Uses of Class

Packages that use ExternalException   

Uses of ExternalException in

Methods in that throw ExternalException
 void FindObject.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void FindAgent.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.

Uses of ExternalException in brahms.base.system

Methods in brahms.base.system that throw ExternalException
static java.lang.Object[] CreateArrayActivity.createArray(IVariable arrayVariable, int length)
 void ToIntActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void SetJavaAttributeValueActivity.doActivity()
          Performs the activity
 void SendBeliefsActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void RetractFactsActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void RetractBeliefsActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void RetractAllBeliefsActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void ReplaceActivity.doActivity()
          Implement the activity
 void RegisterWithAgentMonitorActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void ReadBeliefsActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void PrintlnActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void PrintFactActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void PrintBeliefActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void GetObjectAtActivity.doActivity()
          Performs the activity
 void GetJavaAttributeValueActivity.doActivity()
          Performs the activity
 void GetArrayLengthActivity.doActivity()
 void DeregisterFromAgentMonitorActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void CreateExternalAgentActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void CreateArrayActivity.doActivity()
 void AddObjectToArrayActivity.doActivity()
          Grow the array by one and add the object to its end.

Uses of ExternalException in brahms.base.util

Methods in brahms.base.util that throw ExternalException
 void SetPropertyValueActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void RTPrimitiveActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void ParsePrimitiveValueActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void LoadPropertiesActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void InDateRangeActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void GetYesterdayActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void GetTomorrowActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void GetTimeStampActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void GetPropertyValueActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void GetCurrentTimeActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void GetCalendarActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void ConvertToTimeZoneActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void AddTimeActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
static IObject BrahmsCalendar.getBrahmsCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar calendar, IObject brahmsCalendar, IContext ctx)
          Converts a Java GregorianCalendar into a Brahms Calendar.
static IClass BrahmsCalendar.getCalendarClass()
          Returns the Brahms Calendar class.
static java.util.GregorianCalendar BrahmsCalendar.getJavaCalendar(IObject calendar, IContext ctx)
          Converts a Brahms Calendar into a Java GregorianCalendar.
static void BrahmsCalendar.init()
          Initializes the class attributes.
static java.util.GregorianCalendar BrahmsCalendar.parseTimeStamp(java.lang.String timeStamp)
          Parses the specified timestamp into a GregorianCalendar.

