Uses of Interface

Packages that use IBrahmsObjectCtx

Uses of IBrahmsObjectCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt

Subinterfaces of IBrahmsObjectCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt
 interface IActiveInstanceCtx
          The IActiveInstanceCtx is the interface for the runtime class for active instances (agents and object instances).
 interface IActivityCtx
          The IActivityCtx is the interface for activity contexts.
 interface IAgentCtx
          The IAgentCtx interface is the interface for a runtime class for the agents.
 interface IAreaCtx
          The IAreaCtx interface is the interface for the runtime representation of areas defined in a Brahms model.
 interface IAssignmentCtx
          The IAssignmentCtx is the interface for assignment contexts defining the context for an executed assignment operation.
 interface IBeliefCtx
          The IBeliefCtx is the interface for belief contexts that maintain information about a belief created for an active instance.
 interface IBroadcastActivityCtx
          The IBroadcastActivityCtx interface is the interface for broadcast activity contexts.
 interface ICommunicateActivityCtx
          The ICommunicateActivityCtx interface is the interface for communicate activity contexts.
 interface ICompositeActivityCtx
          The ICompositeActivityCtx interface is the interface for composite activity contexts.
 interface IConceptCtx
          The IConceptCtx interface is the interface for the runtime representation of concepts defined in a Brahms model.
 interface IConceptualInstanceCtx
          The IConceptualInstanceCtx interface is the interface for the runtime representation of conceptual instances defined in a Brahms model.
 interface IConditionCtx
          The IConditionCtx is an interface for condition contexts that reference a Condition defined in a Brahms model or created by the virtual machine.
 interface IConsequenceCtx
          The IConsequenceCtx is the interface for consequence contexts defining the context for a fired consequence defining the consequence that was fired, what frame fired the consequence and defining what beliefs and/or facts were created by the consequence.
 interface IContainmentActivityCtx
          The IContainmentActivityCtx interface is the generic interface for the IGetActivityCtx and IPutActivityCtx interfaces.
 interface ICreateAgentActivityCtx
          The ICreateAgentActivityCtx interface is the interface for create agent activity contexts.
 interface ICreateAreaActivityCtx
          The ICreateAreaActivityCtx interface is the interface for create area activity contexts.
 interface ICreateObjectActivityCtx
          The ICreateObjectActivityCtx interface is the interface for create object activity contexts.
 interface IDeleteCtx
          The IDeleteCtx is the interface for delete contexts defining the context for an executed delete operation.
 interface IDetectableCtx
          The IDetectableCtx defines the interface for the context for a fired detectable defining the detectable that was fired, in what frame or composite activity the detectable was fired, the fact or belief detected and the belief created by the detectable.
 interface IDetectCtx
          The IDetectCtx interface is the interface for a detectable action that maintains the information about when a detection took place, what fact was detected and what belief was created as a result of the detection.
 interface IFactCtx
          The IFactCtx interface is an interface for fact contexts that maintain information about a fact created in the world.
 interface IFrameCtx
          The IFrameCtx is an interface for frame contexts that maintain the general state information for a Brahms frame, workframe or thoughtframe.
 interface IGestureActivityCtx
          The IGestureActivityCtx interface is the interface for gesture activity contexts.
 interface IGetActivityCtx
          The IGetActivityCtx interface is the interface for get activity contexts.
 interface IJavaActivityCtx
          The IJavaActivityCtx interface is the interface for java activity contexts.
 interface IMethodInvocationCtx
          The IMethodInvocationCtx is the interface for method invocation contexts defining the context for an executed method invocation operation.
 interface IMoveActivityCtx
          The IMoveActivityCtx interface is the interface for move activity contexts.
 interface IObjectInstanceCtx
          The IObjectInstanceCtx interface is the interface for the runtime class for the objects.
 interface IPreconditionCtx
          The IPreconditionCtx is the interface for precondition contexts that defines the beliefs or facts that made the precondition evaluate to true, the variables it bound and the frame for which the precondition evaluated to true.
 interface IPrimitiveActivityCtx
          The IPrimitiveActivityCtx is the interface for primitive activity contexts.
 interface IPutActivityCtx
          The IPutActivityCtx interface is the interface for put activity contexts.
 interface IStatementCtx
          The IStatementCtx is the interface for statement context that define a context for a Statement defining the source of the statement, the element that created the statement.
 interface IThoughtframeCtx
          The IThoughtframeCtx interface is the interface for thoughtframe contexts and does currently provide no additional methods to the methods specified in IFrameCtx.
 interface ITransferDefinitionCtx
          The ITransferDefinitionCtx is the interface for the context for a transfer definition defining in what communication or broadcast activity the transfer took place, the direction of the transfer, the communicated beliefs, the beliefs created by the transfer definition, the parameters used by the transfer definition and the variables bound by this transfer definition.
 interface ITriggerCtx
          The ITriggerCtx interface is the interface for a detectable action or custom action that maintains the information about when the trigger or action part of the detectable was executed and what belief or event triggered the action.
 interface IVariableCtx
          The IVariableCtx interface is the interface for variable contexts that maintain information regarding the binding of a variable defined for a frame and bound in a frame context.
 interface IWorkframeCtx
          The IWorkframeCtx is the interface for workframe contexts that maintain tthe state for a workframe.

