents a specific artifact in the world. It is possible to model the activities of an artifact in an organization. For example the data processing activities of a computer system can be modeled. The activities can be defined in the object's class (which will be inherited by the object) and/or can be defined for the object itself.

$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2009/11/23 18:38:30 $ $Author: rnado $
Ron van Hoof
See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common.IUserDefinedType
Method Summary
 IClass getParent()
          Returns the parent class of this object.
 boolean isInstanceOf(IClass cls)
          Determines whether this object is an instance of the specified class.
 void sendTo(IActiveInstance receiver, int type, IContext ctx)
          Sends this object and its contents to the specified receiver.
 void sendTo(IActiveInstance receiver, int type, IStatementOrganizer organizer, IContext ctx)
          Sends this object and its contents to the specified receiver in the order organized by the specified IStatementOrganizer.
Methods inherited from interface gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common.IActiveInstance
acquireMemoryReference, addBeliefRelationConcept, assertBelief, assertBeliefs, deregisterForMonitoring, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBelief, getBeliefAttributeBoolean, getBeliefAttributeBoolean, getBeliefAttributeBoolean, getBeliefAttributeByte, getBeliefAttributeByte, getBeliefAttributeByte, getBeliefAttributeChar, getBeliefAttributeChar, getBeliefAttributeChar, getBeliefAttributeConcept, getBeliefAttributeConcept, getBeliefAttributeConcept, getBeliefAttributeDouble, getBeliefAttributeDouble, getBeliefAttributeDouble, getBeliefAttributeFloat, getBeliefAttributeFloat, getBeliefAttributeFloat, getBeliefAttributeInt, getBeliefAttributeInt, getBeliefAttributeInt, getBeliefAttributeJava, getBeliefAttributeJava, getBeliefAttributeJava, getBeliefAttributeLong, getBeliefAttributeLong, getBeliefAttributeLong, getBeliefAttributeMap, getBeliefAttributeShort, getBeliefAttributeShort, getBeliefAttributeShort, getBeliefAttributeSortedMap, getBeliefAttributeString, getBeliefAttributeString, getBeliefAttributeString, getBeliefAttributeValue, getBeliefAttributeValue, getBeliefAttributeValue, getBeliefForIndex, getBeliefForIndex, getBeliefRelationConcepts, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, getBeliefs, hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue, hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue, hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue, hasBeliefAttributeValue, hasBeliefAttributeValue, hasBeliefAttributeValue, hasBeliefRelationAnyValue, hasBeliefRelationValue, registerForMonitoring, releaseMemoryReference, removeAllBeliefRelationValues, removeBeliefRelationConcept, retractBelief, setBeliefAttributeBoolean, setBeliefAttributeBoolean, setBeliefAttributeBoolean, setBeliefAttributeByte, setBeliefAttributeByte, setBeliefAttributeByte, setBeliefAttributeChar, setBeliefAttributeChar, setBeliefAttributeChar, setBeliefAttributeConcept, setBeliefAttributeConcept, setBeliefAttributeConcept, setBeliefAttributeDouble, setBeliefAttributeDouble, setBeliefAttributeDouble, setBeliefAttributeFloat, setBeliefAttributeFloat, setBeliefAttributeFloat, setBeliefAttributeInt, setBeliefAttributeInt, setBeliefAttributeInt, setBeliefAttributeJava, setBeliefAttributeJava, setBeliefAttributeJava, setBeliefAttributeJava, setBeliefAttributeJava, setBeliefAttributeJava, setBeliefAttributeLong, setBeliefAttributeLong, setBeliefAttributeLong, setBeliefAttributeShort, setBeliefAttributeShort, setBeliefAttributeShort, setBeliefAttributeString, setBeliefAttributeString, setBeliefAttributeString, setBeliefAttributeSymbol, setBeliefAttributeSymbol, setBeliefAttributeSymbol, setBeliefAttributeUnknown, setBeliefAttributeUnknown, setBeliefAttributeUnknown, setBeliefRelationUnknown
Methods inherited from interface gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common.IActiveConcept
hasThoughtframes, hasWorkframes
Methods inherited from interface gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common.IConcept
getAttribute, getAttributes, getRelation, getRelations, isLocal
Methods inherited from interface gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common.IType
getName, getType

Method Detail


IClass getParent()
                 throws ExternalException
Returns the parent class of this object.

IClass the parent class
ExternalException - if there was a problem obtaining the parent class


boolean isInstanceOf(IClass cls)
                     throws ExternalException
Determines whether this object is an instance of the specified class.

cls - the IClass to test as the super class for this object
true if this object is an instance of the specified class, false otherwise
ExternalException - if cls is null


void sendTo(IActiveInstance receiver,
            int type,
            IContext ctx)
            throws ExternalException
Sends this object and its contents to the specified receiver. If the receiver is local to the object, i.e. both are active in the same agent environment then the content of the object is transferred without any additonal action, however if the receiver is hosted in a different agent environment than then the object, then the transfer type determines how the object is reconstructed in the agent environment of the receiver. If the transfer type is BY_REFERENCE then the object will remain a reference to this object and the beliefs are transferred to the receiver. If however the transfer type is BY_VALUE then the object will be converted to a local copy of this object in the remote agent environment, the beliefs are asserted in that copy and the beliefs are asserted into the belief set of the receiver. Note that this action results in two copies of the same object with the same unique identifier, but belief updates in the belief set of this object in one agent environment will not be reflected in the copies of that object in other agent environments.

receiver - the ActiveInstance to receive the belief contents of this object
type - the transfer type BY_REFERENCE or BY_VALUE
ctx - the IContext for the action
ExternalException - ExternalException if an internal error occurs, in case of a communication failure the linked exception will be one of NotLocatableException, TransportFailure, or MessageNotRepliedToException
See Also:
ITransferType.BY_REFERENCE, ITransferType.BY_VALUE, ServiceException, SecurityFailure, NoSuchActorException, ActorNotActiveException, NotLocatableException, TransportFailure


void sendTo(IActiveInstance receiver,
            int type,
            IStatementOrganizer organizer,
            IContext ctx)
            throws ExternalException
Sends this object and its contents to the specified receiver in the order organized by the specified IStatementOrganizer. If the receiver is local to the object, i.e. both are active in the same agent environment then the content of the object is transferred without any additonal action, however if the receiver is hosted in a different agent environment than then the object, then the transfer type determines how the object is reconstructed in the agent environment of the receiver. If the transfer type is BY_REFERENCE then the object will remain a reference to this object and the beliefs are transferred to the receiver. If however the transfer type is BY_VALUE then the object will be converted to a local copy of this object in the remote agent environment, the beliefs are asserted in that copy and the beliefs are asserted into the belief set of the receiver. Note that this action results in two copies of the same object with the same unique identifier, but belief updates in the belief set of this object in one agent environment will not be reflected in the copies of that object in other agent environments.

receiver - the ActiveInstance to receive the belief contents of this object
type - the transfer type BY_REFERENCE or BY_VALUE
organizer - the IStatementOrganizer used to send the object's beliefs in a specific order organized by the organizer
ctx - the IContext for the action
ExternalException - ExternalException if an internal error occurs, in case of a communication failure the linked exception will be one of NotLocatableException, TransportFailure, or MessageNotRepliedToException
See Also:
ITransferType.BY_REFERENCE, ITransferType.BY_VALUE, ServiceException, SecurityFailure, NoSuchActorException, ActorNotActiveException, NotLocatableException, TransportFailure

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