Uses of Interface

Packages that use IActiveConcept

Uses of IActiveConcept in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common

Subinterfaces of IActiveConcept in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common
 interface IActiveClass
          An ActiveClass is a generic concept for the class like concepts that specify the behavior their instances will be capable of.
 interface IActiveInstance
          An ActiveInstance is a generic concept that indicates that the instance can have behavior.
 interface IAgent
          An agent in Brahms is the most central construct in a Brahms model.
 interface IClass
          The concept of a 'class' in Brahms is similar to the concept of a template or class in object-oriented programming.
 interface IGroup
          The concept of a "group" in Brahms is similar to the concept of a template or class in object-oriented programming.
 interface IObject
          An 'object' in Brahms is the second most central element in a Brahms model.

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