Class AbstractExternalActivity

  extended by gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jac.AbstractExternalActivity
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AddObjectToArrayActivity, AddTimeActivity, ConvertToTimeZoneActivity, CopyFileActivity, CreateArrayActivity, CreateChecksumActivity, CreateCommunicativeActActivity, CreateExternalAgentActivity, DeleteFileActivity, DeregisterFromAgentMonitorActivity, FileExistsActivity, FindAgent, FindObject, GetArrayLengthActivity, GetCalendarActivity, GetCommunicativeActProperty, GetCurrentTimeActivity, GetJavaAttributeValueActivity, GetObjectAtActivity, GetPropertyValueActivity, GetTimeStampActivity, GetTomorrowActivity, GetYesterdayActivity, InDateRangeActivity, LoadPropertiesActivity, ParsePrimitiveValueActivity, PrintBeliefActivity, PrintFactActivity, PrintlnActivity, ReadBeliefsActivity, RegisterWithAgentMonitorActivity, ReplaceActivity, RetractAllBeliefsActivity, RetractBeliefsActivity, RetractCommunicativeActActivity, RetractFactsActivity, RTPrimitiveActivity, SendBeliefsActivity, SendCommunicativeActActivity, SetCommunicativeActProperty, SetJavaAttributeValueActivity, SetPropertyValueActivity, ToIntActivity, VerifyChecksumActivity

public abstract class AbstractExternalActivity
extends java.lang.Object
implements IExternalActivity

The AbstractExternalActivity is an interface for external activities implemented in Java called by Brahms Java activities. The external activity can perform any Java actions. This abstract class provides access to parameters passed to Brahms Java activities, and allows for adding bindings to unbound variables passed to Brahms java activities through parameters. Any class extending from this class is required to have a constructor with as parameter an IJavaActivityCtx. The activity will be passed to the external activity by the virtual machine.

$Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2009/11/29 21:47:04 $ $Author: rnado $
Ron van Hoof

Constructor Summary
          Constructor, creates a new AbstractExternalActivity
Method Summary
protected  void addBeliefRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept value)
          Adds a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by asserting a new belief into the activity performer's belief state.
protected  void addFactRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept value)
          Adds a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by asserting a new fact into the world state.
protected  void assertBelief(IBelief belief)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified belief to the belief set of the active instance performing this activity.
protected  void assertFact(IFact fact)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified fact into the world state including the distribution of the fact to all agents and objects.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, boolean value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, byte value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, char value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, double value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, float value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IConcept value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, byte value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, char value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, double value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, float value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, int value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, int value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, long value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, short value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IUnknown value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, long value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.util.Map collection, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes new IFact(s) and/or IBelief(s) of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, short value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, byte value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, char value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, double value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, float value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, int value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, long value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, short value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthValue, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept with the specified truth value.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept.
 IStatement[] conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthValue, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept with the specified truth value.
 java.lang.Object convertCurrent(java.lang.Object value)
          Tests a value to see if it is an instance of ICurrent.
abstract  void doActivity()
          Executes the java activity code.
protected  boolean getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a boolean value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  boolean getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  boolean getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  byte getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a byte value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  byte getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  byte getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  char getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a char value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  char getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  char getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves achar value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  IConcept getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  IConcept getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  IConcept getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  double getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a double value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  double getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  double getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  float getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a float value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  float getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  float getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  int getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves an int value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  int getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  int getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  long getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a long value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  long getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  long getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> getBeliefAttributeMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Returns a Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from beliefs in the belief state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
protected  short getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a short value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  short getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  short getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  java.util.SortedMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> getBeliefAttributeSortedMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Returns a sorted Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from beliefs in the belief state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
protected  java.lang.String getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a String value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state The attribute's Brahms type may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.String getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.String getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.Object getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves the value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
protected  java.lang.Object getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
protected  java.lang.Object getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
protected  java.util.List<IConcept> getBeliefRelationConcepts(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Retrieves a list of concepts that are related to a given concept by a named relation by inspecting the beliefs in the activity performer's belief state.
protected  IContext getContext()
          Returns this activity's context
protected  boolean getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a boolean value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  boolean getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  boolean getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  byte getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a byte value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  byte getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  byte getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  char getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a char value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  char getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  char getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  IConcept getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  IConcept getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  IConcept getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  double getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a double value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  double getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  double getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  float getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a float value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  float getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  float getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  int getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves an int value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  int getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  int getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  long getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a long value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  long getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  long getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> getFactAttributeMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Returns a Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from facts in the world state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
protected  short getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a short value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  short getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  short getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  java.util.SortedMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> getFactAttributeSortedMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Returns a sorted Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from facts in the world state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
protected  java.lang.String getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a String value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state The attribute's Brahms type may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.String getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.String getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.Object getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves the value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state.
protected  java.lang.Object getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state.
protected  java.lang.Object getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state.
protected  java.util.List<IConcept> getFactRelationConcepts(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Retrieves a list of concepts that are related to a given concept by a named relation by inspecting the facts in the current world state.
protected  IModel getModel()
          Returns a reference to the model loaded in the virtual machine.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of this activity
protected  IParameter getParameter(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  boolean getParameterBoolean(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the boolean value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  byte getParameterByte(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the byte value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  char getParameterChar(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the character value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  IConcept getParameterConcept(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the concept value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  int getParameterCount()
          Returns the number of parameters specified for the activity.
protected  double getParameterDouble(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the double value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  float getParameterFloat(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the float value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  int getParameterInt(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the integer value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected getParameterJava(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Java Serializable value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  long getParameterLong(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the long value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  short getParameterShort(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the short value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  java.lang.String getParameterString(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the string value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  java.lang.String getParameterStringOrSymbol(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the symbol value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  java.lang.String getParameterSymbol(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the symbol value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  java.lang.Object getParameterValue(java.lang.String name)
          Generic method to return the value of a parameter as an object.
protected  java.util.List<java.lang.Object> getParameterValues(java.lang.String name)
          Generic method to return the values of a parameter as a list of objects.
protected  IActiveInstance getPerformedBy()
          Returns the active instance (agent or object) performing this activity.
protected  IVMController getVMController()
          Returns the virtual machine's controller usable by this activity.
protected  IWorldState getWorldState()
          Returns a reference to the world state managing the fact set.
protected  boolean hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given integer index based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given String key based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean hasBeliefRelationAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether there are any true beliefs for a given concept and named relation in the current belief state.
protected  boolean hasBeliefRelationValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept is related to a value by a named relation by inspecting the beliefs in the current belief state.
protected  boolean hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given integer index based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given String key based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean hasFactRelationAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether there are any true facts for a given concept and named relation in the current world state.
protected  boolean hasFactRelationValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept is related to a value by a named relation by inspecting the facts in the current world state.
protected  boolean hasMultipleParameterValues(java.lang.String name)
          Returns true if the named parameter is bound to a variable with multiple values.
protected  boolean isParameterUnbound(java.lang.String name)
          Tests whether the content of a parameter is an unbound variable.
protected  boolean isParameterUnknown(java.lang.String name)
          Tests whether the content of a parameter is the 'unknown' value.
 boolean isValidTruthValue(int truth)
          Checks whether the specified value is a valid truth value.
protected  java.util.List<IConcept> removeAllBeliefRelationValues(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by retracting beliefs from the activity performer's belief state.
protected  java.util.List<IConcept> removeAllFactRelationValues(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by retracting facts from the world state.
protected  void removeBeliefRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept value)
          Removes a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by retracting the corresponding belief from the activity performer's belief state.
protected  void removeFactRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept value)
          Removes a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by retracting the corresponding fact from the world state.
protected  void retractBelief(IBelief belief)
          Schedules the retraction of the specified belief from the belief set of the active instance performing this activity.
protected  void retractFact(IFact fact)
          Schedules the retraction of the specified fact from the world state including the notification of the retraction to all agents and objects.
protected  void send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified set of beliefs to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified beliefs to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.
protected  void send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the belief in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the belief in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.
 void setActivity(IJavaActivityCtx activity)
          Sets the activity to be wrapped by this external activity.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named attribute
protected  void setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named attribute.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at an int index.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at a String key.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named attribute.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at an int index.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at a String key.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named attribute
protected  void setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named attribute
protected  void setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named attribute.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at an int index.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at a String key.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named attribute.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at an int index.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at a String key.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named attribute
protected  void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named attribute
protected  void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named attribute
protected  void setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at an int index.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named attribute.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at a String key.
protected  void setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named attribute
protected  void setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named attribute
protected  void setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named attribute
protected  void setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setBeliefRelationUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by giving the relation a value of unknown.
protected  void setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named attribute
protected  void setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void setFactRelationUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by giving the relation a value of unknown.
protected  void setParameterBoolean(java.lang.String name, boolean value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a boolean value
protected  void setParameterByte(java.lang.String name, byte value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a byte value
protected  void setParameterChar(java.lang.String name, char value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a char value
protected  void setParameterConcept(java.lang.String name, IConcept value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to an IConcept value
protected  void setParameterDouble(java.lang.String name, double value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a double value
protected  void setParameterFloat(java.lang.String name, float value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a float value
protected  void setParameterInt(java.lang.String name, int value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to an int value
protected  void setParameterJava(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a Java Object value
protected  void setParameterJava(java.lang.String name, value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a Java value
protected  void setParameterLong(java.lang.String name, long value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a long value
protected  void setParameterShort(java.lang.String name, short value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a short value
protected  void setParameterString(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a String value
protected  void setParameterUnknown(java.lang.String name)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to the unknown value
 void setProperties(java.util.Properties p)
          Sets the properties for the activity.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this object
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractExternalActivity()
Constructor, creates a new AbstractExternalActivity

