Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDetectableCtx   

Uses of IDetectableCtx in

Methods in that return IDetectableCtx
 IDetectableCtx Detectable.createContext()
          Creates a new context for this detectable.

Uses of IDetectableCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt

Classes in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt that implement IDetectableCtx
 class DetectableCtx
          The DetectableCtx defines the context for a fired detectable defining the detectable that was fired, in what frame or composite activity the detectable was fired, the fact or belief detected and the belief created by the detectable.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt that return IDetectableCtx
 IDetectableCtx TriggerCtx.getParent()
          Returns the detectable context for which this trigger was executed.
 IDetectableCtx IDetectableActionCtx.getParent()
          Returns the detectable context for which this action was executed.
 IDetectableCtx DetectCtx.getParent()
          Returns the detectable context for which this detection was executed.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type IDetectableCtx
 void WorkframeCtx.addActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Adds the specified detectable as an active detectable to the list of active detectables.
 void IWorkframeCtx.addActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Adds the specified detectable as an active detectable to the list of active detectables.
 void ICompositeActivityCtx.addActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Adds the specified detectable as an active detectable to the list of active detectables.
 void CompositeActivityCtx.addActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Adds the specified detectable as an active detectable to the list of active detectables.
 void IActiveInstanceCtx.addImpasseDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Adds the specified detectable causing an impasse to the list of impasse causing detectables.
 void ActiveInstanceCtx.addImpasseDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Adds the specified detectable causing an impasse to the list of impasse causing detectables.
 void WorkframeCtx.removeActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Removes the specified detectable as an active detectable from the list of active detectables.
 void IWorkframeCtx.removeActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Removes the specified detectable as an active detectable from the list of active detectables.
 void ICompositeActivityCtx.removeActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Removes the specified detectable as an active detectable from the list of active detectables.
 void CompositeActivityCtx.removeActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Removes the specified detectable as an active detectable from the list of active detectables.
 void IActiveInstanceCtx.removeImpasseDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Removes the specified detectable causing an impasse from the list of impasse causing detectables.
 void ActiveInstanceCtx.removeImpasseDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Removes the specified detectable causing an impasse from the list of impasse causing detectables.

Constructors in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type IDetectableCtx
DetectCtx(IDetectableCtx parent)
          Constructor, creates a new context for a detect action for the specified detectable.
TriggerCtx(IDetectableCtx parent)
          Constructor, creates a new context for a trigger action for the specified detectable.

Uses of IDetectableCtx in

Methods in that return IDetectableCtx
 IDetectableCtx VMDetectable.createContext()
          Creates a new context for this detectable.

Uses of IDetectableCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt

Classes in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt that implement IDetectableCtx
 class VMDetectableCtx
          The VMDetectableCtx defines the context for a fired detectable defining the detectable that was fired, in what frame or composite activity the detectable was fired, the fact or belief detected and the belief created by the detectable.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt that return types with arguments of type IDetectableCtx
 java.util.ListIterator<IDetectableCtx> VMActiveInstanceCtx.getActiveDetectables()
          Returns the list of active detectables.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt with parameters of type IDetectableCtx
 void VMWorkframeCtx.addActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Adds the specified detectable as an active detectable to the list of active detectables.
 void VMCompositeActivityCtx.addActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Adds the specified detectable as an active detectable to the list of active detectables.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.addActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Adds the specified detectable as an active detectable to the list of active detectables.
 void VMWorkframeCtx.removeActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Removes the specified detectable as an active detectable from the list of active detectables.
 void VMCompositeActivityCtx.removeActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Removes the specified detectable as an active detectable from the list of active detectables.
 void VMActiveInstanceCtx.removeActiveDetectable(IDetectableCtx detectable)
          Removes the specified detectable as an active detectable from the list of active detectables.

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