Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractExternalActivity   

Uses of AbstractExternalActivity in

Subclasses of AbstractExternalActivity in
 class FindAgent
          The FindAgent activity tries to locate and load an agent or agent reference.
 class FindObject
          The FindObject activity tries to locate and load an object or object reference.

Uses of AbstractExternalActivity in brahms.base.system

Subclasses of AbstractExternalActivity in brahms.base.system
 class AddObjectToArrayActivity
          The AddObjectToArrayActivity allows a modeler to pass a bound source array variable, an unbound destination array variable and a java object variable all of the same component-type.
 class CreateArrayActivity
 class CreateExternalAgentActivity
          The CreateExternalAgentActivity allows a modeler to dynamically create a new external agent.
 class DeregisterFromAgentMonitorActivity
          The DeregisterFromAgentMonitorActivity causes the performing agent to deregister itself from the agent monitor to no longer be monitored for unexpected failures and termination.
 class GetArrayLengthActivity
          The GetArrayLengthActivity allows a Brahms active instance to retrieve the length of an array of objects.
 class GetJavaAttributeValueActivity
          The GetJavaAttributeValueActivity allows a Brahms active instance to retrieve the value for a primitive-type or Object attribute of a java object.
 class GetObjectAtActivity
          The GetObjectAtActivity allows a Brahms active instance to retrieve the java object at a given index in an array of Java Objects.
 class PrintBeliefActivity
          The PrintBeliefActivity allows a model builder to print a belief about a specified concept and attribute or relation to the virtual machine's log file.
 class PrintFactActivity
          The PrintFactActivity allows a model builder to print a fact about a specified concept and attribute or relation to the virtual machine's log file.
 class PrintlnActivity
          The PrintlnActivity allows a model builder to print a string to the virtual machine's log file as an info message.
 class ReadBeliefsActivity
          The ReadBeliefsActivity allows a model builder to read all the beliefs of the specified subject.
 class RegisterWithAgentMonitorActivity
          The RegisterWithAgentMonitorActivity causes the performing agent to register itself with the agent monitor to be monitored for unexpected failures and termination.
 class ReplaceActivity
          The ReplaceActivity is an external activity that can be used in Brahms Java Activities.
 class RetractAllBeliefsActivity
          The RetractAllBeliefsActivity allows a model builder to retract all beliefs from a specified concept.
 class RetractBeliefsActivity
          The RetractBeliefsActivity allows a model builder to retract beliefs about a specified subject's attribute or relation.
 class RetractFactsActivity
          The RetractFactsActivity allows a model builder to retract facts about a specified subject's attribute or relation.
 class SendBeliefsActivity
          The SendBeliefsActivity allows a model builder to send all the beliefs held by the performings agent about a specified relation of a concept to another agent.
 class SetJavaAttributeValueActivity
          The SetJavaAttributeValueActivity allows a Brahms active instance to set the value for an attribute of a java object.
 class ToIntActivity
          The ToIntActivity allows a model builder to convert a double value or String value to an int value.

Uses of AbstractExternalActivity in brahms.base.util

Subclasses of AbstractExternalActivity in brahms.base.util
 class AddTimeActivity
          The AddTimeActivity allows a model builder to add time to a Calendar to determine the new date/time.
 class ConvertToTimeZoneActivity
          The ConvertToTimeZoneActivity allows a model builder to convert a Calendar from one timezone to another.
 class GetCalendarActivity
          The GetCalendarActivity allows a model builder to retrieve a new Calendar object initialized with the date and time set to the date and time specified by the given timestamp.
 class GetCurrentTimeActivity
          The GetCurrentTimeActivity allows a model builder to retrieve a new Calendar object initialized with the current (simulated) time.
 class GetPropertyValueActivity
          The GetPropertyValueActivity is used to retrieve the value for a named property from a java.util.Properties object.
 class GetTimeStampActivity
          The GetTimeStampActivity allows a model builder to convert the date and time specified in a Calendar object to a TimeStamp string formatted as specified by the Brahms Calendar class.
 class GetTomorrowActivity
          The GetTomorrowActivity allows a model builder to retrieve a new Calendar object initialized with the date initialized to the day after the specified Calendar.
 class GetYesterdayActivity
          The GetYesterdayActivity allows a model builder to retrieve a new Calendar object initialized with the date initialized to the day before the specified Calendar.
 class InDateRangeActivity
          The InDateRangeActivity allows a model builder check whether a timestamp falls within a specified date range.
 class LoadPropertiesActivity
          The LoadPropertiesActivity is used to load a set of properties from a file.
 class ParsePrimitiveValueActivity
          The ParsePrimitiveValueActivity is used to parse a primitive value from a String value.
 class RTPrimitiveActivity
          The RTPrimitiveActivity allows a model builder to have an agent perform a primitive activity that consumes time in real time.
 class SetPropertyValueActivity
          The SetPropertyValueActivity is used to set the value for a named property in a java.util.Properties object and to optionally save the set of properties to a file.

Uses of AbstractExternalActivity in brahms.communication

Subclasses of AbstractExternalActivity in brahms.communication
 class CreateCommunicativeActActivity
          The CreateCommunicativeActActivity creates a new CommunicativeAct object with the specified sender, receiver, subject, action, performative and replyTo agent.
 class GetCommunicativeActProperty
          The GetCommunicativeActProperty activity allows a model builder to retrieve the value of a property in the belief set of a communicative act by passing an unbound variable and having it be assigned the value of the property in the envelope map or payload map of the communicative act.
 class GetEnvelopePropertyActivity
          The GetCommunicativeActProperty activity allows a model builder to retrieve the value of a property in the belief set of a communicative act by passing an unbound variable and having it be assigned the value of the property in the envelope map of the communicative act.
 class GetPayloadPropertyActivity
          The GetCommunicativeActProperty activity allows a model builder to retrieve the value of a property in the belief set of a communicative act by passing an unbound variable and having it be assigned the value of the property in the payload map of the communicative act.
 class RetractCommunicativeActActivity
          The RetractCommunicativeActActivity activity allows a model builder to remove all beliefs about a communicative act from the agent's belief set.
 class SendCommunicativeActActivity
          The SendCommunicativeActActivity activity allows a model builder to send all beliefs stored in a CommunicativeAct's belief set to another agent.
 class SetCommunicativeActProperty
          The SetCommunicativeActProperty activity allows a model builder to set a belief in a communicative act's envelope map or payload map.
 class SetEnvelopePropertyActivity
          The SetEnvelopePropertyActivity activity allows a model builder to set a belief in a communicative act's envelope map.
 class SetPayloadPropertyActivity
          The SetPayloadPropertyActivity activity allows a model builder to set a belief in a communicative act's payload map.

Uses of AbstractExternalActivity in

Subclasses of AbstractExternalActivity in
 class CopyFileActivity
          The CopyFileActivity allows a modeler to copy a file.
 class CreateChecksumActivity
          The CreateChecksumActivity allows a modeler to generate a CRC-32 checksum for a file.
 class DeleteFileActivity
          The DeleteFileActivity allows a modeler to delete a file or folder.
 class FileExistsActivity
          The FileExistsActivity allows a modeler to verify whether a file or directory exists in the filesystem.
 class VerifyChecksumActivity
          The VerifyChecksumActivity allows a modeler to verify the CRC-32 checksum of a file with a provided CRC-32 checksum.

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