Method Detail


public final void setActivity(IJavaActivityCtx activity)
                       throws ExternalException
Sets the activity to be wrapped by this external activity. This method is called by the virtual machine and can not be called in the doActivity method.

activity - the IJavaActivityCtx for the Java activity
ExternalException - if a null activity is specified or if the external activity already wraps another activity


public final void setProperties(java.util.Properties p)
                         throws ExternalException
Sets the properties for the activity. The properties specify the allowed capabilities of the external activity. This method is called by the virtual machine and can not be called in the doActivity method.

p - the Properties set by the virtual machine.
ExternalException - if the properties were already set.


public final java.lang.String getName()
                               throws ExternalException
Returns the name of this activity

String the activity's name
ExternalException - if no Brahms activity is associated with this external activity


protected final IContext getContext()
Returns this activity's context

IContext the context for this activity


public abstract void doActivity()
                         throws ExternalException
Executes the java activity code.

Specified by:
doActivity in interface IExternalActivity
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final IVMController getVMController()
                                       throws ExternalException
Returns the virtual machine's controller usable by this activity.

IVMController the virtual machine's controller
ExternalException - if there is an internal error retrieving the virtual machine's controller


protected final int getParameterCount()
                               throws ExternalException
Returns the number of parameters specified for the activity.

int the number of parameters
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final IParameter getParameter(java.lang.String name)
                                 throws ExternalException
Returns the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists an exception is thrown.

name - the name of the requested parameter
IParameter an interface to the parameter and its value.
ExternalException - if the parameter could not be found.


protected final java.lang.Object getParameterValue(java.lang.String name)
                                            throws VariableNotBoundException,
Generic method to return the value of a parameter as an object. Values of primitive types are wrapped using their class representations. Also, instances of ICurrent are converted to the the concept for the agent performing the activity.

