Uses of Interface

Packages that use IActiveInstance

Uses of IActiveInstance in brahms.communication

Methods in brahms.communication that return IActiveInstance
 IActiveInstance CommunicativeAct.getFrom()
          Returns the communicative act's sender as specified in the envelope.
 IActiveInstance CommunicativeAct.getReceiver()
          Returns the communicative act's receiver as specified in the payload.
 IActiveInstance CommunicativeAct.getReplyTo()
          Returns the communicative act's reply-to agent.
 IActiveInstance CommunicativeAct.getSender()
          Returns the communicative act's sender as specified in the payload.
 IActiveInstance CommunicativeAct.getTo()
          Returns the communicative act's receiver as specified in the envelope.

Methods in brahms.communication with parameters of type IActiveInstance
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, Performative performative, boolean generateConversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, Performative performative, java.lang.String conversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, Performative performative, boolean generateConversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, Performative performative, java.lang.String conversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
static IObject CommunicativeAct.createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String performative, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, IContext ctx)
static IObject CommunicativeAct.createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String performative, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.populateCommunicativeAct(CommunicativeAct ca, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, Performative performative, java.lang.String conversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Populates the specified communicative act with the specified information
static void CommunicativeAct.sendCommunicativeAct(IObject commAct, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
          Sends the beliefs stored in the specified Brahms CommunicativeAct to the the specified receiver and makes sure that the 'envelope("sender")' belief is sent last.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.sendMessage(CommunicativeAct message, IActiveInstance recipient)
          Sends the specified message to the specified recipient.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.sendMessage(CommunicativeAct message, IActiveInstance recipient, IReplyHandler replyHandler)
          Sends the specified message to the specified recipient and has responses for the specified message sent to the specified reply handler.
 void CommunicativeAct.setFrom(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the envelope, does not set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setFrom(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setRaisedException(IObject communicativeAct, IConceptualObject exception, IActiveInstance sender, IContext ctx)
          Sets the 'raisedException' attribute for the given communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setReceiver(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, does not set the belief
 void CommunicativeAct.setReceiver(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setReceiver(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
          Sets the receiver attribute for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setReplyTo(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's reply to, does not set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setReplyTo(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's reply to, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setReplyTo(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance replyTo, IContext ctx)
          Sets the replyTo attribute for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setSender(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, does not set the belief
 void CommunicativeAct.setSender(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setSender(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance sender, IContext ctx)
          Sets the sender attribute for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setTo(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the envelope, does not set the belief
 void CommunicativeAct.setTo(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, also set the belief.

Uses of IActiveInstance in brahms.communication.util

Methods in brahms.communication.util with parameters of type IActiveInstance
static ExceptionRecord ExceptionGenerator.generateException(IActiveInstance agent, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String message, IContext ctx)
          Generates a brahms.base.Exception object and the appropriate statements for the specified agent that the exception was thrown, the type of exception and the exception message if any.

Uses of IActiveInstance in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common

Subinterfaces of IActiveInstance in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common
 interface IAgent
          An agent in Brahms is the most central construct in a Brahms model.
 interface IObject
          An 'object' in Brahms is the second most central element in a Brahms model.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common that return IActiveInstance
 IActiveInstance IBelief.getOwner()
          Returns the IActiveInstance that currently owns this belief, i.e.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common with parameters of type IActiveInstance
 void IObject.sendTo(IActiveInstance receiver, int type, IContext ctx)
          Sends this object and its contents to the specified receiver.
 void IObject.sendTo(IActiveInstance receiver, int type, IStatementOrganizer organizer, IContext ctx)
          Sends this object and its contents to the specified receiver in the order organized by the specified IStatementOrganizer.

Uses of IActiveInstance in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jac

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jac that return IActiveInstance
protected  IActiveInstance AbstractExternalActivity.getPerformedBy()
          Returns the active instance (agent or object) performing this activity.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jac with parameters of type IActiveInstance
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified set of beliefs to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified beliefs to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the belief in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the belief in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.

Uses of IActiveInstance in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jagt

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jagt with parameters of type IActiveInstance
protected  void AbstractExternalAgent.send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified set of beliefs to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalAgent.send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified beliefs to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.
protected  void AbstractExternalAgent.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the belief in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalAgent.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the belief in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.

Uses of IActiveInstance in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jsvc

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jsvc with parameters of type IActiveInstance
protected  void AbstractExternalService.send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified set of beliefs to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalService.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the belief in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalService.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the belief in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.

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