Uses of Interface

Packages that use IContext

Uses of IContext in brahms.base.util

Methods in brahms.base.util with parameters of type IContext
static IObject BrahmsCalendar.getBrahmsCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar calendar, IObject brahmsCalendar, IContext ctx)
          Converts a Java GregorianCalendar into a Brahms Calendar.
static java.util.GregorianCalendar BrahmsCalendar.getJavaCalendar(IObject calendar, IContext ctx)
          Converts a Brahms Calendar into a Java GregorianCalendar.

Uses of IContext in brahms.communication

Methods in brahms.communication with parameters of type IContext
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, Performative performative, boolean generateConversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, Performative performative, java.lang.String conversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, Performative performative, boolean generateConversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, Performative performative, java.lang.String conversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
protected static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(Performative performative, java.lang.String action, IContext ctx)
          Creates an empty communicative act object for which only the Performative and action are specified as the minimum properties to define the name of the CommunicativeAct.
static IObject CommunicativeAct.createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String performative, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, IContext ctx)
static IObject CommunicativeAct.createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String performative, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
static boolean CommunicativeAct.getBooleanPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the boolean value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static byte CommunicativeAct.getBytePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the byte property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static char CommunicativeAct.getCharPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the char property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static IConcept CommunicativeAct.getConceptPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the IConcept value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static double CommunicativeAct.getDoublePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the double value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static float CommunicativeAct.getFloatPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the float value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static int CommunicativeAct.getIntPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the int property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static java.lang.Object CommunicativeAct.getJavaPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the Java Object value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static long CommunicativeAct.getLongPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the long property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static CommunicativeAct.getSerializablePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the Serializable value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static short CommunicativeAct.getShortPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the short property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static java.lang.String CommunicativeAct.getStringPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the string property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static java.lang.String CommunicativeAct.getSymbolPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the symbol property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static IUnknown CommunicativeAct.getUnknownPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the boolean value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.populateCommunicativeAct(CommunicativeAct ca, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, Performative performative, java.lang.String conversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Populates the specified communicative act with the specified information
static void CommunicativeAct.sendCommunicativeAct(IObject commAct, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
          Sends the beliefs stored in the specified Brahms CommunicativeAct to the the specified receiver and makes sure that the 'envelope("sender")' belief is sent last.
static void CommunicativeAct.setAction(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String action, IContext ctx)
          Sets the action for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setAction(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's action, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setConversationID(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String conversationID, IContext ctx)
          Sets the conversation-id for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setConversationID(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's conversation-id, also set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setDate(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's date, also set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setFrom(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPerformative(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String performative, IContext ctx)
          Sets the performative for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPerformative(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's performative, also set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, char value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, double value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, float value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, int value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, long value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, short value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, char value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, double value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, float value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, int value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, long value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, short value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setRaisedException(IObject communicativeAct, IConceptualObject exception, IActiveInstance sender, IContext ctx)
          Sets the 'raisedException' attribute for the given communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setReceiver(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setReceiver(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
          Sets the receiver attribute for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setReplyTo(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's reply to, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setReplyTo(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance replyTo, IContext ctx)
          Sets the replyTo attribute for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setSender(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setSender(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance sender, IContext ctx)
          Sets the sender attribute for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setSubject(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Sets the subject for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setSubject(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's subject, also set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setTo(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, also set the belief.

Constructors in brahms.communication with parameters of type IContext
CommunicativeAct(IObject communicativeAct, IContext ctx)
          Constructor, creates a new CommunicativeAct to represent a Brahms CommunicativeAct and automatically reads the attribute values from the communicative act.
CommunicativeAct(IObject communicativeAct, IContext ctx, boolean retrieveMapValues)
          Constructor, creates a new CommunicativeAct to represent a Brahms CommunicativeAct.

Uses of IContext in brahms.communication.util

Methods in brahms.communication.util with parameters of type IContext
static ExceptionRecord ExceptionGenerator.generateException(IActiveInstance agent, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String message, IContext ctx)
          Generates a brahms.base.Exception object and the appropriate statements for the specified agent that the exception was thrown, the type of exception and the exception message if any.