Note that the use of a getParameterXXX is more efficient if the type of the parameter is known

name - the name of the requested parameter
Object the parameter value
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final java.util.List<java.lang.Object> getParameterValues(java.lang.String name)
                                                             throws VariableNotBoundException,
Generic method to return the values of a parameter as a list of objects. Values of primitive types are wrapped using their class representations. Also, instances of ICurrent are converted to the the concept for the agent performing the activity. The only case in which a parameter would have more than one value is when it is bound to a collectall variable with multiple values.

name - the name of the requested parameter
List a list of Object references for the values of the parameter
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasMultipleParameterValues(java.lang.String name)
                                            throws ExternalException
Returns true if the named parameter is bound to a variable with multiple values. This will only be the case for parameters that are bound to collectall variables.

name - the name of the requested parameter
true if the parameter is bound to a variable with multiple values, else false
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final int getParameterInt(java.lang.String name)
                             throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the integer value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not an int or a variable with a value of type int an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
int the value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final char getParameterChar(java.lang.String name)
                               throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the character value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a char or a variable with a value of type char an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
char the value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final byte getParameterByte(java.lang.String name)
                               throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the byte value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a byte or a variable with a value of type byte an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
byte the value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final short getParameterShort(java.lang.String name)
                                 throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the short value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a short or a variable with a value of type short an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
short the value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final long getParameterLong(java.lang.String name)
                               throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the long value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a long or a variable of type long an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
long the value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final float getParameterFloat(java.lang.String name)
                                 throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the float value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a float or a variable with a value of type float an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
float the value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final double getParameterDouble(java.lang.String name)
                                   throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the double value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a double or a variable of type double an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
double the double value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean getParameterBoolean(java.lang.String name)
                                     throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the boolean value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a boolean or a variable of type boolean an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
boolean the boolean value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.String getParameterString(java.lang.String name)
                                             throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the string value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a string or a variable of type string an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
String the string value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.String getParameterSymbol(java.lang.String name)
                                             throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the symbol value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a symbol or a variable of type symbol an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
String the symbol value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.String getParameterStringOrSymbol(java.lang.String name)
                                                     throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the symbol value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a string or symbol or a variable of type string or symbol an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
String the string or symbol value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final getParameterJava(java.lang.String name)
                                               throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the Java Serializable value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a Serializable or a variable of type java an exception is thrown. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
Serializable the Java value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final IConcept getParameterConcept(java.lang.String name)
                                      throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Returns the concept value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity. If no parameter with such name exists or its value is not a concept or a variable of type concept an exception is thrown. Instances of ICurrent are converted to the agent performing the activity. If the parameter is bound to a collectall variable that has multiple values only the first value is returned.

name - the name of the requested parameter
IConcept the concept value of the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the value of the parameter does not have the required type
VariableNotBoundException - if the parameter is bound to an unbound variable
InvalidTypeException - if the parameter is bound to a variable with the wrong type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


public java.lang.Object convertCurrent(java.lang.Object value)
                                throws ExternalException
Tests a value to see if it is an instance of ICurrent. Returns the IActiveInstance performing the activity for an ICurrent, else returns the input value.

value - the Object to be tested and converted
Object the value or the IActiveInstance performing the activity
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final boolean isParameterUnbound(java.lang.String name)
                                    throws ExternalException
Tests whether the content of a parameter is an unbound variable. This method may be used as a guard before attempting to set an output parameter to a value

name - the String name of the parameter
boolean true if the parameter is an unbound output parameter, else false
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean isParameterUnknown(java.lang.String name)
                                    throws ExternalException
Tests whether the content of a parameter is the 'unknown' value. This method may be used as a guard before attempting to retrieve a primitive value from a parameter.

name - the String name of the parameter
boolean true if the parameter has the value 'unknown', else false
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterInt(java.lang.String name,
                                     int value)
                              throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to an int value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the int value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterChar(java.lang.String name,
                                      char value)
                               throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to a char value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the char value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterByte(java.lang.String name,
                                      byte value)
                               throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to a byte value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the byte value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterShort(java.lang.String name,
                                       short value)
                                throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to a short value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the short value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterLong(java.lang.String name,
                                      long value)
                               throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to a long value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the long value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterFloat(java.lang.String name,
                                       float value)
                                throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to a float value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the float value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterDouble(java.lang.String name,
                                        double value)
                                 throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to a double value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the double value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterBoolean(java.lang.String name,
                                         boolean value)
                                  throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to a boolean value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the boolean value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterString(java.lang.String name,
                                        java.lang.String value)
                                 throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to a String value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the String value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterJava(java.lang.String name,
                               throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to a Java value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the Serializable value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterJava(java.lang.String name,
                                      java.lang.Object value)
                               throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to a Java Object value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the Object value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterConcept(java.lang.String name,
                                         IConcept value)
                                  throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to an IConcept value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
value - the ICOncept value to be given to the parameter
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final void setParameterUnknown(java.lang.String name)
                                  throws InvalidContentTypeException,
Sets an output parameter of the activity to the unknown value

name - the String name of the output parameter to be set
InvalidContentTypeException - if the parameter is not bound to a variable
VariableBoundException - if the parameter's variable is already bound to a value
InvalidTypeException - the parameter's variable is of an incompatible type
ExternalException - if there is no parameter with the given name or an internal error occurs


protected final IActiveInstance getPerformedBy()
                                        throws ExternalException
Returns the active instance (agent or object) performing this activity.

IActiveInstance the agent or object performing this activity
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final IModel getModel()
                         throws ExternalException
Returns a reference to the model loaded in the virtual machine.

IModel the model loaded in the virtual machine.
ExternalException - is an internal error occurs.


protected final IWorldState getWorldState()
                                   throws ExternalException
Returns a reference to the world state managing the fact set.

IWorldState the virtual machine's world state
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs.


public final boolean isValidTruthValue(int truth)
Checks whether the specified value is a valid truth value.

truth - the truth value to be tested
true if the truth value is valid, false otherwise


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   IUnknown value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'. The attribute's type is not relevant. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the 'unknown' value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.
See Also:


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   int value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer. The attribute's type must be int, long, float, or double. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the integer value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   char value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character. The attribute's type must be char, int, long, float, or double. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the character value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   byte value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte. The attribute's type must be byte, short, int, long, float, or double. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the byte value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   short value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short. The attribute's type must be short, int, long, float, or double. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the short value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   long value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long. The attribute's type must be long, float, or double. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the long value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   float value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float. The attribute's type must be float or double. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the float value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   double value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double. The attribute's type must be double. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the double value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   boolean value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean. The attribute's type must be boolean. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the boolean value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   java.lang.String value,
                                   boolean symbol,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String. The attribute's type must be symbol or string. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the String value to be assigned to the attribute
symbol - indicates if the value is a symbol or string
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   IConcept value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept. The attribute's type must be an IMetaType or IConcept. The attribute name must not be 'location'. The 'location' attribute's value is managed by the virtual machine. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the IConcept value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable. The attribute's type must be IJavaType. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the Java Serializable to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int relop,
                                   java.lang.Object value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object. The attribute's type must be IJavaType. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the Java Object to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the value does not match with the attribute's type, the attribute is not specified for the given concept. if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   IUnknown value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the 'unknown' value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.
See Also:


