Packages that use IObject | |
brahms.base.util | |
brahms.communication | |
gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common | |
gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert |
Uses of IObject in brahms.base.util |
Methods in brahms.base.util that return IObject | |
static IObject |
BrahmsCalendar.getBrahmsCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar calendar,
IObject brahmsCalendar,
IContext ctx)
Converts a Java GregorianCalendar into a Brahms Calendar. |
Methods in brahms.base.util with parameters of type IObject | |
static IObject |
BrahmsCalendar.getBrahmsCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar calendar,
IObject brahmsCalendar,
IContext ctx)
Converts a Java GregorianCalendar into a Brahms Calendar. |
static java.util.GregorianCalendar |
BrahmsCalendar.getJavaCalendar(IObject calendar,
IContext ctx)
Converts a Brahms Calendar into a Java GregorianCalendar. |
Uses of IObject in brahms.communication |
Methods in brahms.communication that return IObject | |
static IObject |
CommunicativeAct.createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action,
java.lang.String subject,
java.lang.String performative,
IActiveInstance sender,
IActiveInstance receiver,
IActiveInstance replyTo,
IContext ctx)
Deprecated. |
static IObject |
CommunicativeAct.createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action,
java.lang.String subject,
java.lang.String performative,
IActiveInstance sender,
IActiveInstance receiver,
IContext ctx)
Deprecated. |
IObject |
Returns the Brahms CommunicativeAct for which this is the Java representation. |
Methods in brahms.communication with parameters of type IObject | |
static boolean |
CommunicativeAct.getBooleanPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the boolean value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static byte |
CommunicativeAct.getBytePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the byte property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static char |
CommunicativeAct.getCharPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the char property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static IConcept |
CommunicativeAct.getConceptPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the IConcept value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static double |
CommunicativeAct.getDoublePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the double value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static float |
CommunicativeAct.getFloatPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the float value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static int |
CommunicativeAct.getIntPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the int property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static java.lang.Object |
CommunicativeAct.getJavaPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the Java Object value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static long |
CommunicativeAct.getLongPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the long property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static java.io.Serializable |
CommunicativeAct.getSerializablePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the Serializable value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static short |
CommunicativeAct.getShortPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the short property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static java.lang.String |
CommunicativeAct.getStringPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the string property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static java.lang.String |
CommunicativeAct.getSymbolPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the symbol property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
static IUnknown |
CommunicativeAct.getUnknownPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IContext ctx)
Returns the boolean value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act. |
void |
AbstractCommunicationAgent.removeReplyHandler(IObject message)
Removes the IReplyHandler that was registered for the specified CommunicativeAct. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.sendCommunicativeAct(IObject commAct,
IActiveInstance receiver,
IContext ctx)
Sends the beliefs stored in the specified Brahms CommunicativeAct to the the specified receiver and makes sure that the 'envelope("sender")' belief is sent last. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setAction(IObject communicativeAct,
java.lang.String action,
IContext ctx)
Sets the action for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setConversationID(IObject communicativeAct,
java.lang.String conversationID,
IContext ctx)
Sets the conversation-id for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPerformative(IObject communicativeAct,
java.lang.String performative,
IContext ctx)
Sets the performative for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
boolean value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
byte value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
char value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
double value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
float value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IConcept value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
int value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
IUnknown value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
long value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
java.io.Serializable value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
short value,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct,
CommunicativeAct.MAP map,
java.lang.String key,
java.lang.String value,
boolean symbol,
IContext ctx)
Sets a property value for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setRaisedException(IObject communicativeAct,
IConceptualObject exception,
IActiveInstance sender,
IContext ctx)
Sets the 'raisedException' attribute for the given communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setReceiver(IObject communicativeAct,
IActiveInstance receiver,
IContext ctx)
