Uses of Class

Packages that use ParameterCtx

Uses of ParameterCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt that return ParameterCtx
 ParameterCtx ICreateObjectActivityCtx.getAction()
          Returns the create object's action (NEW or COPY).
 ParameterCtx CreateObjectActivityCtx.getAction()
          Returns the create object's action (NEW or COPY).
 ParameterCtx PutActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the put activity's destination agent.
 ParameterCtx IPutActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the put activity's destination agent.
 ParameterCtx ICreateObjectActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the create object's destination object or class.
 ParameterCtx ICreateAreaActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the create area's destination variable.
 ParameterCtx ICreateAgentActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the create agent's destination variable.
 ParameterCtx CreateObjectActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the create object's destination object or class.
 ParameterCtx CreateAreaActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the create area's destination variable.
 ParameterCtx CreateAgentActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the create agent's destination variable.
 ParameterCtx MoveActivityCtx.getDestinationLocation()
          Returns the destination location for the move.
 ParameterCtx IMoveActivityCtx.getDestinationLocation()
          Returns the destination location for the move.
 ParameterCtx ICreateObjectActivityCtx.getDestinationLocation()
          Returns the location for the created object.
 ParameterCtx ICreateAgentActivityCtx.getDestinationLocation()
          Returns the location for the created agent.
 ParameterCtx CreateObjectActivityCtx.getDestinationLocation()
          Returns the location for the created object.
 ParameterCtx CreateAgentActivityCtx.getDestinationLocation()
          Returns the location for the created agent.
 ParameterCtx ICreateObjectActivityCtx.getDestinationName()
          Returns the name for the created object.
 ParameterCtx ICreateAreaActivityCtx.getDestinationName()
          Returns the name for the created area.
 ParameterCtx ICreateAgentActivityCtx.getDestinationName()
          Returns the name for the created agent.
 ParameterCtx CreateObjectActivityCtx.getDestinationName()
          Returns the name for the created object.
 ParameterCtx CreateAreaActivityCtx.getDestinationName()
          Returns the name for the created area.
 ParameterCtx CreateAgentActivityCtx.getDestinationName()
          Returns the name for the created agent.
 ParameterCtx IActivityCtx.getDisplayText()
          Returns the activities display text.
 ParameterCtx ActivityCtx.getDisplayText()
          Returns the activities display text.
 ParameterCtx IGestureActivityCtx.getGesture()
          Returns the gesture to be made by the agent or object performing the gesture activity.
 ParameterCtx GestureActivityCtx.getGesture()
          Returns the gesture to be made by the agent or object performing the gesture activity.
 ParameterCtx ICreateAreaActivityCtx.getInstanceOf()
          Returns the area definition the new area is to be made an instance of.
 ParameterCtx CreateAreaActivityCtx.getInstanceOf()
          Returns the area definition the new area is to be made an instance of.
 ParameterCtx JavaActivityCtx.getJavaClass()
          Returns the fully qualified name of the class that is to be used to perform the Java activity.
 ParameterCtx IJavaActivityCtx.getJavaClass()
          Returns the fully qualified name of the class that is to be used to perform the Java activity.
 ParameterCtx PrimitiveActivityCtx.getMaxDuration()
          Returns the maximum duration of the activity.
 ParameterCtx IPrimitiveActivityCtx.getMaxDuration()
          Returns the maximum duration of the activity.
 ParameterCtx PrimitiveActivityCtx.getMinDuration()
          returns the minimum duration of the activity.
 ParameterCtx IPrimitiveActivityCtx.getMinDuration()
          returns the minimum duration of the activity.
 ParameterCtx ICreateAreaActivityCtx.getPartOf()
          Returns the area the new area is to be made a part/sub area of.
 ParameterCtx CreateAreaActivityCtx.getPartOf()
          Returns the area the new area is to be made a part/sub area of.
 ParameterCtx IActivityCtx.getPriority()
          Returns the activities priority.
 ParameterCtx ActivityCtx.getPriority()
          Returns the activities priority.
 ParameterCtx ICreateAgentActivityCtx.getQuantity()
          Returns the number of agents created.
 ParameterCtx CreateAgentActivityCtx.getQuantity()
          Returns the number of agents created.
 ParameterCtx PrimitiveActivityCtx.getRandom()
          Returns whether the duration of the activity is random or not.
 ParameterCtx IPrimitiveActivityCtx.getRandom()
          Returns whether the duration of the activity is random or not.