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   IUnknown value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the 'unknown' value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.
See Also:


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   int value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the integer value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   int value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the integer value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   char value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the character value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   char value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the character value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   byte value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the byte value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   byte value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the byte value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   short value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the short value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   short value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the short value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   long value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the long value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   long value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the long value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   float value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the float value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   float value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the float value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   double value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the double value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   double value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the double value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   boolean value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the boolean value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   boolean value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the boolean value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   java.lang.String value,
                                   boolean symbol,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the String value to be assigned to the attribute
symbol - indicates if the value is a symbol or string
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   java.lang.String value,
                                   boolean symbol,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the String value to be assigned to the attribute
symbol - indicates if the value is a symbol or string
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   IConcept value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The attribute name must not be 'location'. The 'location' attribute's value is managed by the virtual machine. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the IConcept value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   IConcept value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The attribute name must not be 'location'. The 'location' attribute's value is managed by the virtual machine. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the IConcept value to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the Java Serializable to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   int collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   java.lang.Object value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the Java Object to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the Java Serializable to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                                   IAttribute attribute,
                                   java.lang.String collectionIndex,
                                   int relop,
                                   java.lang.Object value,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object. The attribute's type must be a collection type. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign a value
collectionIndex - the index/key in the collection for the specified value
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
value - the Java Object to be assigned to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if the collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public IStatement[] conclude(IConcept concept,
                             IAttribute attribute,
                             int relop,
                             java.util.Map collection,
                             int beliefcertainty,
                             int factcertainty)
                      throws ExternalException
Concludes new IFact(s) and/or IBelief(s) of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS. The index/value pairs are specified in the specified collection. The indices must be typed as either int or String, the values must be one of IUnknown, int, long, double, boolean, string, symbol or IConcept.

concept - the IConcept for which an attribute value is specified
attribute - the collection type IAttribute defined for the concept to which to assign the values
relop - the relational operator, one of IRelationalOperator.EQUALS or IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS.
collection - the index/value pairs to assign to the attribute
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains the list of IBelief and IFacts created as a result of this conclude, depending on the certainty. The IBeliefs and IFacts are wrappers for the created beliefs and facts that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the attribute is not specified for the given concept, if the attribute is not of a collection type, if a collection index is invalid, if the attribute is the location attribute, if an invalid relational operator is specified or if an invalid value is specified.
See Also:
IRelationalOperator.EQUALS, IRelationalOperator.NOT_EQUALS, IUnknown.UNKNOWN


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                   IRelation relation,
                                   IUnknown rhsConcept,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept. The truth-value is set to true. The right hand side concept is 'unknown'. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

lhsConcept - the IConcept for which the relation is specified
relation - the IRelation defined for the concept
rhsConcept - the IUnknown value to be related to the lhsConcept
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the rhsConcept does not match with the relation's type, the relation is not specified for the given lhsConcept or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.
See Also:


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                   IRelation relation,
                                   IConcept rhsConcept,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept. The truth-value is set to true. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

lhsConcept - the IConcept for which the relation is specified
relation - the IRelation defined for the concept
rhsConcept - the IConcept to be related to the lhsConcept
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the rhsConcept does not match with the relation's type, the relation is not specified for the given lhsConcept or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                   IRelation relation,
                                   IUnknown rhsConcept,
                                   int truthValue,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept with the specified truth value. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

lhsConcept - the IConcept for which the relation is specified
relation - the IRelation defined for the concept
rhsConcept - the IUnknown value to be related to the lhsConcept
truthValue - the truth value of the relationship (TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN)
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the rhsConcept does not match with the relation's type, the relation is not specified for the given lhsConcept or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.
See Also:
IUnknown.UNKNOWN, ITruthValue.TRUE, ITruthValue.FALSE, ITruthValue.UNKNOWN


public final IStatement[] conclude(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                   IRelation relation,
                                   IConcept rhsConcept,
                                   int truthValue,
                                   int beliefcertainty,
                                   int factcertainty)
                            throws ExternalException
Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept with the specified truth value. The belief is scheduled for assertion in the current agent's belief set, the fact is scheduled for assertion in the world state.

lhsConcept - the IConcept for which the relation is specified
relation - the IRelation defined for the concept
rhsConcept - the IConcept to be related to the lhsConcept
truthValue - the truth value of the relationship (TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN)
beliefcertainty - the percentage certainty that the belief indeed is created
factcertainty - the percentage certainty that the fact indeed is created
IStatement[] contains up to two elements, one being an IBelief and one being an IFact, depending on the certainty. The first slot is for an IBelief, the second one for an IFact. IBelief and IFact are wrappers for the created belief and fact that are scheduled for assertion. The IStatement array is null if neither has been created due to the certainty values.
ExternalException - if the rhsConcept does not match with the relation's type, the relation is not specified for the given lhsConcept or if the fact/belief certainty is less than 0 or more than 100.
See Also:
ITruthValue.TRUE, ITruthValue.FALSE, ITruthValue.UNKNOWN