Uses of ExternalException in brahms.communication

Methods in brahms.communication that throw ExternalException
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, Performative performative, boolean generateConversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, Performative performative, java.lang.String conversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, Performative performative, boolean generateConversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, Performative performative, java.lang.String conversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Creates a new communicative act object populated with the specified information
protected static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.createCommunicativeAct(Performative performative, java.lang.String action, IContext ctx)
          Creates an empty communicative act object for which only the Performative and action are specified as the minimum properties to define the name of the CommunicativeAct.
static IObject CommunicativeAct.createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String performative, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, IContext ctx)
static IObject CommunicativeAct.createCommunicativeAct(java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String performative, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
static java.lang.String CommunicativeActFactory.createConversationID(CommunicativeAct ca)
          Generates a conversation id for a CommunicativeAct.
 void SetCommunicativeActProperty.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void SendCommunicativeActActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void RetractCommunicativeActActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void GetCommunicativeActProperty.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void CreateCommunicativeActActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.doWork()
          The virtual machine takes care of having the agent run in its own thread of execution.
static boolean CommunicativeAct.getBooleanPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the boolean value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static byte CommunicativeAct.getBytePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the byte property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static char CommunicativeAct.getCharPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the char property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static IClass CommunicativeAct.getCommunicativeActClass()
          Returns the Brahms IClass for CommunicativeAct from the current model.
static IConcept CommunicativeAct.getConceptPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the IConcept value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static double CommunicativeAct.getDoublePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the double value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static float CommunicativeAct.getFloatPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the float value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static int CommunicativeAct.getIntPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the int property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static java.lang.Object CommunicativeAct.getJavaPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the Java Object value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static long CommunicativeAct.getLongPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the long property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static CommunicativeAct.getSerializablePropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the Serializable value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static short CommunicativeAct.getShortPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the short property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static java.lang.String CommunicativeAct.getStringPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the string property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static java.lang.String CommunicativeAct.getSymbolPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the symbol property value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
static IUnknown CommunicativeAct.getUnknownPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Returns the boolean value keyed to the given key in the map identified by the given MAP constant in the given communicative act.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.initialize()
          Initialize is used to initialize the external agent after it has been loaded into the virtual machine.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.onAssert(IFact fact)
          onAssert is called by the virtual machine whenever a new fact is asserted in the world state.
abstract  void AbstractCommunicationAgent.onInitialize()
          Called when the agent is being initialized after it has been loaded into virtual machine.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.onPause()
          Called when the agent is being paused.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.onProcess(long time)
          onProcess is called by the virtual machine when the virtual machine is in simulation mode and the agent is notified by the scheduler that it is allowed to process any events for the specified time.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.onReceive(IBelief belief)
          onReceive is called by the virtual machine whenever a new belief is communicated to the external agent by another agent or object.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.onReset()
          Called when the agent is being reset.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.onResume()
          Called when the agent is being resumed from a pause.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.onRetract(IFact fact)
          onRetract is called by the virtual machine whenever a fact is retracted from the world state.
abstract  void AbstractCommunicationAgent.onStart()
          Called when the agent is being started.
abstract  void AbstractCommunicationAgent.onStop()
          Called when the agent is being stopped.
 IStatement[] CommunicativeActBeliefOrganizer.organize(java.util.Enumeration statements)
          Organizes the specified enumeration of statements and returns the organized set of statements.
 IStatement[] CommunicativeActBeliefOrganizer.organize(IStatement[] statements)
          Organizes the specified array of statements and returns the organized set of statements.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.pause()
          Pauses the external agent.
static CommunicativeAct CommunicativeActFactory.populateCommunicativeAct(CommunicativeAct ca, IActiveInstance sender, IActiveInstance receiver, IActiveInstance replyTo, Performative performative, java.lang.String conversationID, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Populates the specified communicative act with the specified information
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.reset()
          Resets the external agent to the initialized state as it was placed in using the initialize method, performing any additional clean-up if necessary.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.resume()
          Resumes the external agent from a pause.
static void CommunicativeAct.sendCommunicativeAct(IObject commAct, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
          Sends the beliefs stored in the specified Brahms CommunicativeAct to the the specified receiver and makes sure that the 'envelope("sender")' belief is sent last.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.sendMessage(CommunicativeAct message, IActiveInstance recipient)
          Sends the specified message to the specified recipient.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.sendMessage(CommunicativeAct message, IActiveInstance recipient, IReplyHandler replyHandler)
          Sends the specified message to the specified recipient and has responses for the specified message sent to the specified reply handler.
static void CommunicativeAct.setAction(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String action, IContext ctx)
          Sets the action for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setAction(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the communicative act's action, does not set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setAction(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's action, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setConversationID(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String conversationID, IContext ctx)
          Sets the conversation-id for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setConversationID(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the communicative act's conversation-id, does not set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setConversationID(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's conversation-id, also set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setDate(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the communicative act's date, does not set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setDate(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's date, also set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setFrom(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the envelope, does not set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setFrom(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPerformative(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String performative, IContext ctx)
          Sets the performative for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPerformative(Performative value)
          Sets the communicative act's performative, does not set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPerformative(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's performative, also set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, char value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, double value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, float value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, int value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, long value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, short value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, char value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, double value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, float value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, int value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, long value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, short value, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setPropertyValue(IObject communicativeAct, CommunicativeAct.MAP map, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, IContext ctx)
          Sets a property value for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setRaisedException(IObject communicativeAct, IConceptualObject exception, IActiveInstance sender, IContext ctx)
          Sets the 'raisedException' attribute for the given communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setReceiver(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, does not set the belief
 void CommunicativeAct.setReceiver(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setReceiver(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance receiver, IContext ctx)
          Sets the receiver attribute for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setReplyTo(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's reply to, does not set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setReplyTo(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's reply to, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setReplyTo(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance replyTo, IContext ctx)
          Sets the replyTo attribute for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setSender(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, does not set the belief
 void CommunicativeAct.setSender(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's sender in the payload, also set the belief.
static void CommunicativeAct.setSender(IObject communicativeAct, IActiveInstance sender, IContext ctx)
          Sets the sender attribute for the specified communicative act.
static void CommunicativeAct.setSubject(IObject communicativeAct, java.lang.String subject, IContext ctx)
          Sets the subject for the specified communicative act.
 void CommunicativeAct.setSubject(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the communicative act's subject, does not set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setSubject(java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's subject, also set the belief.
 void CommunicativeAct.setTo(IActiveInstance value)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the envelope, does not set the belief
 void CommunicativeAct.setTo(IActiveInstance value, IContext ctx)
          Sets the communicative act's receiver in the payload, also set the belief.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.start()
          Starts the external agent.
 void AbstractCommunicationAgent.stop()
          Stops the external agent.

