Uses of Class

Packages that use Concept   

Uses of Concept in

Subclasses of Concept in
 class ActiveClass
 class ActiveConcept
          An ActiveConcept defines a concept that can perform activities based on facts or beliefs.
 class ActiveInstance
          class ActiveInstance
 class Agent
          An agent in Brahms is the most central construct in a Brahms model.
 class Area
          An area represents a geographical location and is used to create a geographical representation for use in the model.
 class AreaDef
          An area definition is used for defining area constructs used for representing geographical information in a model.
 class ConceptualClass
          A conceptual object class defines a type of conceptual objects used in a model.
 class ConceptualConcept
          class ConceptualConcept
 class ConceptualInstance
          A conceptual object is used to allow for a user to track things that exist as concepts in people's minds, like the concept of an order.
 class Current
          Current is used in conditions to refer to the active instance that 'owns' the condition.
 class GeographyConcept
          class GeographyConcept
 class Group
          The concept of a "group" in Brahms is similar to the concept of a template or class in object-oriented programming.
 class ObjectClass
          The concept of a 'class' in Brahms is similar to the concept of a template or class in object-oriented programming.
 class ObjectInstance
          An 'object' in Brahms is the second most central element in a Brahms model.
 class Path
          A path connects two areas together and represents a route that can be taken by an agent or object to travel from one area to another.

Methods in that return Concept
 Concept Model.getConcept(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the concept with the specified name.

Methods in with parameters of type Concept
 boolean Model.addConcept(Concept concept)
          Adds a concept to the model.
 boolean CreateAreaActivity.addInhabitant(Concept obj)
          Adds the specified concept as an inhabitant for the newly created area.
 Statement InitialStatement.convertToStatement(Concept concept)
          Converts this initial statement to a Statement (AttributeStatement or RelationStatement) replacing any references to current with the specified concept.
 boolean ObjectInstance.isInstanceOf(Concept concept)
          Checks whether this object instance is an instance of the specified concept.
 boolean ConceptualInstance.isInstanceOf(Concept concept)
          Checks whether this conceptual instance is an instance of the specified concept.
 boolean Area.isInstanceOf(Concept concept)
          Checks whether this area is an instance of the specified concept.
 boolean Agent.isInstanceOf(Concept concept)
          Checks whether this active instance is an instance of the specified concept.
abstract  boolean ActiveInstance.isInstanceOf(Concept concept)
          Checks whether this active instance is an instance of the specified concept.
 boolean ConceptualClass.isSubClassOf(Concept concept)
          Checks whether this conceptual class is a sub class of the specified concept.
 boolean AreaDef.isSubClassOf(Concept concept)
          Checks whether this area definition is a sub class of the specified concept.
 boolean ActiveClass.isSubClassOf(Concept concept)
          Checks whether this active class is a sub class of the specified concept.
protected  boolean ObjectClass.isSubClassOf(Concept concept, java.util.Hashtable checked)
          Checks recursively whether this ObjectClass is a sub class of the specified concept, checking the concept hierarchy.
protected  boolean Group.isSubClassOf(Concept concept, java.util.Hashtable checked)
          Checks recursively whether this group is a sub class of the specified concept, checking the concept hierarchy.
protected  boolean ConceptualClass.isSubClassOf(Concept concept, java.util.Hashtable checked)
          Checks recursively whether this conceptual class is a sub class of the specified concept, checking the concept hierarchy.
protected  boolean AreaDef.isSubClassOf(Concept concept, java.util.Hashtable checked)
          Checks recursively whether this area definition is a sub class of the specified concept, checking the concept hierarchy.
protected  boolean ActiveClass.isSubClassOf(Concept concept, java.util.Hashtable checked)
          Checks recursively whether this active class is a sub class of the specified concept, checking the concept hierarchy.
 void PutActivity.setDestination(Concept concept)
 void CreateObjectActivity.setDestination(Concept concept)
 void Delete.setElement(Concept concept)
          Sets the element to be deleted.
 void Operand.setObject(Concept concept)
 void Condition.setOwner(Concept concept)
 void BFrame.setOwner(Concept concept)
 void Attribute.setOwner(Concept concept)
 void GetActivity.setSource(Concept concept)
 void CreateObjectActivity.setSource(Concept concept)
 void ParameterValue.setValue(Concept c)

Constructors in with parameters of type Concept
Delete(Concept concept, java.lang.String file, int line)
          Constructor, creates a new Delete operation which is located as brahms source code in the given file at the given line number.
Operand(Concept concept)
Operand(Concept concept, Attribute attribute)

Uses of Concept in

Methods in that return Concept
 Concept Generalization.getChild()
          Returns the child in the generalization
 Concept Generalization.getParent()
          Returns the parent in the generalization

Constructors in with parameters of type Concept
Generalization(Concept parent, Concept child)
          Constructor, creates a new Generalization between the specified parent and child concepts.