 ParameterCtx IGetActivityCtx.getSource()
          Returns the get activity's source agent.
 ParameterCtx ICreateObjectActivityCtx.getSource()
          Returns the create object's source object or class.
 ParameterCtx GetActivityCtx.getSource()
          Returns the get activity's source agent, object or area.
 ParameterCtx CreateObjectActivityCtx.getSource()
          Returns the create object's source object or class.
 ParameterCtx MoveActivityCtx.getStartLocation()
          Returns the start location for the move, the start location of the active instance when starting the move.
 ParameterCtx IMoveActivityCtx.getStartLocation()
          Returns the start location for the move, the start location of the active instance when starting the move.
 ParameterCtx IBroadcastActivityCtx.getType()
          Returns the communication type (face 2 face, e-mail, etc).
 ParameterCtx BroadcastActivityCtx.getType()
          Returns the communication type (face 2 face, e-mail, etc).
 ParameterCtx JavaActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the java activity is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx IJavaActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the java activity is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx ICreateObjectActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the create object action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx ICreateAreaActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the create area action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx ICreateAgentActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the create agent action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx IContainmentActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the pick-up or drop off of items specified in the activity is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx IBroadcastActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the communication is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx CreateObjectActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the create object action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx CreateAreaActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the create area action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx CreateAgentActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the create agent action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx ContainmentActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the activity action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx BroadcastActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the communication is to take place (start or end).

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.common.rt with parameters of type ParameterCtx
 void CreateObjectActivityCtx.addDestinationAggregate(ParameterCtx aggregate)
          Adds the specified aggregate (ParameterCtx) as an aggregate for the created object.
 void CreateAreaActivityCtx.addInhabitant(ParameterCtx inhabitant)
          Adds the specified inhabitant (ParameterCtx) as a concept to be added as an inhabitant of the newly created area.
 void IContainmentActivityCtx.addItem(ParameterCtx item)
          Adds the specified item as an item picked up or dropped off through this activity.
 void ContainmentActivityCtx.addItem(ParameterCtx item)
          Adds the specified item as an item picked up or dropped off through this activity.
 void CreateAgentActivityCtx.addMemberOf(ParameterCtx grp)
          Adds the specified group(s) (ParameterCtx) as a parent group for the created agent.
 void PrimitiveActivityCtx.addResource(ParameterCtx resource)
          Adds the specified resource as a resource for this activity.
 void IPrimitiveActivityCtx.addResource(ParameterCtx resource)
          Adds the specified resource as a resource for this activity.
 void TransferDefinitionCtx.addUsedParameter(ParameterCtx p)
          Adds the specified parameter as a parameter used by this transfer definition.
 void ITransferDefinitionCtx.addUsedParameter(ParameterCtx p)
          Adds the specified parameter as a parameter used by this transfer definition.
 void BroadcastActivityCtx.addWith(ParameterCtx ai)
          Adds the active instance with which is to be communicated.
 void CreateAreaActivityCtx.removeInhabitant(ParameterCtx inhabitant)
          Removes the specified inhabitant (ParameterCtx) from the list of inhabitants for the new area.
 void IContainmentActivityCtx.removeItem(ParameterCtx item)
          Removes the specified item as an item picked up or dropped off through this activity.
 void ContainmentActivityCtx.removeItem(ParameterCtx item)
          Removes the specified item as an item picked up or dropped off through this activity.
 void CreateAgentActivityCtx.removeMemberOf(ParameterCtx grp)
          Removes the specified group (ParameterCtx) as a parent of the created agent.
 void PrimitiveActivityCtx.removeResource(ParameterCtx resource)
          Removes the specified resource as a resource for this activity.
 void IPrimitiveActivityCtx.removeResource(ParameterCtx resource)
          Removes the specified resource as a resource for this activity.
 void TransferDefinitionCtx.removeUsedParameter(ParameterCtx p)
          Removes the specified parameter as a parameter used by this transfer definition.
 void ITransferDefinitionCtx.removeUsedParameter(ParameterCtx p)
          Removes the specified parameter as a parameter used by this transfer definition.
 void BroadcastActivityCtx.removeWith(ParameterCtx ai)
          Removes the active instance with which is to be communicated.
 void CreateObjectActivityCtx.setAction(ParameterCtx action)
          Sets the create object's action (NEW or COPY).
 void PutActivityCtx.setDestination(ParameterCtx destination)
          Sets the put activity's destination agent, object or area.