Constructors in brahms.communication that throw ExternalException
CommunicativeAct(IObject communicativeAct, IContext ctx)
          Constructor, creates a new CommunicativeAct to represent a Brahms CommunicativeAct and automatically reads the attribute values from the communicative act.
CommunicativeAct(IObject communicativeAct, IContext ctx, boolean retrieveMapValues)
          Constructor, creates a new CommunicativeAct to represent a Brahms CommunicativeAct.

Uses of ExternalException in

Methods in that throw ExternalException
 void VerifyChecksumActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void FileExistsActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void DeleteFileActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void CreateChecksumActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.
 void CopyFileActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity action.

Uses of ExternalException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api that throw ExternalException
static IModel JAPI.getModel()
          Returns a reference to the model loaded in the virtual machine.
static IVMController JAPI.getVMController()
          Returns the virtual machine's controller usable by this agent.
 IVMController IBVM.getVMController()
          Returns the virtual machine's controller
static IWorldState JAPI.getWorldState()
          Returns a reference to the world state managing the fact set.

Uses of ExternalException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.common that throw ExternalException
 boolean IConceptualObject.acquireMemoryReference(IContext ctx)
          Has the calling agent acquire a reference to this IConceptualObject indicating that it wishes to use this reference and to ensure that this IConceptualObject will not get deleted.
 boolean IActiveInstance.acquireMemoryReference(IContext ctx)
          Has the calling agent acquire a reference to this IActiveInstance indicating that it wishes to use this reference and to ensure that this IActiveInstance will not get deleted.
 void IActiveInstance.addBeliefRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept rhsConcept, IContext ctx)
          Adds a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by asserting a new belief into the belief state.
 void IVariable.addValue(boolean value)
          Adds the specified value to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(byte value)
          Adds the specified value to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(char value)
          Adds the specified value to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(double value)
          Adds the specified value to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(float value)
          Adds the specified value to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(IConcept value)
          Adds the specified value to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(int value)
          Adds the specified value to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(IUnknown value)
          Adds the 'unknown' value to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(long value)
          Adds the specified value to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Adds the specified variable to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue( value)
          Adds the specified variable to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(short value)
          Adds the specified value to the variable's binding.
 void IVariable.addValue(java.lang.String value)
          Adds the specified value to the variable's binding.
 void IActiveInstance.assertBelief(IBelief belief, IContext ctx)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified belief to the active instance's belief set.
 void IActiveInstance.assertBeliefs(IBelief[] beliefs, IContext ctx)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified beliefs to the active instance's belief set.
static IAgent AgentFactory.createAgent(java.lang.String name, IGroup[] groups, IContext actionCtx)
          createAgent creates a new agent, makes it a member of the specified groups and returns the new agent.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, boolean value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, byte value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, char value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, double value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, float value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IConcept value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, int value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, byte value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, char value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, double value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, float value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, int value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, long value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, short value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IUnknown value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, long value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java object.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, short value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, byte value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, char value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, double value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, float value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, int value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, long value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, short value)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept relation concept.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept relation concept.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept relation concept.
static IBelief BeliefFactory.createBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Creates a new IBelief of the form concept relation concept.
static IBelief[] BeliefFactory.createBeliefs(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.util.Map collection)
          Creates new IBelief(s) of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, boolean value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, byte value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, char value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, double value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, float value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IConcept value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, int value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, byte value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, char value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, double value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, float value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, int value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, long value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, short value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IUnknown value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, long value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, short value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, byte value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, char value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, double value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, float value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, int value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, long value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, short value)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept relation concept.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept relation concept.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept relation concept.
static IFact FactFactory.createFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Creates a new IFact of the form concept relation concept.
static IFact[] FactFactory.createFacts(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.util.Map collection)
          Creates new IFact(s) of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS.
 IAgent IModel.getAgent(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the agent with the specified name.
 IAgent IModel.getAgent(java.lang.String name, int strategy)
          Returns the agent with the specified name.
 java.util.Enumeration IModel.getAgents()
          Returns a list of all the agents loaded in the model.
 IArea IModel.getArea(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the area with the specified name.
 IArea IModel.getArea(java.lang.String name, int strategy)
          Returns the area with the specified name.
 IAreaDef IModel.getAreaDef(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the area definition with the specified name.
 java.util.Enumeration IModel.getAreaDefs()
          Returns a list of all the area definitions loaded in the model.
 java.util.Enumeration IModel.getAreas()
          Returns a list of all the areas loaded in the model.
 IAttribute IConcept.getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the attribute with the specified name if it is defined for this concept or any of its parent concepts in the concept inheritance hierarchy.
 java.util.List<IAttribute> IConcept.getAttributes()
