Package gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common

Interface Summary
IActiveClass An ActiveClass is a generic concept for the class like concepts that specify the behavior their instances will be capable of.
IActiveConcept An ActiveConcept is a generic concept that marks concepts as specifying behavioral constructs to allow active instances to reason and perform activities.
IActiveInstance An ActiveInstance is a generic concept that indicates that the instance can have behavior.
IAgent An agent in Brahms is the most central construct in a Brahms model.
IArea An area represents a geographical location and is used to create a geographical representation for use in the model.
IAreaDef An area definition is used for defining area constructs used for representing geographical information in a model.
IAttribute The IAttribute interface is an interface to an attribute specified for a concept loaded in the virtual machine.
IAttributeTuple IAttributeTuple is a wrapper interface for an attribute based tuple specifying the state represented by an IStatement (IBelief or IFact).
IBelief IBelief is a wrapper interface for a belief that is either to be asserted to a beliefset of an agent or object or for a belief that is already part of an agent/object's beliefset.
IClass The concept of a 'class' in Brahms is similar to the concept of a template or class in object-oriented programming.
ICollectionType An ICollectionType represents a type that can maintain a list of multiple values optionally identified by an index or key.
IConcept The IConcept interface is an interface to a concept loaded in the virtual machine.
IConceptualClass A conceptual object class defines a type of conceptual objects used in a model.
IConceptualConcept A ConceptualConcept is a generic concept to indicatate the concepts that maintain information on a conceptual level.
IConceptualObject A conceptual object is used to allow for a user to track things that exist as concepts in people's minds, like the concept of an order.
IContext The IContext interface is an interface to a context object that maintains context information relevant for certain API calls.
ICurrent Current references the current agent executing an activity.
IFact IFact is a wrapper interface for a fact that is either to be asserted to the world state or for a fact that is already part of the world state.
IGeographyConcept A GeographyConcept is a generic concept to identify the concepts that make up the geography of a Brahms model.
IGroup The concept of a "group" in Brahms is similar to the concept of a template or class in object-oriented programming.
IJavaType The IJavaType interface is used to wrap the Java type declared for an attribute, variable or parameter.
IMetaType This interface is an interface to specify meta types used in the Brahms language.
IModel IModel is the interface to a model loaded in the virtual machine.
IObject An 'object' in Brahms is the second most central element in a Brahms model.
IParameter The IParameter interface is an interface to a parameter passed to a java activity allowing access to its value.
IPath A path connects two areas together and represents a route that can be taken by an agent or object to travel from one area to another.
IPrimitiveType This interface is an interface to specify primitive types used in the Brahms language.
IRelation The IRelation interface is an interface to a relation specified for a concept loaded in the virtual machine.
IRelationalOperator The IRelationalOperator interface defines the constants identifying the relational operators that can be used in the Brahms virtual machine for beliefs, facts and conditions.
IRelationTuple IRelationTuple is a wrapper interface for a relation based tuple specifying the state represented by an IStatement (IBelief or IFact).
IStatement IStatement is a wrapper interface for a statement that defines a (believed) state in the world.
IStatementOrganizer An IStatementOrganizer is an interface to a statement organizer that organizes a list of statements into a specific order.
ITransferType The ITransferType interface publishes a set of transfer type constants to indicate whether an IObject is to be transferred by reference or by value.
ITruthValue This interface is an interface to specify the constants for the possible truth values about a relation.
ITuple ITuple is a wrapper interface for a tuple specifying the state represented by an IStatement (IBelief or IFact).
IType This interface is a generic interface to specify types used in the Brahms language.
IUnknown This interface is an interface to specify the constant for the 'unknown' value used in beliefs, facts and used in concluding beliefs/facts with the 'unknown' value.
IUserDefinedType This interface is an interface to specify user defined types used in the Brahms language.
IVariable The IVariable interface is an interface to a variable specified in a frame and bound or not bound to a value.

Class Summary
AgentFactory The AgentFactory provides methods to create new agents.
BeliefFactory The BeliefFactory provides methods to create new beliefs.
BrahmsClassDescriptor BrahmsClassDescriptor maintains a record of the Brahms class and its attributes and relations.
BrahmsGroupDescriptor BrahmsGroupDescriptor maintains a record of a Brahms group and its attributes and relations.
DefaultStatementOrganizer The DefaultStatementOrganizer organizes the statements into an array without changing the order.
FactFactory The FactFactory provides methods to create new facts.

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