Uses of IContext in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common with parameters of type IContext
 boolean IConceptualObject.acquireMemoryReference(IContext ctx)
          Has the calling agent acquire a reference to this IConceptualObject indicating that it wishes to use this reference and to ensure that this IConceptualObject will not get deleted.
 boolean IActiveInstance.acquireMemoryReference(IContext ctx)
          Has the calling agent acquire a reference to this IActiveInstance indicating that it wishes to use this reference and to ensure that this IActiveInstance will not get deleted.
 void IActiveInstance.addBeliefRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept rhsConcept, IContext ctx)
          Adds a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by asserting a new belief into the belief state.
 void IActiveInstance.assertBelief(IBelief belief, IContext ctx)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified belief to the active instance's belief set.
 void IActiveInstance.assertBeliefs(IBelief[] beliefs, IContext ctx)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified beliefs to the active instance's belief set.
static IAgent AgentFactory.createAgent(java.lang.String name, IGroup[] groups, IContext actionCtx)
          createAgent creates a new agent, makes it a member of the specified groups and returns the new agent.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, char value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, double value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, float value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, char value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, double value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, float value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, int value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, int value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, long value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, short value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, long value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, short value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, char value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, double value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, float value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, int value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, long value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, short value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthValue, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthValue, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 boolean IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a boolean value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state
 boolean IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 boolean IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 byte IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a byte value for an attribute of a concept from the active instance's belief state
 byte IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 byte IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 char IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a char value for an attribute of a concept from the active instance's belief state
 char IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 char IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 IConcept IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state
 IConcept IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 IConcept IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 double IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a double value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state
 double IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 double IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 float IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a float value for an attribute of a concept from the active instance's belief state
 float IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 float IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 int IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an int value for an attribute of a concept from the active instance's belief state
 int IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 int IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 long IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a long value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state
 long IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 long IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Returns a Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from beliefs in the belief state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
 short IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a short value for an attribute of a concept from the active instance's belief state
 short IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 short IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 java.util.SortedMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeSortedMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Returns a sorted Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from beliefs in the belief state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
 java.lang.String IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a String value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state The attribute's Brahms type may be either string or symbol.
 java.lang.String IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
 java.lang.String IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
 java.lang.Object IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves the value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
 java.lang.Object IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
 java.lang.Object IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBeliefForIndex(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBeliefForIndex(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 java.util.List<IConcept> IActiveInstance.getBeliefRelationConcepts(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a list of concepts that are related to a given concept by a named relation by inspecting the beliefs in the current belief state.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified attribute on their left hand side regardless of their lhs concept, relational operator or value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side regardless of their relational operator or value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, char value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, double value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, float value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side and that use the specified relational operator.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, int value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, long value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, short value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified left hand side concept and relation regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, int truthvalue, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified left hand side concept, relation and truth value regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IContext ctx)
          Returns the active instance's belief set.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthvalue, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified relation and right hand side concept, and truth value regardless of their left hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IRelation relation, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified relation regardless of their left and right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthvalue, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified relation, as right hand side 'unknown', and the specified truth value regardless of their left hand side concept.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getValue(IAgent agt, IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the value for the attribute of the specified agent.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getValue(IAgent source, IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the value for the attribute of the specified agent.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getValue(IAgent source, IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation rel, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the values for the relation of the specified agent.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getValue(IAgent agt, IRelation rel, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the values for the relation of the specified agent.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject obj, IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the value for the attribute of the specified object.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject source, IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the value for the attribute of the specified object.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject source, IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation rel, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the values for the relation of the specified object.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject obj, IRelation rel, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the values for the relation of the specified object.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named attribute based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given integer index based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given String key based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefRelationAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether there are any true beliefs for a given concept and named relation in the current belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefRelationValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept is related to a value by a named relation by inspecting the beliefs in the current belief state.
 IAgent IGroup.newAgent(java.lang.String name, IContext actionCtx)
          newAgent creates a new agent, makes it a member of this group and returns the new agent.
 IConceptualObject IConceptualClass.newInstance(java.lang.String name, IContext actionCtx)
          newInstance creates a new instance of this conceptual class and returns the new instance.
 IObject IClass.newInstance(java.lang.String name, IContext actionCtx)
          newInstance creates a new instance of this class and returns the new instance.
 IArea IAreaDef.newInstance(java.lang.String name, IContext actionCtx)
          newInstance creates a new instance of this area definition and returns the new instance.
 void IConceptualObject.releaseMemoryReference(IContext ctx)
          Has the calling agent release a reference to this IConceptualObject indicating that it no longer wishes to use this reference and to allow for this IConceptualObject to be deleted.
 void IActiveInstance.releaseMemoryReference(IContext ctx)
          Has the calling agent release a reference to this IActiveInstance indicating that it no longer wishes to use this reference and to allow for this IActiveInstance to be deleted.
 java.util.List<IConcept> IActiveInstance.removeAllBeliefRelationValues(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IContext ctx)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by retracting beliefs from the belief state.
 void IActiveInstance.removeBeliefRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept rhsConcept, IContext ctx)
          Removes a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by retracting the corresponding belief from the belief state.
 void IActiveInstance.retractBelief(IBelief belief, IContext ctx)
          Schedules the retraction of the specified belief from the active instance's belief set.
 void IObject.sendTo(IActiveInstance receiver, int type, IContext ctx)
          Sends this object and its contents to the specified receiver.
 void IObject.sendTo(IActiveInstance receiver, int type, IStatementOrganizer organizer, IContext ctx)
          Sends this object and its contents to the specified receiver in the order organized by the specified IStatementOrganizer.
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefRelationUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IContext ctx)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by giving the relation a value of unknown.
 void BrahmsGroupDescriptor.setValue(IAgent agt, IAttribute att, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the attribute of the specified agent.
 void BrahmsGroupDescriptor.setValue(IAgent destination, IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the attribute of the specified agent.
 void BrahmsGroupDescriptor.setValue(IAgent destination, IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation rel, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the relation of the specified agent.
 void BrahmsGroupDescriptor.setValue(IAgent agt, IRelation rel, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the relation of the specified agent.
 void BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject obj, IAttribute att, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the attribute of the specified object.
 void BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject destination, IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the attribute of the specified object.
 void BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject destination, IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation rel, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the relation of the specified object.
 void BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject obj, IRelation rel, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the relation of the specified object.

