Uses of Class

Packages that use Relation   

Uses of Relation in

Methods in that return Relation
 Relation ObjectComparison.getRelation()
 Relation Concept.getRelation(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Relation with the specified name.
 Relation ConceptualConcept.getRelation(java.lang.String name, boolean includeParents)
          Returns the Relation with the specified name.
 Relation Concept.getRelation(java.lang.String name, boolean includeParents)
          Returns the Relation with the specified name.
 Relation AreaDef.getRelation(java.lang.String name, boolean includeParents)
          Returns the Relation with the specified name.
 Relation Area.getRelation(java.lang.String name, boolean includeParents)
          Returns the Relation with the specified name.
 Relation ActiveConcept.getRelation(java.lang.String name, boolean includeParents)
          Returns the Relation with the specified name.
protected  Relation ObjectInstance.getRelationRecursive(java.lang.String name, boolean includeThis)
          Searches for the relation with the specified name through the concept hierarchy breadth first.
protected  Relation ConceptualInstance.getRelationRecursive(java.lang.String name, boolean includeThis)
          Searches for the relation with the specified name through the concept hierarchy breadth first.
protected abstract  Relation ConceptualConcept.getRelationRecursive(java.lang.String name, boolean includeThis)
          Searches for the relation with the specified name through the concept hierarchy breadth first.
protected  Relation ConceptualClass.getRelationRecursive(java.lang.String name, boolean includeThis)
          Searches for the relation with the specified name through the concept hierarchy breadth first.
protected  Relation AreaDef.getRelationRecursive(java.lang.String name, boolean includeThis)
          Searches for the relation with the specified name through the concept hierarchy breadth first.
protected  Relation Area.getRelationRecursive(java.lang.String name, boolean includeThis)
          Searches for the relation with the specified name through the concept hierarchy breadth first.
protected  Relation Agent.getRelationRecursive(java.lang.String name, boolean includeThis)
          Searches for the relation with the specified name through the concept hierarchy breadth first.
protected abstract  Relation ActiveConcept.getRelationRecursive(java.lang.String name, boolean includeThis)
          Searches for the relation with the specified name through the concept hierarchy breadth first.
protected  Relation ActiveClass.getRelationRecursive(java.lang.String name, boolean includeThis)
          Searches for the relation with the specified name through the concept hierarchy breadth first.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Relation
protected  java.util.LinkedList<Relation> ObjectInstance.getRelationsRecursive(boolean includeThis)
          Returns the active concepts' relations including the relations inherited from its parent class and their parent super classes.
protected  java.util.LinkedList<Relation> ConceptualInstance.getRelationsRecursive(boolean includeThis)
          Returns the conceptual concepts' relations including the relations inherited from its parent class and their parent super classes.
protected abstract  java.util.LinkedList<Relation> ConceptualConcept.getRelationsRecursive(boolean includeThis)
          Returns the conceptual concepts' relations including the relations inherited from its parent class and their parent super classes.
protected  java.util.LinkedList<Relation> ConceptualClass.getRelationsRecursive(boolean includeThis)
          Returns the conceptual class' relations including the relations inherited from its parent class and their parent super classes.
protected  java.util.LinkedList<Relation> AreaDef.getRelationsRecursive(boolean includeThis)
          Returns the area def's relations including the relations inherited from its parent class and their parent super classes.
protected  java.util.LinkedList<Relation> Area.getRelationsRecursive(boolean includeThis)
          Returns the area's relations including the relations inherited from its parent class and their parent super classes.
protected  java.util.LinkedList<Relation> Agent.getRelationsRecursive(boolean includeThis)
          Returns the active concepts' relations including the relations inherited from its parent class and their parent super classes.
protected abstract  java.util.LinkedList<Relation> ActiveConcept.getRelationsRecursive(boolean includeThis)
          Returns the active concepts' relations including the relations inherited from its parent class and their parent super classes.
protected  java.util.LinkedList<Relation> ActiveClass.getRelationsRecursive(boolean includeThis)
          Returns the active concepts' relations including the relations inherited from its parent class and their parent super classes.

