Uses of Class

Packages that use Comparison   

Uses of Comparison in

Subclasses of Comparison in
 class ObjectComparison
          class ObjectComparison
 class ValueComparison
          A ValueComparison represents a comparison between two values in a relation that can be one of '=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<='.

Methods in that return Comparison
 Comparison Condition.getComparison()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Comparison
 java.util.List<Comparison> Consequence.getComparisons()
          Returns the comparisons defining the expression for concluding new state.

Methods in with parameters of type Comparison
 void Condition.setComparison(Comparison c)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Comparison
 void Consequence.setComparisons(java.util.List<Comparison> comparisons)
          Sets the comparisons defining the expression for concluding new state.

Constructors in with parameters of type Comparison
Condition(Comparison c)
Condition(Comparison c, int truth)
Consequence(Comparison c)
          Constructor, creates a new Consequence with the specified Comparison specifying the conditional expression with a truth value of TRUE and a belief and fact certainty of 100.
Consequence(Comparison c, int truth)
          Constructor, creates a new Consequence with the specified Comparison specifying the conditional expression with the specified truth value and a belief and fact certainty of 100.
Consequence(Comparison c, int bc, int fc)
          Constructor, creates a new Consequence with the specified Comparison specifying the conditional expression with a truth value of TRUE and with the specified belief and fact certainties.
Consequence(Comparison c, int truth, int bc, int fc)
          Constructor, creates a new Consequence with the specified Comparison specifying the conditional expression and with the specified truth value, belief and fact certainty.
Detectable(java.lang.String name, Comparison c)
          Constructor, create a new detectable with the specified name and the specified comparison specifying the condition to be detected.
Detectable(java.lang.String name, Comparison c, int truth)
          Constructor, create a new detectable with the specified name and the specified comparison and truth value specifying the condition to be detected.
InitialStatement(Comparison c)
InitialStatement(Comparison c, int truth)
Precondition(Comparison c)
          Constructor, creates a new precondition specified by the given comparison.
Precondition(Comparison c, int truth)
          Constructor, creates a new precondition specified by the given comparison and with the specified truth-value.
Precondition(int modifier, Comparison c)
          Constructor, creates a new precondition specified by the given comparison with the specified modifier.
Precondition(int modifier, Comparison c, int truth)
          Constructor, creates a new precondition specified by the given comparison with the specified modifier and truth value.
TransferDefinition(Comparison c)
TransferDefinition(Comparison c, int truth)
TransferDefinition(int action, Comparison c)
TransferDefinition(int action, Comparison c, int truth)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Comparison
Consequence(java.util.List<Comparison> comparisons, int truth, int bc, int fc)
          Constructor, creates a new Consequence with the specified Comparisons specifying the conditional expression and with the specified truth value, belief and fact certainty.

Uses of Comparison in

Subclasses of Comparison in
 class VMObjectComparison
          The VMObjectComparison is an ObjectComparison with extensions for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMValueComparison
          A VMValueComparison is a ValueComparison with extensions for use in the virtual machine.

Constructors in with parameters of type Comparison
VMConsequence(Comparison c)
          Constructor, creates a new Consequence for use in the virtual machine.
VMConsequence(Comparison c, int truth)
          Constructor, creates a new Consequence for use in the virtual machine.
VMConsequence(Comparison c, int bc, int fc)
          Constructor, creates a new Consequence for use in the virtual machine.
VMConsequence(Comparison c, int truth, int bc, int fc)
          Constructor, creates a new Consequence for use in the virtual machine.
VMDetectable(java.lang.String name, Comparison c)
          Constructor, create a new detectable with the specified name and the specified comparison specifying the condition to be detected.
VMDetectable(java.lang.String name, Comparison c, int truth)
          Constructor, create a new detectable with the specified name and the specified comparison and truth value specifying the condition to be detected.
VMPrecondition(Comparison c)
          Constructor, creates a new precondition specified by the given comparison.
VMPrecondition(Comparison c, int truth)
          Constructor, creates a new precondition specified by the given comparison and with the specified truth-value.
VMPrecondition(int modifier, Comparison c)
          Constructor, creates a new precondition specified by the given comparison with the specified modifier.
VMPrecondition(int modifier, Comparison c, int truth)
          Constructor, creates a new precondition specified by the given comparison with the specified modifier and truth value.
VMTransferDefinition(Comparison c)
          Constructor, creates a new transfer definition with the specified comparison specifying the information that needs to be transfered.
VMTransferDefinition(Comparison c, int truth)
          Constructor, creates a new transfer definition with the specified comparison specifying the information that needs to be transfered and the truth value of the comparison.
VMTransferDefinition(int action, Comparison c)
          Constructor, creates a new transfer definition with the specified comparison specifying the information that needs to be transfered and the action specifying the direction of the transfer.
VMTransferDefinition(int action, Comparison c, int truth)
          Constructor, creates a new transfer definition with the specified comparison specifying the information that needs to be transfered, the truth value of the comparison and the action specifying the direction of the transfer.

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