Classes in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt that implement IBrahmsObjectCtx
 class ActiveCtx
          The ActiveCtx manages information about the active state of a frame.
 class ActiveInstanceCtx
          The ActiveInstanceCtx is the runtime class for active instances (agents and object instances).
 class ActivityCtx
          The ActivityCtx maintains the context of an activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class ActivityStateCtx
          The state of the activities instantiated by the virtual machine is maintained using the ActivityStateCtx.
 class AgentCtx
          The AgentCtx is the runtime class for the agents.
 class AreaCtx
          The AreaCtx is the runtime representation of areas defined in a Brahms model.
 class AssignmentCtx
          The AssignmentCtx is the context for an executed assignment operation.
 class AvailableCtx
          The AvailableCtx manages information about the available state of a frame.
 class BeliefCtx
          The BeliefCtx maintains information about a belief created for an active instance.
 class BrahmsObjectCtx
          The BrahmsObjectCtx class defines the base class for all contexts in the Brahms system as part of the dynamic model.
 class BroadcastActivityCtx
          The BroadcastActivityCtx maintains the context of a broadcast activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class CommunicateActivityCtx
          The CommunicateActivityCtx maintains the context of a communicate activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class CompleteCtx
          The CompleteCtx manages information about the completed state of a frame.
 class CompositeActivityCtx
          The CompositeActivityCtx maintains the context of a composite activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class ConceptCtx
          The ConceptCtx is the runtime representation of concepts defined in a Brahms model.
 class ConceptualInstanceCtx
          The ConceptualInstanceCtx is the runtime representation of conceptual instances defined in a Brahms model.
 class ConditionCtx
          The ConditionCtx references a Condition defined in a Brahms model or created by the virtual machine.
 class ConsequenceCtx
          The ConsequenceCtx defines the context for a fired consequence defining the consequence that was fired, what frame fired the consequence and defining what beliefs and/or facts were created by the consequence.
 class ContainedInstanceCtx
          The ContainedInstanceCtx is the context managing a reference to an active instance that is contained by another active instance.
 class ContainmentActivityCtx
          The ContainmentActivityCtx is the generic class for the GetActivityCtx and PutActivityCtx.
 class CreateAgentActivityCtx
          The CreateAgentActivityCtx maintains the context of a create agent activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class CreateAreaActivityCtx
          The CreateAreaActivityCtx maintains the context of a create area activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class CreateObjectActivityCtx
          The CreateObjectActivityCtx maintains the context of a create object activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class DeleteCtx
          The DeleteCtx is the context for an executed delete operation.
 class DetectableCtx
          The DetectableCtx defines the context for a fired detectable defining the detectable that was fired, in what frame or composite activity the detectable was fired, the fact or belief detected and the belief created by the detectable.
 class DetectCtx
          The DetectCtx is a detectable action that maintains the information about when the detection took place, what fact was detected and what belief was created as a result of the detection.
 class FactCtx
          The FactCtx maintains information about a fact created in the world.
 class FrameCtx
          The FrameCtx maintains the general state information for a Brahms frame, workframe or thoughtframe.
 class FrameStateCtx
          The state of the frames instantiated by the virtual machine is maintained using the FrameStateCtx.
 class GestureActivityCtx
          A GestureActivityCtx maintains the context of a gesture activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class GetActivityCtx
          A GetActivityCtx maintains the context of a get activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class ImpasseCtx
          The ImpasseCtx manages information about the impassed state of a frame.
 class InterruptCtx
          The InterruptCtx manages information about the interrupted state of a frame.
 class JavaActivityCtx
          A JavaActivityCtx maintains the context of a java activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class MethodInvocationCtx
          The MethodInvocationCtx is the context for an executed method invocation operation.
 class ModelCtx
          The ModelCtx defines a context for a simulation maintaining information about the start time and end time of the simulation.
 class MoveActivityCtx
          The MoveActivityCtx maintains the context of a move activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class ObjectInstanceCtx
          The ObjectInstanceCtx is the runtime class for the objects.
 class ParameterCtx
          The ParameterCtx represents a value assigned to a an attribute of an activity.
 class PartCtx
          The PartCtx is the context defining the relationship between a conceptual instance context and a sub aggregate.
 class PreconditionCtx
          The PreconditionCtx defines the context for a precondition defining the beliefs or facts that made the precondition evaluate to true and defining the frame for which the precondition evaluated to true.
 class PrimitiveActivityCtx
          The PrimitiveActivityCtx maintains the context of a primitive activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class PutActivityCtx
          A PutActivityCtx maintains the context of a put activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class StatementCtx
          The StatementCtx defines a context for a Statement defining the source of the statement, the element that created the statement.
 class ThoughtframeCtx
          The ThoughtframeCtx is identical to the FrameCtx and maintains state information for a thoughtframe to be executed by an active instance.
 class TransferDefinitionCtx
          The TransferDefinitionCtx is the context for a transfer definition defining in what communication or broadcast activity the transfer took place, the direction of the transfer, the communicated beliefs, the beliefs created by the transfer definition, the parameters used by the transfer definition and the variables bound by this transfer definition.
 class TriggerCtx
          The TriggerCtx is a detectable action or custom action that maintains the information about when the trigger or action part of the detectable was executed and what belief or event triggered the action.
 class UnavailableCtx
          The UnavailableCtx manages information about the unavailable state of a frame.
 class VariableCtx
          The VariableCtx maintains information regarding the binding of a variable defined for a frame and bound in a frame context.
 class WorkframeCtx
          The WorkframeCtx maintains the state for a workframe.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt that return IBrahmsObjectCtx
 IBrahmsObjectCtx VariableCtx.getBindingElement()
          Returns the element binding the variable (PreconditionCtx, DetectableCtx, TransferDefinitionCtx, ActivityCtx)
 IBrahmsObjectCtx IVariableCtx.getBindingElement()
          Returns the element binding the variable (IPreconditionCtx, IDetectableCtx, ITransferDefinitionCtx, IActivityCtx)
 IBrahmsObjectCtx IDetectableCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent context (frame or composite activity) in which this detectable is fired.
 IBrahmsObjectCtx DetectableCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent context (frame or composite activity) in which this detectable is fired.
 IBrahmsObjectCtx StatementCtx.getSource()
          Returns the source of the statement, no source is specified for reflection statements generated by the engine (source type == ENGINE).
 IBrahmsObjectCtx IStatementCtx.getSource()
          Returns the source of the statement, no source is specified for reflection statements generated by the engine (source type == ENGINE).