Uses of Concept in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt that return Concept
 Concept ParameterCtx.getConceptValue()
          Returns the concept value, is a concept and not a ConceptCtx since the value of a parameter can potentially be a class.
 Concept RelationStatement.getLhsObject()
          Returns the left hand side object of the relation as a concept.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type Concept
 void ParameterCtx.setValue(Concept value)
          Sets the concept value, must be set as a concept and not as a ConceptCtx since the value of a parameter can potentially be a class.

Constructors in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type Concept
ConceptCtx(Concept concept)
          Constructor, creates a new context for the specified concept.
RelationStatement(Concept lhsObject, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsValue)
          Constructor, creates a new relation statement with the specified object, relation, value and default truth value of true.
RelationStatement(Concept lhsObject, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsValue, int truth)
          Constructor, creates a new relation statement with the specified object, relation, value and truth value.

Uses of Concept in

Subclasses of Concept in
 class VMAgent
          The VMAgent is an Agent with extensions for use in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMArea
          The VMArea is an Area with extensions for use in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMAreaDef
          The VMAreaDef is an AreaDef with extensions for use in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMConceptualClass
          The VMConceptualClass is a conceptual object class with extensions for use in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMConceptualInstance
          The VMConceptualInstance is a ConceptualInstance with extensions for use in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMGroup
          The VMGroup is a Group with extensions for use in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMObjectClass
          The VMObjectClass is an ObjectClass with extensions for use in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMObjectInstance
          The VMObjectInstance is an ObjectInstance with extensions for use in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMPath
          The VMPath is a Path with extensions for use in the Brahms virtual machine.

Methods in that return Concept
 Concept VMModel.getConcept(java.lang.String name)
 Concept VMModel.getConcept(java.lang.String name, boolean load)
          Returns the concept with the specified name.
 Concept VMModel.getConcept(java.lang.String name, boolean load, boolean type)
          Returns the concept with the specified name.
 Concept VMModel.getConcept(java.lang.String name, int strategy)
          Returns the concept with the specified name.
 Concept VMModel.getConceptClass(java.lang.String name)

Constructors in with parameters of type Concept
VMDelete(Concept concept, java.lang.String file, int line)
          Constructor, creates a new VMDelete operation which is located as brahms source code in the given file at the given line number.
VMOperand(Concept concept)
          Constructor, creates a new operand for the specified concept.
VMOperand(Concept concept, Attribute attribute)
          Constructor, creates a new operand for the specified concept and attribute

Uses of Concept in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt that return types with arguments of type Concept
 java.util.LinkedList<Concept> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getContainedInstances()
          Returns a list of the active instances contained by this active instance.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt with parameters of type Concept
 IBeliefCtx VMActiveInstanceCtx.getBelief(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 java.util.Enumeration<IBeliefCtx> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getBeliefs(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified left hand side concept and relation regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration<IBeliefCtx> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getBeliefs(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified left hand side concept, relation and truth value regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration<IBeliefCtx> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getBeliefs(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified left hand side concept, relation, right-hand side concept and truth value.
 VMStatementCtx StatementSet.getStatement(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Find the statement using the specified parameters and return the statement if found, null if the statement was not found.
 VMStatementCtx IStatementSet.getStatement(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Find the statement using the specified parameters and return the statement if found, null if the statement was not found.
 java.util.ListIterator StatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept and relation regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator IStatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept and relation regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator StatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept, relation and truth value regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator IStatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept, relation and truth value regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator StatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept, relation, right hand side concept, and truth value.
 java.util.ListIterator IStatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept, relation, right hand side concept, and truth value.

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