protected final int getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an int value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
int the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type int
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final int getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          int index)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
int the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type int
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final int getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          java.lang.String key)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
int the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type int
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final char getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a char value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
char the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type char
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final char getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
char the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type char
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final char getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves achar value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
char the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type char
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final byte getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a byte value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
byte the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type int
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final byte getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
byte the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type byte
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final byte getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
byte the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type byte
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final short getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName)
                                       throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a short value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
short the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type short
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final short getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              int index)
                                       throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
short the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type short
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final short getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              java.lang.String key)
                                       throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
short the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type short
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final long getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a long value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
long the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type long
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final long getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
long the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type long
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final long getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
long the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type long
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final float getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName)
                                       throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a float value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
float the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type float
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final float getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              int index)
                                       throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
float the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type float
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final float getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              java.lang.String key)
                                       throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
float the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type float
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final double getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                java.lang.String attributeName)
                                         throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a double value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
double the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type double
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final double getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                int index)
                                         throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
double the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type double
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final double getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                java.lang.String key)
                                         throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
double the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type double
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                  java.lang.String attributeName)
                                           throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a boolean value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
boolean the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type boolean
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                  java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                  int index)
                                           throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
boolean the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type boolean
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                  java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                  java.lang.String key)
                                           throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
boolean the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type boolean
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.String getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                          java.lang.String attributeName)
                                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a String value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state The attribute's Brahms type may be either string or symbol.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
String the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not a string
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.String getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                          int index)
                                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
String the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is a string
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.String getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                          java.lang.String key)
                                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
String the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not a string
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                            java.lang.String attributeName)
                                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a Serializable value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
Serializable the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type Serializable
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                            int index)
                                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
Serializable the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type Serializable
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                            java.lang.String key)
                                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
Serializable the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type Serializable
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final IConcept getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                   java.lang.String attributeName)
                                            throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an IConcept value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
IConcept the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not a concept
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final IConcept getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                   java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                   int index)
                                            throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
IConcept the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not a concept
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final IConcept getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                   java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                   java.lang.String key)
                                            throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
IConcept the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not a concept
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> getBeliefAttributeMap(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                                                       java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                                                       boolean includeUnknown)
                                                                                throws InvalidTypeException,
Returns a Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from beliefs in the belief state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true. An empty Map will be returned if the value of the map attribute is Unknown.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose map attribute values are to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the map attribute whose values are to be retrieved
includeUnknown - true if unknown values should be included in the map entries
Map a map from the index/keys of the map attribute to their values
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute is not a map attribute
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.util.SortedMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> getBeliefAttributeSortedMap(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                                                                   java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                                                                   boolean includeUnknown)
                                                                                            throws InvalidTypeException,
Returns a sorted Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from beliefs in the belief state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true. An empty Map will be returned if the value of the map attribute is Unknown.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose map attribute values are to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the map attribute whose values are to be retrieved
includeUnknown - true if unknown values should be included in the map entries
SortedMap a sorted map from the index/keys of the map attribute to their values
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute is not a map attribute
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.Object getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                         java.lang.String attributeName)
                                                  throws ExternalException
Retrieves the value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state. Returns IUnknown.UNKNOWN if the value of the attribute is the unknown value.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
Object the value of the attribute
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.Object getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                         java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                         int index)
                                                  throws InvalidTypeException,
Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state. Returns IUnknown.UNKNOWN if the value of the attribute for the index is the unknown value.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
Object the value of the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.Object getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                         java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                         java.lang.String key)
                                                  throws InvalidTypeException,
Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state. Returns IUnknown.UNKNOWN if the value of the attribute for the key is the unknown value.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
Object the value of the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                   java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                   boolean includeUnknown)
                                            throws ExternalException
Tests whether a concept has any value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state. The includeUnknown parameter controls whether the 'unknown' value counts as a value or only 'definite' values are considered.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
includeUnknown - true if the unknown value is counted, else false
boolean true if the concept has the 'unknown' value for the attribute, else false
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                   java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                   int index,
                                                   boolean includeUnknown)
                                            throws InvalidTypeException,
Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given integer index based on the activity performer's belief state. The includeUnknown parameter controls whether the 'unknown' value counts as a value or only 'definite' values are considered.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
includeUnknown - true if the unknown value is counted, else false
boolean true if the concept has any value for the attribute and index, else false
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                   java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                   java.lang.String key,
                                                   boolean includeUnknown)
                                            throws InvalidTypeException,
Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given String key based on the activity performer's belief state. The includeUnknown parameter controls whether the 'unknown' value counts as a value or only 'definite' values are considered.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
includeUnknown - true if the unknown value is counted, else false
boolean true if the concept has any value for the attribute and index, else false
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                java.lang.Object value)
                                         throws ExternalException
Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
value - an Object to be compared for equality to the current value of the attribute, if any
boolean true if the concept has the specified value for the attribute, else false
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                int index,
                                                java.lang.Object value)
                                         throws InvalidTypeException,
Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
value - an Object to be compared for equality to the current value of the attribute for the index, if any
boolean true if the concept has the specified value for the attribute and index, else false
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                java.lang.String key,
                                                java.lang.Object value)
                                         throws InvalidTypeException,
Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
value - an Object to be compared for equality to the current value of the attribute for the key, if any
boolean true if the concept has the specified value for the attribute and key, else false
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                           java.lang.String attributeName,
                                           int value)
                                    throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named attribute.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new int value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                           java.lang.String attributeName,
                                           int index,
                                           int value)
                                    throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at an int index.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new int value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                           java.lang.String attributeName,
                                           java.lang.String key,
                                           int value)
                                    throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at a String key.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new int value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            char value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named attribute.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new char value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index,
                                            char value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at an int index.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new char value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key,
                                            char value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at a String key.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new char value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            byte value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named attribute.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new byte value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index,
                                            byte value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at an int index.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new byte value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key,
                                            byte value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at a String key.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new byte value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             short value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named attribute.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new short value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             int index,
                                             short value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at an int index.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new short value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             java.lang.String key,
                                             short value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at a String key.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new short value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            long value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new long value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index,
                                            long value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new long value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key,
                                            long value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new long value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             float value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named attribute.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new float value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             int index,
                                             float value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at an int index.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new float value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             java.lang.String key,
                                             float value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at a String key.