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type IBrahmsObjectCtx
 void VariableCtx.setBindingElement(IBrahmsObjectCtx elm)
          Sets the element binding the variable (PreconditionCtx, DetectableCtx, TransferDefinitionCtx, ActivityCtx)
 void IVariableCtx.setBindingElement(IBrahmsObjectCtx elm)
          Sets the element binding the variable (IPreconditionCtx, IDetectableCtx, ITransferDefinitionCtx, IActivityCtx)
 void StatementCtx.setSource(IBrahmsObjectCtx source)
          Sets the source of the statement, no source is specified for reflection statements generated by the engine (source type == ENGINE).
 void IStatementCtx.setSource(IBrahmsObjectCtx source)
          Sets the source of the statement, no source is specified for reflection statements generated by the engine (source type == ENGINE).

Constructors in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type IBrahmsObjectCtx
BeliefCtx(Statement belief, int sourceType, IBrahmsObjectCtx source)
          Constructor, creates a belief context for the specified belief.
FactCtx(Statement fact, int sourceType, IBrahmsObjectCtx source)
          Constructor, creates a fact context for the specified fact.
StatementCtx(Statement statement, int sourceType, IBrahmsObjectCtx source)
          Constructor, creates a statement context for the specified statement.

Uses of IBrahmsObjectCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt

Classes in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt that implement IBrahmsObjectCtx
 class VMActiveInstanceCtx
          The VMActiveInstanceCtx is the runtime class for active instances (agents and object instances) with extensions for it to function in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMActivityCtx
          The VMActivityCtx is an ActivityCtx with extensions for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMAgentCtx
          The VMAgentCtx is the runtime class for the agents with extensions for it to function in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMAreaCtx
          The VMAreaCtx is the runtime representation of areas defined in a Brahms model with extensions for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMAssignmentCtx
          The VMAssignmentCtx is an AssignmentCtx with specializations for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMBeliefCtx
          The VMBeliefCtx is a BeliefCtx with extensions for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMBroadcastActivityCtx
          The VMBroadcastActivityCtx is a broadcast activity context with extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the context of a broadcast activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class VMCommunicateActivityCtx
          The VMCommunicateActivityCtx is a communicate activity context with extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the context of a communicate activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class VMCompositeActivityCtx
          The VMCompositeActivityCtx is a composite activity context with extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains start and end times for an activity, the duration, priority, status, state of the frames that are part of the composite activity and the active detectables of the composite activity.
 class VMConceptualInstanceCtx
          The VMConceptualInstanceCtx is the runtime representation of conceptual instances defined in a Brahms model with extensions for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMConsequenceCtx
          The VMConsequenceCtx is a ConsequenceCtx with specializations for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMContainmentActivityCtx
          The VMContainmentActivityCtx is the generic context for the VMPutActivityCtx and VMGetActivityCtx.
 class VMCreateAgentActivityCtx
          The VMCreateAgentActivityCtx is a create agent activity context with extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the context of a create agent activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class VMCreateAreaActivityCtx
          The VMCreateAreaActivityCtx is a create area activity context with extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the context of a create area activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class VMCreateObjectActivityCtx
          The VMCreateObjectActivityCtx is a create object activity context with extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the context of a create object activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class VMDeleteCtx
          The VMDeleteCtx is a DeleteCtx with specializations for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMDetectableCtx
          The VMDetectableCtx defines the context for a fired detectable defining the detectable that was fired, in what frame or composite activity the detectable was fired, the fact or belief detected and the belief created by the detectable.
