Uses of Interface

Packages that use IFrameCtx   

Uses of IFrameCtx in

Methods in that return IFrameCtx
 IFrameCtx Workframe.createContext()
          Creates a new context for this frame for use in a virtual machine.
 IFrameCtx Thoughtframe.createContext()
          Creates a new context for this frame for use in a virtual machine.
abstract  IFrameCtx BFrame.createContext()
          Creates a new context for this frame for use in a virtual machine.

Uses of IFrameCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt

Subinterfaces of IFrameCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt
 interface IThoughtframeCtx
          The IThoughtframeCtx interface is the interface for thoughtframe contexts and does currently provide no additional methods to the methods specified in IFrameCtx.
 interface IWorkframeCtx
          The IWorkframeCtx is the interface for workframe contexts that maintain tthe state for a workframe.

Classes in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt that implement IFrameCtx
 class FrameCtx
          The FrameCtx maintains the general state information for a Brahms frame, workframe or thoughtframe.
 class ThoughtframeCtx
          The ThoughtframeCtx is identical to the FrameCtx and maintains state information for a thoughtframe to be executed by an active instance.
 class WorkframeCtx
          The WorkframeCtx maintains the state for a workframe.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt that return IFrameCtx
 IFrameCtx VariableCtx.getBindingFrame()
          Returns the frame context in which the variable is bound.
 IFrameCtx IVariableCtx.getBindingFrame()
          Returns the frame context in which the variable is bound.
 IFrameCtx InterruptCtx.getCause()
          Returns the cause for the interrupt, must be a frame context for a frame with a higher priority then the frame referenced by this frame state.
 IFrameCtx FrameStateCtx.getFrame()
          Returns the frame for which this state is set
 IFrameCtx PreconditionCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent frame context in which this precondition is evaluated.
 IFrameCtx MethodInvocationCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent frame context in which this method invocation operation was executed.
 IFrameCtx IPreconditionCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent frame context in which this precondition is evaluated.
 IFrameCtx IMethodInvocationCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent frame context in which this method invocation operation was executed.
 IFrameCtx IDeleteCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent frame context in which this delete operation was executed.
 IFrameCtx IConsequenceCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent frame context in which this consequence is fired.
 IFrameCtx IAssignmentCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent frame context in which this assignment operation was executed.
 IFrameCtx DeleteCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent frame context in which this delete operation was executed.
 IFrameCtx ConsequenceCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent frame context in which this consequence is fired.
 IFrameCtx AssignmentCtx.getParent()
          Returns the parent frame context in which this assignment operation was executed.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type IFrameCtx
 void ICompositeActivityCtx.addAvailableFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Adds the specified frame context as an available frame.
 void IActiveInstanceCtx.addAvailableFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Adds the specified frame context as an available frame.
 void CompositeActivityCtx.addAvailableFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Adds the specified frame context as an available frame.
 void ActiveInstanceCtx.addAvailableFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Adds the specified frame context as an available frame.
 void ICompositeActivityCtx.addCompletedFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Adds the given frame context as a completed frame.
 void IActiveInstanceCtx.addCompletedFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Adds the given frame context as a completed frame.
 void CompositeActivityCtx.addCompletedFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Adds the given frame context as a completed frame.
 void ActiveInstanceCtx.addCompletedFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Adds the given frame context as a completed frame.
 void ICompositeActivityCtx.removeAvailableFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Removes the specifies frame as an available frame.
 void IActiveInstanceCtx.removeAvailableFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Removes the specifies frame as an available frame.
 void CompositeActivityCtx.removeAvailableFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Removes the specifies frame as an available frame.
 void ActiveInstanceCtx.removeAvailableFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Removes the specifies frame as an available frame.
 void ICompositeActivityCtx.removeCompletedFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Removes the given frame context as a completed frame context
 void IActiveInstanceCtx.removeCompletedFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Removes the given frame context as a completed frame context
 void CompositeActivityCtx.removeCompletedFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Removes the given frame context as a completed frame context
 void ActiveInstanceCtx.removeCompletedFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Removes the given frame context as a completed frame context
 void VariableCtx.setBindingFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Sets the frame context in which the variable is bound.
 void IVariableCtx.setBindingFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Sets the frame context in which the variable is bound.
 void InterruptCtx.setCause(IFrameCtx cause)
          Sets the cause for the interrupt, must be a frame context for a frame with a higher priority then the frame referenced by this frame state.
 void FrameStateCtx.setFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Sets the frame for which this state is set.
 void PreconditionCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this precondition is evaluated.
 void MethodInvocationCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this method invocation operation was executed.
 void IPreconditionCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this precondition is evaluated.
 void IMethodInvocationCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this method invocation operation was executed.
 void IDetectableCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this detectable is fired.
 void IDeleteCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this delete operation was executed.
 void IConsequenceCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this consequence is fired.
 void IAssignmentCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this assignment operation was executed.
 void DetectableCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this detectable is fired.
 void DeleteCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this delete operation was executed.
 void ConsequenceCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this consequence is fired.
 void AssignmentCtx.setParent(IFrameCtx parent)
          Sets the parent frame context in which this assignment operation was executed.

Constructors in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type IFrameCtx
ActiveCtx(IFrameCtx frame)
          Constructor, creates a new ActiveCtx for the specified frame
AvailableCtx(IFrameCtx frame)
          Constructor, creates a new AvailableCtx for the specified frame
CompleteCtx(IFrameCtx frame)
          Constructor, creates a new CompleteCtx for the specified frame
FrameStateCtx(IFrameCtx frame)
          Constructor, creates a new FrameStateCtx for the specified frame.
ImpasseCtx(IFrameCtx frame)
          Constructor, creates a new ImpasseCtx for the specified frame
InterruptCtx(IFrameCtx frame)
          Constructor, creates a new InterruptCtx for the specified frame
UnavailableCtx(IFrameCtx frame)
          Constructor, creates a new UnavailableCtx for the specified frame
VariableCtx(Variable var, IFrameCtx frame)
          Constructor, creates a new context for a variable bound in a specific frame context.

Uses of IFrameCtx in

Methods in that return IFrameCtx
 IFrameCtx VMWorkframe.createContext()
          Creates a new context for this frame for use in a virtual machine.
 IFrameCtx VMThoughtframe.createContext()
          Creates a new context for this frame for use in a virtual machine.

Uses of IFrameCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt

Classes in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt that implement IFrameCtx
 class VMFrameCtx
          The VMFrameCtx maintains the general state information for a Brahms frame, workframe or thoughtframe and is a specialization of the FrameCtx to provide extensions for use in the virtual machine.
 class VMThoughtframeCtx
          The VMThoughtframeCtx is identical to the VMFrameCtx and maintains state information for a thoughtframe to be executed by an active instance.
 class VMWorkframeCtx
          The VMWorkframeCtx maintains the state for a workframe and has extensions for use in the virtual machine.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt with parameters of type IFrameCtx
 void VMCompositeActivityCtx.addAvailableFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Adds the specified frame context as an available frame.
 void VMCompositeActivityCtx.addCompletedFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Adds the given frame context as a completed frame.
 void VMCompositeActivityCtx.removeAvailableFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Removes the specifies frame as an available frame.
 void VMCompositeActivityCtx.removeCompletedFrame(IFrameCtx frame)
          Removes the given frame context as a completed frame context

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