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new float value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              double value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new double value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              int index,
                                              double value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new double value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              java.lang.String key,
                                              double value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new double value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String attributeName,
                                               boolean value)
                                        throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new boolean value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String attributeName,
                                               int index,
                                               boolean value)
                                        throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new boolean value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String attributeName,
                                               java.lang.String key,
                                               boolean value)
                                        throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new boolean value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              java.lang.String value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - a String for the new value
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              int index,
                                              java.lang.String value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new String value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              java.lang.String key,
                                              java.lang.String value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new String value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              java.lang.String value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - a String for the new value
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type or the value is not a valid symbol
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              int index,
                                              java.lang.String value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new String value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value is not a valid symbol
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              java.lang.String key,
                                              java.lang.String value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new String value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value is not a valid symbol
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new Java Serializable value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index,
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new Java Serializable value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key,
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new Java Serializable value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.Object value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new Java Object value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index,
                                            java.lang.Object value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new Java Object value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key,
                                            java.lang.Object value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new Java Object value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String attributeName,
                                               IConcept value)
                                        throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new IConcept value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String attributeName,
                                               int index,
                                               IConcept value)
                                        throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new IConcept value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String attributeName,
                                               java.lang.String key,
                                               IConcept value)
                                        throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new IConcept value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String attributeName)
                                        throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String attributeName,
                                               int index)
                                        throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to 'unknown' in the map
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String attributeName,
                                               java.lang.String key)
                                        throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to 'unknown' in the map
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.util.List<IConcept> getBeliefRelationConcepts(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                                   java.lang.String relationName)
                                                            throws ExternalException
Retrieves a list of concepts that are related to a given concept by a named relation by inspecting the beliefs in the activity performer's belief state. Unknown values are filtered out of the returned list so that (concept relation unknown) will result in an empty list being returned.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose values for a relation are to be retrieved
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
List the list of IConcept instances that are related to the lhsConcept by the relation
ExternalException - if no attribute with the specified name is defined for this concept or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasBeliefRelationAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                  java.lang.String relationName,
                                                  boolean includeUnknown)
                                           throws ExternalException
Tests whether there are any true beliefs for a given concept and named relation in the current belief state. If includeUnknown is true a belief with 'unknown' as the right-hand side value is counted, else it is ignored.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose relation to another concept is to be checked
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
includeUnknown - true if the unknown value is counted, else false
boolean true if the specified relationship exists in the belief state, else false
ExternalException - if no relation with the specified name is defined for this concept or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasBeliefRelationValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String relationName,
                                               java.lang.Object value)
                                        throws ExternalException
Tests whether a concept is related to a value by a named relation by inspecting the beliefs in the current belief state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose values for a relation are to be checked
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
value - an Object to be tested for the right-hand side of the relation
boolean true if the concept is related to the value by the relation, else false
ExternalException - if no relation with the specified name is defined for this concept or an internal error occurs


protected final void addBeliefRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String relationName,
                                              IConcept value)
                                       throws ExternalException
Adds a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by asserting a new belief into the activity performer's belief state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept that gets a new concept related to it
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
value - the IConcept to be added to lhsConcept's relation
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named relation or an internal error occurs


protected final void removeBeliefRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                 java.lang.String relationName,
                                                 IConcept value)
                                          throws ExternalException
Removes a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by retracting the corresponding belief from the activity performer's belief state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept that has the relation value removed
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
value - the IConcept to be removed from the lhsConcept's relation
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named relation or an internal error occurs


protected final void setBeliefRelationUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String relationName)
                                       throws ExternalException
Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by giving the relation a value of unknown.

lhsConcept - an IConcept for which a relation is set to unknown
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named relation or an internal error occurs


protected final java.util.List<IConcept> removeAllBeliefRelationValues(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                                       java.lang.String relationName)
                                                                throws ExternalException
Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by retracting beliefs from the activity performer's belief state. Unlike setRelationUnknown, removeAllRelationValues does not give the relation a value of unknown

lhsConcept - an IConcept for which a relation is set to unknown
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
List the list of IConcept instances that have been removed from the relation for the lhsConcept
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named relation or an internal error occurs