Uses of IContext in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.components

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.components with parameters of type IContext
 void IWorldState.addFactRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept rhsConcept, IContext ctx)
          Adds a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by asserting a new fact into the world state.
 void IWorldState.assertFact(IFact fact, IContext ctx)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified fact into the world state including the distribution of the fact to all agents and objects.
 IFact IWorldState.getFactForIndex(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IContext ctx)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFactForIndex(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IContext ctx)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 java.util.List<IConcept> IWorldState.removeAllFactRelationValues(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IContext ctx)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by retracting facts from the world state.
 void IWorldState.removeFactRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept rhsConcept, IContext ctx)
          Removes a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by retracting the corresponding fact from the world state.
 void IWorldState.retractFact(IFact fact, IContext ctx)
          Schedules the retraction of the specified fact from the world state including the notification of the retraction to all agents and objects.
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactRelationUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IContext ctx)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by giving the relation a value of unknown.

Uses of IContext in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert that return IContext
 IContext ConversionContext.getBrahmsContext()
          Returns the Brahms context used for interacting with Brahms concepts.

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert with parameters of type IContext
 void ConversionContext.setBrahmsContext(IContext ctx)
          Sets the Brahms context used for interacting with Brahms concepts.

Uses of IContext in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jac

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jac that return IContext
protected  IContext AbstractExternalActivity.getContext()
          Returns this activity's context

Uses of IContext in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jagt

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jagt that return IContext
 IContext AbstractExternalAgent.getContext()
          Returns this activity's context

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jagt with parameters of type IContext
static ExternalAgentRecord ExternalAgentFactory.createExternalAgent(java.lang.String agentClass, java.lang.String name, IContext actionCtx)
          Creates a new external agent created from the Java class specified in agentClass and with the specified name (optional).

Uses of IContext in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jsvc

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jsvc that return IContext
protected  IContext AbstractExternalService.getContext()
          Returns this service's context

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