 void CreateObjectActivityCtx.setDestination(ParameterCtx destination)
          Sets the create object's destination object or class.
 void CreateAreaActivityCtx.setDestination(ParameterCtx destination)
          Sets the create area's destination variable.
 void CreateAgentActivityCtx.setDestination(ParameterCtx destination)
          Sets the create agent's destination variable.
 void MoveActivityCtx.setDestinationLocation(ParameterCtx location)
          Sets the destination location for the move.
 void CreateObjectActivityCtx.setDestinationLocation(ParameterCtx destinationLocation)
          Sets the location for the created object.
 void CreateAgentActivityCtx.setDestinationLocation(ParameterCtx destinationLocation)
          Sets the location for the created agent.
 void CreateObjectActivityCtx.setDestinationName(ParameterCtx destinationName)
          Sets the name for the created object.
 void CreateAreaActivityCtx.setDestinationName(ParameterCtx destinationName)
          Sets the name for the created area.
 void CreateAgentActivityCtx.setDestinationName(ParameterCtx destinationName)
          Sets the name for the created agent.
 void IActivityCtx.setDisplayText(ParameterCtx p)
          Sets the activities display text.
 void ActivityCtx.setDisplayText(ParameterCtx p)
          Sets the activities display text.
 void GestureActivityCtx.setGesture(ParameterCtx gesture)
          Sets the gesture to be made by the agent or object performing the gesture activity.
 void CreateAreaActivityCtx.setInstanceOf(ParameterCtx instanceOf)
          Sets the area definition the new area is to be made an instance of.
 void JavaActivityCtx.setJavaClass(ParameterCtx javaClass)
          Sets the fully qualified name of the class that is to be used to perform the Java activity.
 void PrimitiveActivityCtx.setMaxDuration(ParameterCtx maxDuration)
          Sets the maximum duration of the activity.
 void PrimitiveActivityCtx.setMinDuration(ParameterCtx minDuration)
          Sets the minimum duration of the activity.
 void CreateAreaActivityCtx.setPartOf(ParameterCtx partOf)
          Returns the area the new area is to be made a part/sub area of.
 void ActivityCtx.setPriority(ParameterCtx p)
          Sets the activities priority.
 void CreateAgentActivityCtx.setQuantity(ParameterCtx p)
          Sets the number of agents to be created.
 void PrimitiveActivityCtx.setRandom(ParameterCtx random)
          Sets whether the duration of the activity is random or not.
 void GetActivityCtx.setSource(ParameterCtx source)
          Sets the get activity's source agent, object or area.
 void CreateObjectActivityCtx.setSource(ParameterCtx source)
          Sets the create object's source object or class.
 void MoveActivityCtx.setStartLocation(ParameterCtx location)
          Sets the start location for the move, the start location of the active instance when starting the move.
 void BroadcastActivityCtx.setType(ParameterCtx type)
          Sets the communication type (face 2 face, e-mail, etc).
 void JavaActivityCtx.setWhen(ParameterCtx when)
          Sets when the java activity is to take place (start or end).
 void CreateObjectActivityCtx.setWhen(ParameterCtx when)
          Sets when the create object action is to take place (start or end).
 void CreateAreaActivityCtx.setWhen(ParameterCtx when)
          Sets when the create area action is to take place (start or end).
 void CreateAgentActivityCtx.setWhen(ParameterCtx when)
          Sets when the create agent action is to take place (start or end).
 void ContainmentActivityCtx.setWhen(ParameterCtx when)
          Sets when the activity action is to take place (start or end).
 void BroadcastActivityCtx.setWhen(ParameterCtx when)
          Sets when the communication is to take place (start or end).

Uses of ParameterCtx in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt that return ParameterCtx
 ParameterCtx VMCreateObjectActivityCtx.getAction()
          Returns the create object's action (NEW or COPY).
 ParameterCtx VMPutActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the put activity's destination agent.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateObjectActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the create object's destination object or class.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateAreaActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the create area's destination variable.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateAgentActivityCtx.getDestination()
          Returns the create agent's destination variable.
 ParameterCtx VMMoveActivityCtx.getDestinationLocation()
          Returns the destination location for the move.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateObjectActivityCtx.getDestinationLocation()
          Returns the location for the created object.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateAgentActivityCtx.getDestinationLocation()
          Returns the location for the created agent.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateObjectActivityCtx.getDestinationName()
          Returns the name for the created object.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateAreaActivityCtx.getDestinationName()
          Returns the name for the created area.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateAgentActivityCtx.getDestinationName()
          Returns the name for the created agent.