protected final int getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                        java.lang.String attributeName)
                                 throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an int value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
int the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute's value cannot be converted to int
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final int getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                        java.lang.String attributeName,
                                        int index)
                                 throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
int the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type int
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final int getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                        java.lang.String attributeName,
                                        java.lang.String key)
                                 throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
int the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type int
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final char getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a char value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
char the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute's value cannot be converted to char
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final char getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          int index)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
char the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type char
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final char getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          java.lang.String key)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
char the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type char
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final byte getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a byte value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
byte the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute's value cannot be converted to byte
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final byte getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          int index)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
byte the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type byte
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final byte getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          java.lang.String key)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
byte the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type byte
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final short getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a short value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
short the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute's value cannot be converted to short
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final short getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
short the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type short
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final short getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
short the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type short
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final long getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a long value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
long the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type long
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final long getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          int index)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
long the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type long
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final long getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          java.lang.String key)
                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
long the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type long
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final float getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a float value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
float the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute's cannot be converted to float
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final float getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
float the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type float
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final float getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key)
                                     throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
float the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type float
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final double getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName)
                                       throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a double value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
double the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type double
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final double getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              int index)
                                       throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
double the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type double
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final double getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              java.lang.String key)
                                       throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
double the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type double
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                java.lang.String attributeName)
                                         throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a boolean value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
boolean the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type boolean
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                int index)
                                         throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
boolean the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type boolean
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                java.lang.String key)
                                         throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
boolean the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type boolean
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.String getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                        java.lang.String attributeName)
                                                 throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a String value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state The attribute's Brahms type may be either string or symbol.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
String the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not a string
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.String getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                        java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                        int index)
                                                 throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
String the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not a string
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.String getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                        java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                        java.lang.String key)
                                                 throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
String the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not a string
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                          java.lang.String attributeName)
                                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a Serializable value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
Serializable the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not of type Serializable
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                          int index)
                                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
Serializable the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type Serializable
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                          java.lang.String key)
                                                   throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
Serializable the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not of type Serializable
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final IConcept getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                 java.lang.String attributeName)
                                          throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an IConcept value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
IConcept the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the value of the attribute is not a concept
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final IConcept getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                 java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                 int index)
                                          throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
IConcept the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not a concept
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final IConcept getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                 java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                 java.lang.String key)
                                          throws UnknownValueException,
Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
IConcept the value of the attribute
UnknownValueException - if the value of the attribute is missing or unknown
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value of the attribute is not a concept
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> getFactAttributeMap(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                                                     java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                                                     boolean includeUnknown)
                                                                              throws InvalidTypeException,
Returns a Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from facts in the world state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true. An empty map will be returned if the value of the map attribute is Unknown.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose map attribute values are to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the map attribute whose values are to be retrieved
includeUnknown - true if unknown values should be included in the map entries
Map a map from the index/keys of the map attribute to their values
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute is not a map attribute
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.util.SortedMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> getFactAttributeSortedMap(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                                                                 java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                                                                 boolean includeUnknown)
                                                                                          throws InvalidTypeException,
Returns a sorted Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from facts in the world state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true. An empty Map will be returned if the value of the map attribute is Unknown.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose map attribute values are to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the map attribute whose values are to be retrieved
includeUnknown - true if unknown values should be included in the map entries
SortedMap a sorted map from the index/keys of the map attribute to their values
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute is not a map attribute
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.Object getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                       java.lang.String attributeName)
                                                throws ExternalException
Retrieves the value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state. Returns IUnknown.UNKNOWN if the value of the attribute is the unknown value.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
Object the value of the attribute
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.Object getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                       java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                       int index)
                                                throws InvalidTypeException,
Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state. Returns IUnknown.UNKNOWN if the value of the attribute for the index is the unknown value.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
Object the value of the attribute at the index
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.lang.Object getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                       java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                       java.lang.String key)
                                                throws InvalidTypeException,
Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state. Returns IUnknown.UNKNOWN if the value of the attribute for the key is the unknown value.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be retrieved
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
Object the value of the attribute for the key
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                 java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                 boolean includeUnknown)
                                          throws ExternalException
Tests whether a concept has any value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state. The includeUnknown parameter controls whether the 'unknown' value counts as a value or only 'definite' values are considered.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
includeUnknown - true if the unknown value is counted, else false
boolean true if the concept has the 'unknown' value for the attribute, else false
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                 java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                 int index,
                                                 boolean includeUnknown)
                                          throws InvalidTypeException,
Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given integer index based on the facts in the world state. The includeUnknown parameter controls whether the 'unknown' value counts as a value or only 'definite' values are considered.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
includeUnknown - true if the unknown value is counted, else false
boolean true if the concept has any value for the attribute and index, else false
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                 java.lang.String attributeName,
                                                 java.lang.String key,
                                                 boolean includeUnknown)
                                          throws InvalidTypeException,
Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given String key based on the facts in the world state. The includeUnknown parameter controls whether the 'unknown' value counts as a value or only 'definite' values are considered.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
includeUnknown - true if the unknown value is counted, else false
boolean true if the concept has any value for the attribute and index, else false
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              java.lang.Object value)
                                       throws ExternalException
Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
value - an Object to be compared for equality to the current value of the attribute, if any
boolean true if the concept has the specified value for the attribute, else false
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              int index,
                                              java.lang.Object value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
index - the integer index to be looked up in the map
value - an Object to be compared for equality to the current value of the attribute for the index, if any
boolean true if the concept has the specified value for the attribute and index, else false
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                                              java.lang.String key,
                                              java.lang.Object value)
                                       throws InvalidTypeException,
Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose attribute value is to be checked
attributeName - the String name of the attribute whose value is to be checked
key - the String key to be looked up in the map
value - an Object to be compared for equality to the current value of the attribute for the key, if any
boolean true if the concept has the specified value for the attribute and key, else false
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                         java.lang.String attributeName,
                                         int value)
                                  throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new int value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                         java.lang.String attributeName,
                                         int index,
                                         int value)
                                  throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new int value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                         java.lang.String attributeName,
                                         java.lang.String key,
                                         int value)
                                  throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new int value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          char value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new char value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          int index,
                                          char value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new char value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          char value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new char value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          byte value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new byte value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          int index,
                                          byte value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new byte value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          byte value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new byte value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                           java.lang.String attributeName,
                                           short value)
                                    throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new short value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                           java.lang.String attributeName,
                                           int index,
                                           short value)
                                    throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new short value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                           java.lang.String attributeName,
                                           java.lang.String key,
                                           short value)
                                    throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new short value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          long value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new long value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          int index,
                                          long value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new long value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          long value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new long value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                           java.lang.String attributeName,
                                           float value)
                                    throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new float value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                           java.lang.String attributeName,
                                           int index,
                                           float value)
                                    throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new float value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                           java.lang.String attributeName,
                                           java.lang.String key,
                                           float value)
                                    throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new float value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            double value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new double value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index,
                                            double value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new double value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key,
                                            double value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new double value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             boolean value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new boolean value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             int index,
                                             boolean value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new boolean value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             java.lang.String key,
                                             boolean value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new boolean value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - a String for the new value
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index,
                                            java.lang.String value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new String value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key,
                                            java.lang.String value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new String value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - a String for the new value
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type or the value is not a valid symbol
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            int index,
                                            java.lang.String value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new String value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value is not a valid symbol
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                                            java.lang.String key,
                                            java.lang.String value)
                                     throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new String value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type or the value is not a valid symbol
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new Java Serializable value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          int index,
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new Java Serializable value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new Java Serializable value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          java.lang.Object value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new Java Object value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          int index,
                                          java.lang.Object value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new Java Object value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                          java.lang.String attributeName,
                                          java.lang.String key,
                                          java.lang.Object value)
                                   throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new Java Object value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             IConcept value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
value - the new IConcept value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             int index,
                                             IConcept value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to a value in the map
value - the new IConcept value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             java.lang.String key,
                                             IConcept value)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to a value in the map
value - the new IConcept value for the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named attribute

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a compatible type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             int index)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at an int index