 class VMDetectCtx
          The VMDetectCtx is a detectable action that maintains the information about when the detection took place, what fact was detected and what belief was created as a result of the detection.
 class VMExternalAgentCtx
          The VMExternalAgentCtx is the runtime class for the external agents with extensions for it to function in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMFactCtx
          The VMFactCtx is a FactCtx with extensions for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMFrameCtx
          The VMFrameCtx maintains the general state information for a Brahms frame, workframe or thoughtframe and is a specialization of the FrameCtx to provide extensions for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMGestureActivityCtx
          The VMGestureActivityCtx is a gesture activity context with extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the start and end times for an activity, the duration, priority, status, randomness, duration, resources, and gesture made when the activity was executed.
 class VMGetActivityCtx
          A VMGetActivityCtx is a GetActivityCtx with extensions for the virtual machine that maintains the context of a get activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class VMJavaActivityCtx
          The VMJavaActivityCtx is a java activity context with extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the start and end times for an activity, the duration, priority, status, randomness, duration, resources, what java class it used to execute the activity and when the activity was executed.
 class VMMethodInvocationCtx
          The VMMethodInvocationCtx is a MethodInvocationCtx with specializations for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMMoveActivityCtx
          The VMMoveActivityCtx is a move activity context with extensions for use in the virtual machine that maintains the start and end times for an activity, the duration, priority, status, randomness, duration, resources, start location and destination location.
 class VMObjectInstanceCtx
          The ObjectInstanceCtx is the runtime class for the objects with extension for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMPathCtx
          The VMPathCtx is the runtime representation of a path defined in a Brahms model with extensions for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMPreconditionCtx
          The VMPreconditionCtx defines the context for a precondition defining the beliefs or facts that made the precondition evaluate to true and defining the frame for which the precondition evaluated to true.
 class VMPrimitiveActivityCtx
          The VMPrimitiveActivityCtx is a primitive activity context with extensions for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMPutActivityCtx
          A VMPutActivityCtx is a PutActivityCtx with extensions for the virtual machine that maintains the context of a put activity being or to be executed by an active instance.
 class VMStatementCtx
          The VMStatementCtx is a StatementCTx with extension for use in the Brahms virtual machine.
 class VMThoughtframeCtx
          The VMThoughtframeCtx is identical to the VMFrameCtx and maintains state information for a thoughtframe to be executed by an active instance.
 class VMTransferDefinitionCtx
          The VMTransferDefinitionCtx is the context for a transfer definition defining in what communication or broadcast activity the transfer took place, the direction of the transfer, the communicated beliefs, the beliefs created by the transfer definition, the parameters used by the transfer definition and the variables bound by this transfer definition.
 class VMTriggerCtx
          The VMTriggerCtx is a detectable action that maintains the information about when the trigger or action part of the detectable was executed and what belief triggered the action.
 class VMVariableCtx
          The VMVariableCtx maintains information regarding the binding of a variable defined for a frame and bound in a frame context.
 class VMWorkframeCtx
          The VMWorkframeCtx maintains the state for a workframe and has extensions for use in the virtual machine.

Constructors in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt with parameters of type IBrahmsObjectCtx
VMBeliefCtx(Statement belief, int sourceType, IBrahmsObjectCtx source)
          Constructor, creates a belief context for the specified belief.
VMFactCtx(Statement fact, int sourceType, IBrahmsObjectCtx source)
          Constructor, creates a fact context for the specified fact.
VMStatementCtx(Statement statement, int sourceType, IBrahmsObjectCtx source)
          Constructor, creates a statement context for the specified statement.

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