Methods in with parameters of type Relation
 boolean Concept.addRelation(Relation rel)
 void ObjectComparison.setRelation(Relation relation)

Constructors in with parameters of type Relation
ObjectComparison(Expression lhs, Relation relation, Expression rhs)

Uses of Relation in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt that return Relation
 Relation RelationStatement.getRelation()
          Returns the relation of the statement.
protected  Relation ConceptCtx.getRelation(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the relation with the specified name from the cache.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type Relation
protected  void ConceptCtx.addRelation(Relation rel)
          Adds the specified relation to the relation cache containing a list of all the relations specified for a concept, including the relations specified for parent concepts (if available).
protected  void ConceptCtx.removeRelation(Relation rel)
          Removes the specified relation from the relation cache containing a list of all the relations specified for a concept, including the relations specified for parent concepts (if available).
 void RelationStatement.setRelation(Relation relation)
          Sets the relation of the statement.

Constructors in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type Relation
RelationStatement(Concept lhsObject, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsValue)
          Constructor, creates a new relation statement with the specified object, relation, value and default truth value of true.
RelationStatement(Concept lhsObject, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsValue, int truth)
          Constructor, creates a new relation statement with the specified object, relation, value and truth value.

Uses of Relation in

Methods in that return Relation
protected  Relation VMArea.getHasSubAreaRelation()
          Returns the hasSubArea relation as defined by BaseAreaDef.
protected  Relation VMObjectInstance.getIsInstanceOfRelation()
          Returns the isInstanceOf relation as defined by BaseClass.
protected  Relation VMAgent.getIsMemberOfRelation()
          Returns the isMemberOf relation as defined by BaseGroup.
protected  Relation VMArea.getIsSubAreaOfRelation()
          Returns the isSubAreaOf relation as defined by BaseAreaDef.

Constructors in with parameters of type Relation
VMObjectComparison(VMExpression lhs, Relation relation, VMExpression rhs)
          Constructor, creates a new object comparison with the specified left hand side expression, relational operator and right hand side expression.

Uses of Relation in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt that return Relation
protected  Relation VMConceptualInstanceCtx.getConceptualObjectOfRelation()
          Returns the relation used to specify the aggregate relations between conceptual objects and other conceptual objects or object instances in facts and beliefs.
 Relation VMActiveInstanceCtx.getContainsRelation()
          Returns the relation used in facts and beliefs to specify the agents/ objects contained by this active instance.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt with parameters of type Relation
 IBeliefCtx VMActiveInstanceCtx.getBelief(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 java.util.Enumeration<IBeliefCtx> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getBeliefs(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified left hand side concept and relation regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration<IBeliefCtx> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getBeliefs(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified left hand side concept, relation and truth value regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration<IBeliefCtx> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getBeliefs(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified left hand side concept, relation, right-hand side concept and truth value.
 java.util.Enumeration<IBeliefCtx> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getBeliefs(Relation relation)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified relation regardless of their left and right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration<IBeliefCtx> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getBeliefs(Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified relation and right hand side concept, and truth value regardless of their left hand side concept.
 VMStatementCtx StatementSet.getStatement(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Find the statement using the specified parameters and return the statement if found, null if the statement was not found.
 VMStatementCtx IStatementSet.getStatement(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Find the statement using the specified parameters and return the statement if found, null if the statement was not found.
 java.util.ListIterator StatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept and relation regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator IStatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept and relation regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator StatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept, relation and truth value regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator IStatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept, relation and truth value regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator StatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept, relation, right hand side concept, and truth value.
 java.util.ListIterator IStatementSet.getStatements(Concept lhsConcept, Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified left hand side concept, relation, right hand side concept, and truth value.
 java.util.ListIterator StatementSet.getStatements(Relation relation)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified relation regardless of their left and right hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator IStatementSet.getStatements(Relation relation)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified relation regardless of their left and right hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator StatementSet.getStatements(Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified relation and right hand side concept, and truth value regardless of their left hand side concept.
 java.util.ListIterator IStatementSet.getStatements(Relation relation, java.lang.Object rhsConcept, int truthvalue)
          Returns a list of all the statements that have the specified relation and right hand side concept, and truth value regardless of their left hand side concept.

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