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
index - the integer index to be set to 'unknown' in the map
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                                             java.lang.String key)
                                      throws InvalidTypeException,
Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at a String key

lhsConcept - an IConcept to be given a new value for an attribute
attributeName - the String name of the attribute
key - the String key to be set to 'unknown' in the map
InvalidTypeException - if the attribute does not have a collection type
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named attribute or an internal error occurs


protected final java.util.List<IConcept> getFactRelationConcepts(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                                 java.lang.String relationName)
                                                          throws ExternalException
Retrieves a list of concepts that are related to a given concept by a named relation by inspecting the facts in the current world state. Unknown values are filtered out of the returned list so that (concept relation unknown) will result in an empty list being returned.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose values for a relation are to be retrieved
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
List the list of IConcept instances that are related to the lhsConcept by the relation
ExternalException - if no attribute with the specified name is defined for this concept or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasFactRelationAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                java.lang.String relationName,
                                                boolean includeUnknown)
                                         throws ExternalException
Tests whether there are any true facts for a given concept and named relation in the current world state. If includeUnknown is true a fact with 'unknown' as the right-hand side value is counted, else it is ignored.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose relation to another concept is to be checked
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
includeUnknown - true if the unknown value is counted, else false
boolean true if a matching true fact exists in the world state, else false
ExternalException - if no relation with the specified name is defined for this concept or an internal error occurs


protected final boolean hasFactRelationValue(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                             java.lang.String relationName,
                                             java.lang.Object value)
                                      throws ExternalException
Tests whether a concept is related to a value by a named relation by inspecting the facts in the current world state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept whose values for a relation are to be checked
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
value - an Object to be tested for the right-hand side of the relation
boolean true if the concept is related to the value by the relation, else false
ExternalException - if no relation with the specified name is defined for this concept or an internal error occurs


protected final void addFactRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String relationName,
                                            IConcept value)
                                     throws ExternalException
Adds a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by asserting a new fact into the world state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept that gets a new concept related to it
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
value - the IConcept to be added to lhsConcept's relation
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named relation or an internal error occurs


protected final void removeFactRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                               java.lang.String relationName,
                                               IConcept value)
                                        throws ExternalException
Removes a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by retracting the corresponding fact from the world state.

lhsConcept - an IConcept that has the relation value removed
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
value - the IConcept to be removed from the lhsConcept's relation
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named relation or an internal error occurs


protected final void setFactRelationUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                            java.lang.String relationName)
                                     throws ExternalException
Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by giving the relation a value of unknown.

lhsConcept - an IConcept for which a relation is set to unknown
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named relation or an internal error occurs


protected final java.util.List<IConcept> removeAllFactRelationValues(IConcept lhsConcept,
                                                                     java.lang.String relationName)
                                                              throws ExternalException
Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by retracting facts from the world state. Unlike setRelationUnknown, removeAllRelationValues does not give the relation a value of unknown

lhsConcept - an IConcept for which a relation is set to unknown
relationName - a String name for a relation defined for lhsConcept
List the list of IConcept instances that have been removed from the relation for the lhsConcept
ExternalException - if the concept does not have the named relation or an internal error occurs


protected final void assertBelief(IBelief belief)
                           throws ExternalException
Schedules the assertion of the specified belief to the belief set of the active instance performing this activity. The assertion of the belief is scheduled on the active instance's discrete event queue for processing by the active instance. The belief will not immediately be asserted in the belief set.

belief - the IBelief to be asserted
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final void retractBelief(IBelief belief)
                            throws ExternalException
Schedules the retraction of the specified belief from the belief set of the active instance performing this activity. The retraction of the belief is scheduled on the active instance's discrete event queue for processing by the active instance. The belief will not immediately be retracted from the belief set.

belief - the IBelief to be asserted
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final void assertFact(IFact fact)
                         throws ExternalException
Schedules the assertion of the specified fact into the world state including the distribution of the fact to all agents and objects. The fact is not guaranteed to immediately be asserted in the world state.

fact - the IFact to be asserted
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final void retractFact(IFact fact)
                          throws ExternalException
Schedules the retraction of the specified fact from the world state including the notification of the retraction to all agents and objects. The fact is not guaranteed to immediately be retracted from the world state.

fact - the IFact to be retracted
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final void send(IBelief belief,
                          IActiveInstance agent)
                   throws ExternalException
Sends the specified belief to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the belief in the specified agent's belief set. The transmission of the belief is scheduled and is therefor not guaranteed to immeditiately be available in the agent's belief set.

Note: If multiple beliefs are to be transmitted to a remote agent use the send method to which multiple beliefs can be passed to reduce communication overhead. The beliefs will be bundled in one communication package in that case, while with this method for each belief a communication package is created.

belief - the IBelief to be send to the specified agent
agent - the IActiveInstance to which to send the belief
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final void send(IBelief belief,
                          IActiveInstance[] agents)
                   throws ExternalException
Sends the specified belief to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the belief in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents. The transmission of the belief is scheduled and is therefor not guaranteed to immeditiately be available in the belief sets of the agents.

Note: If multiple beliefs are to be transmitted to remote agents use the send method to which multiple beliefs can be passed to reduce communication overhead. The beliefs will be bundled in one communication package in that case, while with this method for each belief a communication package is created.

belief - the IBelief to be send to the specified agent
agents - the list of IActiveInstance to which to send the belief
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final void send(IBelief[] beliefs,
                          IActiveInstance agent)
                   throws ExternalException
Sends the specified set of beliefs to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the specified agent's belief set. The transmission of the beliefs is scheduled and is therefor not guaranteed to immeditiately be available in the agent's belief set.

Note: If multiple beliefs are to be transmitted to a remote agent this method should be used to reduce communication overhead. The beliefs will be bundled in one communication package.

beliefs - the list of IBelief to be send to the specified agent
agent - the IActiveInstance to which to send the belief
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


protected final void send(IBelief[] beliefs,
                          IActiveInstance[] agents)
                   throws ExternalException
Sends the specified beliefs to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents. The transmission of the beliefs is scheduled and is therefor not guaranteed to immeditiately be available in the belief sets of the agents.

Note: If multiple beliefs are to be transmitted to a remote agent this method should be used to reduce communication overhead. The beliefs will be bundled in one communication package.

beliefs - the list of IBelief to be send to the specified agents
agents - the list of IActiveInstance to which to send the beliefs
ExternalException - if an internal error occurs


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string representation of this object

toString in class java.lang.Object
String the string representation

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