Uses of Class

Packages that use VMException

Uses of VMException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.components

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.components that throw VMException
 IExternalService IVMController.getExternalService(java.lang.String id)
          Returns the external service with the specified ID if such a service is loaded, otherwise a VMException is thrown.
 void IVMController.loadExternalService(java.lang.String className)
          Loads the external service specified with the className in the virtual machine.
 void IVMController.pause()
          Pauses all activated concepts, pausing all the engines and the scheduler.
 void IVMController.resume()
          Resumes all paused active concepts, resuming the activities of the scheduler and all the engines.
 void IVMController.start()
          Activates all the concepts loaded in the virtual machine.
 void IVMController.stop()
          Stops the virtual machine and all the concepts.

Uses of VMException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.exceptions

Subclasses of VMException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.exceptions
 class ConceptNotFoundException
          The ConceptNotFoundException is an exception thrown by the Brahms virtual machine when a model or concept to be loaded by the virtual machine can not be found.
 class ConceptRegistrationException
          The ConceptNotFoundException is an exception thrown by the Brahms virtual machine when a model or concept to be loaded by the virtual machine can not be found.
 class EventNotifierException
          The EventNotifierException is an exception thrown by the event notifier as part of the Brahms virtual machine used to notify the users of the event notifier of error conditions.
 class MessageFormatException
          This exception must be thrown when an EventNotifier client attempts to use a data type not supported by an event message or attempts to read data in a message as the wrong type.
 class MessageNotRepliedToException
          This exception must be thrown when a message was send to a remote agent and no reply was received from that agent to confirm that the message was received or with the answers to a request within the time-limit specified for the communicated message.

Uses of VMException in

Methods in that throw VMException
 void VMObjectInstance.deregister()
          Unregisters the agent from the CI.
 void VMAgent.deregister()
          Unregisters the agent from the CI. VMObjectInstance.getActor()
          Returns this object's Collaborative Infrastructure actor. VMAgent.getActor()
          Returns this agent's Collaborative Infrastructure actor.

Uses of VMException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt that throw VMException
 byte StatementSet.assertStatement(VMStatementCtx s, long time)
          Asserts the specified statement in the statement set.
 byte IStatementSet.assertStatement(VMStatementCtx s, long time)
          Asserts the specified statement in the statement set.
protected  gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.engine.IEngine VMObjectInstanceCtx.createEngine(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc)
          Creates a new engine for this active concept for use in a virtual machine
protected  gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.engine.IEngine VMAgentCtx.createEngine(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc)
          Creates a new engine for this active concept for use in a virtual machine
protected abstract  gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.engine.IEngine VMActiveInstanceCtx.createEngine(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc)
          Creates a new engine for this active concept for use in a virtual machine
protected  gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.engine.IWorkSelector VMActiveInstanceCtx.createWorkSelector()
          Creates a new work selector for this active concept to be used to select the work to be worked on when the engine asks for it.
 void VMDetectableCtx.detect(long time)
          Checks if any of the facts in the world's fact set can be matched with this detectable.
 void VMDetectableCtx.detect(long time, VMFactCtx fact)
          Checks if the specified fact can be matched with this detectable.
 java.util.Enumeration<IBeliefCtx> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getRemoteBeliefs(ActiveInstance requestor)
          Requests from this remote agent the set of beliefs matching the specified pattern.
 void VMPathCtx.initialize(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc, long time)
          Initializes the concept for use in a virtual machine controller by the specified virtual machine controller.
 void VMExternalAgentCtx.initialize(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc, long time)
          Initializes the concept for use in a virtual machine controller by the specified virtual machine controller.
 void VMConceptualInstanceCtx.initialize(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc, long time)
          Initializes the concept for use in a virtual machine controller by the specified virtual machine controller.
 void VMAreaCtx.initialize(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc, long time)
          Initializes the concept for use in a virtual machine controller by the specified virtual machine controller.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.initialize(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc, long time)
          Initializes the concept for use in a virtual machine controller by the specified virtual machine controller.
 void IRuntimeConceptCtx.initialize(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc, long time)
          Initializes the concept for use in a virtual machine controller by the specified virtual machine controller.
 void VMObjectInstanceCtx.initializeAsCopy(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc)
          Initializes the object as a local copy of a remote object.
 void VMExternalAgentCtx.pause()
          Pauses the external agent.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.pause()
          Pauses the active instance, pausing the processing of new facts, beliefs and the execution of activities.
 void VMExternalAgentCtx.postEvent( evt)
          The only events that can come in are events for beliefs communicated to this external agent or facts asserted in or retracted from the world state.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.postEvent( evt)
          Posts the specified event on the active instance's discrete event queue for processing.
 void VMExternalAgentCtx.process(long time)
          In simulation mode the Scheduler determines when an agent can process events up to what time.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.process(long time)
          In simulation mode the Scheduler determines when an agent can process events up to what time.
 void VMPathCtx.reset()
          Resets the concept removing its context and any references and additional components created to use this concept in a virtual machine.
 void VMObjectInstanceCtx.reset()
          Resets the concept removing its context and any references and additional components created to use this concept in a virtual machine.
 void VMExternalAgentCtx.reset()
          Resets the concept removing its context and any references and additional components created to use this concept in a virtual machine.
 void VMConceptualInstanceCtx.reset()
          Resets this context, removing any references to other contexts
 void VMAreaCtx.reset()
          Resets the area context, removing all inhabitants.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.reset()
          Resets the concept removing its context and any references and additional components created to use this concept in a virtual machine.
 void IRuntimeConceptCtx.reset()
          Resets the concept removing its context and any references and additional components created to use this concept in a virtual machine.
 void VMExternalAgentCtx.resume()
          Resumes the external agent.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.resume()
          Resumes the active instance from its state when it is paused, resuming the processing of new facts, beliefs and the execution of activities.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.retractEvent( evt)
          Retracts the specified event from the active instance's discrete event queue to prevent processing.
 byte StatementSet.retractStatement(VMStatementCtx s, long time)
          Retracts the specified statement from the statement set.
 byte IStatementSet.retractStatement(VMStatementCtx s, long time)
          Retracts the specified statement from the statement set.
 void VMExternalAgentCtx.start()
          Starts the external agent.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.start()
          Starts the active instance, starting the processing of new facts, beliefs and the execution of activities.
 void VMExternalAgentCtx.stop()
          Stops the external agent.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.stop()
          Stops and resets the active instance, stops all processing of facts, beliefs and execution of activities.
 int VMDetectableCtx.trigger(long time)
          Checks if any of the beliefs in the belief set of the active instance checking the trigger can be matched with this detectable.
 int VMDetectableCtx.trigger(long time, VMBeliefCtx belief)
          Checks if the specified belief can be matched with the detectable.
 boolean VMDetectableCtx.triggerImpasseResolution(long time, VMBeliefCtx belief)
          Checks if the specified belief can be matched with the detectable.

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