Sets the receiver attribute for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setReplyTo(IObject communicativeAct,
IActiveInstance replyTo,
IContext ctx)
Sets the replyTo attribute for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setSender(IObject communicativeAct,
IActiveInstance sender,
IContext ctx)
Sets the sender attribute for the specified communicative act. |
static void |
CommunicativeAct.setSubject(IObject communicativeAct,
java.lang.String subject,
IContext ctx)
Sets the subject for the specified communicative act. |
Constructors in brahms.communication with parameters of type IObject | |
CommunicativeAct(IObject communicativeAct,
IContext ctx)
Constructor, creates a new CommunicativeAct to represent a Brahms CommunicativeAct and automatically reads the attribute values from the communicative act. |
CommunicativeAct(IObject communicativeAct,
IContext ctx,
boolean retrieveMapValues)
Constructor, creates a new CommunicativeAct to represent a Brahms CommunicativeAct. |
Uses of IObject in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common |
Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common that return IObject | |
IObject |
IModel.getObject(java.lang.String name)
Returns the object with the specified name. |
IObject |
IModel.getObject(java.lang.String name,
int strategy)
Returns the object with the specified name. |
IObject |
IClass.newInstance(java.lang.String name,
IContext actionCtx)
newInstance creates a new instance of this class and returns the new instance. |
Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common that return types with arguments of type IObject | |
java.util.List<IObject> |
IClass.getInstances(boolean includeSubClasses)
Returns a list of all of this class' instances. |
Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common with parameters of type IObject | |
java.lang.Object |
BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject obj,
IAttribute lhsAttribute,
IContext brahmsCtx)
Returns the value for the attribute of the specified object. |
java.lang.Object |
BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject source,
IConcept lhsConcept,
IAttribute lhsAttribute,
IContext brahmsCtx)
Returns the value for the attribute of the specified object. |
java.lang.Object |
BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject source,
IConcept lhsConcept,
IRelation rel,
IContext brahmsCtx)
Returns the values for the relation of the specified object. |
java.lang.Object |
BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject obj,
IRelation rel,
IContext brahmsCtx)
Returns the values for the relation of the specified object. |
void |
BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject obj,
IAttribute att,
java.lang.Object value,
IContext brahmsCtx)
Sets the value for the attribute of the specified object. |
void |
BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject destination,
IConcept lhsConcept,
IAttribute lhsAttribute,
java.lang.Object value,
IContext brahmsCtx)
Sets the value for the attribute of the specified object. |
void |
BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject destination,
IConcept lhsConcept,
IRelation rel,
java.lang.Object value,
IContext brahmsCtx)
Sets the value for the relation of the specified object. |
void |
BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject obj,
IRelation rel,
java.lang.Object value,
IContext brahmsCtx)
Sets the value for the relation of the specified object. |
Uses of IObject in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert |
Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert that return IObject | |
IObject |
ConversionContext.getBrahmsConverted(java.lang.Object jobj)
Returns the Brahms object that was converted from the specified Java object. |
IObject |
InstanceMappingSingleton.getBrahmsMapping(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the Brahms object mapped to the specified Java object. |
IObject |
IInstanceMapping.getBrahmsMapping(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the Brahms object mapped to the specified Java object. |
IObject |
ConverterManager.toBrahms(java.lang.Object obj,
ConversionContext ctx)
Converts the specified Java object into its matching Brahms object representation. |
Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert that return types with arguments of type IObject | |
java.util.List<IObject> |
Returns the list of Brahms objects that were created during the conversion. |
Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert with parameters of type IObject | |
void |
ConversionContext.addBrahmsConverted(java.lang.Object jobj,
IObject bobj)
Adds the specified Java object as being or having been converted to the specified Brahms object. |
void |
ConversionContext.addCreatedBrahmsObject(IObject obj)
Adds the specified Brahms object as a Brahms object created during the conversion. |
void |
ConversionContext.addJavaConverted(IObject bobj,
java.lang.Object jobj)
Adds the specified Brahms object as being or having been converted to the specified Java object. |
void |
InstanceMappingSingleton.addMapping(java.lang.Object jobj,
IObject bobj)
Adds the specified mapping between the specified Java object and Brahms object. |
void |
IInstanceMapping.addMapping(java.lang.Object jobj,
IObject bobj)
Adds the specified mapping between the specified Java object and Brahms object. |
java.lang.Object |
ConversionContext.getJavaConverted(IObject bobj)
Returns the Java object that was converted from the specified Brahms object. |
java.lang.Object |
InstanceMappingSingleton.getJavaMapping(IObject obj)
Returns the Java object mapped to the specified Brahms object. |
java.lang.Object |
IInstanceMapping.getJavaMapping(IObject obj)
Returns the Java object mapped to the specified Brahms object. |
void |
InstanceMappingSingleton.removeMapping(java.lang.Object jobj,
IObject bobj)
Removes the specified mapping between the specified Java object and Brahms object. |
void |
IInstanceMapping.removeMapping(java.lang.Object jobj,
IObject bobj)
Removes the specified mapping between the specified Java object and Brahms object. |
java.lang.Object |
ConverterManager.toJava(IObject obj,
ConversionContext ctx)
Converts the specified Brahms object into its matching Java object representation. |