Packages that use IConditionCtx | |
gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt | |
gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt |
Uses of IConditionCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt |
Subinterfaces of IConditionCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt | |
interface |
The IConsequenceCtx is the interface for consequence contexts defining the context for a fired consequence defining the consequence that was fired, what frame fired the consequence and defining what beliefs and/or facts were created by the consequence. |
interface |
The IDetectableCtx defines the interface for the context for a fired detectable defining the detectable that was fired, in what frame or composite activity the detectable was fired, the fact or belief detected and the belief created by the detectable. |
interface |
The IPreconditionCtx is the interface for precondition contexts that defines the beliefs or facts that made the precondition evaluate to true, the variables it bound and the frame for which the precondition evaluated to true. |
interface |
The ITransferDefinitionCtx is the interface for the context for a transfer definition defining in what communication or broadcast activity the transfer took place, the direction of the transfer, the communicated beliefs, the beliefs created by the transfer definition, the parameters used by the transfer definition and the variables bound by this transfer definition. |
Classes in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt that implement IConditionCtx | |
class |
The ConditionCtx references a Condition defined in a Brahms model or created by the virtual machine. |
class |
The ConsequenceCtx defines the context for a fired consequence defining the consequence that was fired, what frame fired the consequence and defining what beliefs and/or facts were created by the consequence. |
class |
The DetectableCtx defines the context for a fired detectable defining the detectable that was fired, in what frame or composite activity the detectable was fired, the fact or belief detected and the belief created by the detectable. |
class |
The PreconditionCtx defines the context for a precondition defining the beliefs or facts that made the precondition evaluate to true and defining the frame for which the precondition evaluated to true. |
class |
The TransferDefinitionCtx is the context for a transfer definition defining in what communication or broadcast activity the transfer took place, the direction of the transfer, the communicated beliefs, the beliefs created by the transfer definition, the parameters used by the transfer definition and the variables bound by this transfer definition. |
Uses of IConditionCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt |
Classes in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt that implement IConditionCtx | |
class |
The VMConsequenceCtx is a ConsequenceCtx with specializations for use in the virtual machine. |
class |
The VMDetectableCtx defines the context for a fired detectable defining the detectable that was fired, in what frame or composite activity the detectable was fired, the fact or belief detected and the belief created by the detectable. |
class |
The VMPreconditionCtx defines the context for a precondition defining the beliefs or facts that made the precondition evaluate to true and defining the frame for which the precondition evaluated to true. |
class |
The VMTransferDefinitionCtx is the context for a transfer definition defining in what communication or broadcast activity the transfer took place, the direction of the transfer, the communicated beliefs, the beliefs created by the transfer definition, the parameters used by the transfer definition and the variables bound by this transfer definition. |