 ParameterCtx VMMoveActivityCtx.getDetectArrivalInSubAreas()
          Returns whether we need to include the sub areas when returning the list of areas in which agents can detect the arrival of the moving agent.
 ParameterCtx VMMoveActivityCtx.getDetectDepartureInSubAreas()
          Returns whether we need to include the sub areas when returning the list of areas in which agents can detect the departure of the moving agent.
 ParameterCtx VMActivityCtx.getDisplayText()
          Returns the activities display text.
 ParameterCtx VMCompositeActivityCtx.getEndCondition()
          Returns the end-condition for the composite activity (no-work or detectable).
 ParameterCtx VMGestureActivityCtx.getGesture()
          Returns the gesture to be made by the agent or object performing the gesture activity.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateAreaActivityCtx.getInstanceOf()
          Returns the area definition the new area is to be made an instance of.
 ParameterCtx VMJavaActivityCtx.getJavaClass()
          Returns the fully qualified name of the class that is to be used to perform the Java activity.
 ParameterCtx VMPrimitiveActivityCtx.getMaxDuration()
          Returns the maximum duration of the activity.
 ParameterCtx VMPrimitiveActivityCtx.getMinDuration()
          returns the minimum duration of the activity.
 ParameterCtx VMActivityCtx.getParameterCtx(Parameter p)
          Returns the context of the parameter with the specified name.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateAreaActivityCtx.getPartOf()
          Returns the area the new area is to be made a part/sub area of.
 ParameterCtx VMActivityCtx.getPriority()
          Returns the activities priority.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateAgentActivityCtx.getQuantity()
          Returns the the number of agents (to be) created by this activity.
 ParameterCtx VMPrimitiveActivityCtx.getRandom()
          Returns whether the duration of the activity is random or not.
 ParameterCtx VMGetActivityCtx.getSource()
          Returns the get activity's source agent, object or area.
 ParameterCtx VMCreateObjectActivityCtx.getSource()
          Returns the create object's source object or class.
 ParameterCtx VMMoveActivityCtx.getStartLocation()
          Returns the start location for the move, the start location of the active instance when starting the move.
 ParameterCtx VMBroadcastActivityCtx.getToSubAreas()
          Returns whether we need to include the sub areas when returning the list of areas to which to broadcast to.
 ParameterCtx VMBroadcastActivityCtx.getType()
          Returns the communication type (face 2 face, e-mail, etc).
 ParameterCtx VMJavaActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the java activity is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx VMCreateObjectActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the create object action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx VMCreateAreaActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the create area action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx VMCreateAgentActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the create object action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx VMContainmentActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the activity action is to take place (start or end).
 ParameterCtx VMBroadcastActivityCtx.getWhen()
          Returns when the communication is to take place (start or end).

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt that return types with arguments of type ParameterCtx
 java.util.Enumeration<ParameterCtx> VMBroadcastActivityCtx.getAreasToBroadcastTo()
          Returns a list of all the areas (ParameterCtx) to which we need to broadcast to.
protected  java.util.Enumeration<ParameterCtx> VMBroadcastActivityCtx.getCommunicationWith()
          Returns the elements to be communicated with as found by calling getWith.
 java.util.Enumeration<ParameterCtx> VMCommunicateActivityCtx.getWith()
          Returns the active instances with which is to be communicated as specified for this communicate activity.
 java.util.Enumeration<ParameterCtx> VMBroadcastActivityCtx.getWith()
          Returns the active instances with which is to be communicated.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.rt with parameters of type ParameterCtx
 void VMContainmentActivityCtx.addItem(ParameterCtx item)
          Adds the specified item as an item picked up or dropped off through this activity.
 void VMPrimitiveActivityCtx.addResource(ParameterCtx resource)
          Adds the specified resource as a resource for this activity.
 void VMBroadcastActivityCtx.addWith(ParameterCtx with)
          Adds the specified element as an active instance to be communicated with in this activity.
 void VMContainmentActivityCtx.removeItem(ParameterCtx item)
          Removes the specified item as an item picked up or dropped off through this activity.
 void VMPrimitiveActivityCtx.removeResource(ParameterCtx resource)
          Removes the specified resource as a resource for this activity.
 void VMBroadcastActivityCtx.removeWith(ParameterCtx with)
          Removes the specified element as an active instance to be communicated with in this activity.

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