          Returns the attributes declared for this concept including the attributes declared in the parent concepts in the concept inheritance hierarchy.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, char value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, double value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, float value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, char value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, double value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, float value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, int value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, int value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, long value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, short value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, long value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, short value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, char value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, double value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, float value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, int value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, long value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, short value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthValue, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBelief(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthValue, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 boolean IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a boolean value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state
 boolean IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 boolean IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 byte IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a byte value for an attribute of a concept from the active instance's belief state
 byte IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 byte IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 char IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a char value for an attribute of a concept from the active instance's belief state
 char IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 char IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 IConcept IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state
 IConcept IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 IConcept IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 double IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a double value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state
 double IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 double IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 float IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a float value for an attribute of a concept from the active instance's belief state
 float IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 float IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 int IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an int value for an attribute of a concept from the active instance's belief state
 int IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 int IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 long IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a long value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state
 long IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 long IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Returns a Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from beliefs in the belief state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
 short IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a short value for an attribute of a concept from the active instance's belief state
 short IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state
 short IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state
 java.util.SortedMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeSortedMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Returns a sorted Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from beliefs in the belief state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
 java.lang.String IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a String value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state The attribute's Brahms type may be either string or symbol.
 java.lang.String IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
 java.lang.String IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
 java.lang.Object IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves the value for an attribute of a concept from a belief in the belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
 java.lang.Object IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a belief in the belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
 java.lang.Object IActiveInstance.getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a belief in the belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBeliefForIndex(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 IBelief IActiveInstance.getBeliefForIndex(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IContext ctx)
          Find the belief using the specified parameters and return the belief if found, null if the belief was not found.
 java.util.List<IConcept> IActiveInstance.getBeliefRelationConcepts(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IContext ctx)
          Retrieves a list of concepts that are related to a given concept by a named relation by inspecting the beliefs in the current belief state.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified attribute on their left hand side regardless of their lhs concept, relational operator or value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side regardless of their relational operator or value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, char value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, double value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, float value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side and that use the specified relational operator.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, int value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IUnknown value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, long value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, short value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified left hand side concept and relation regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, int truthvalue, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified left hand side concept, relation and truth value regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IContext ctx)
          Returns the active instance's belief set.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthvalue, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified relation and right hand side concept, and truth value regardless of their left hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IRelation relation, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified relation regardless of their left and right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IActiveInstance.getBeliefs(IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthvalue, IContext ctx)
          Returns a list of all the beliefs that have the specified relation, as right hand side 'unknown', and the specified truth value regardless of their left hand side concept.
 boolean IAttributeTuple.getBooleanRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 boolean IVariable.getBooleanValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 boolean IParameter.getBooleanValue()
          Returns the boolean value
 IAttribute BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getBrahmsAttribute(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Brahms attribute with the specified name.
 IAttribute BrahmsClassDescriptor.getBrahmsAttribute(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Brahms attribute with the specified name.
 java.util.Collection<IAttribute> BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getBrahmsAttributes()
          Returns the list of Brahms attributes declared for this group.
 java.util.Collection<IAttribute> BrahmsClassDescriptor.getBrahmsAttributes()
          Returns the list of Brahms attributes declared for this class.
 IClass BrahmsClassDescriptor.getBrahmsClass()
          Returns the Brahms class.
 IGroup BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getBrahmsGroup()
          Returns the Brahms group.
 IRelation BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getBrahmsRelation(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Brahms relation with the specified name.
 IRelation BrahmsClassDescriptor.getBrahmsRelation(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Brahms relation with the specified name.
 java.util.Collection<IRelation> BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getBrahmsRelations()
          Returns the list of Brahms relations declared for this group.
 java.util.Collection<IRelation> BrahmsClassDescriptor.getBrahmsRelations()
          Returns the list of Brahms relations declared for this class.
 byte IAttributeTuple.getByteRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 byte IVariable.getByteValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 byte IParameter.getByteValue()
          Returns the byte value
 char IAttributeTuple.getCharRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 char IVariable.getCharValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 char IParameter.getCharValue()
          Returns the character value
 IClass IModel.getClass(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the class with the specified name.
 java.util.Enumeration IModel.getClasses()
          Returns a list of all the classes loaded in the model.
 IConcept IAttributeTuple.getConceptRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 IConceptualClass IModel.getConceptualClass(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the conceptual class with the specified name.
 java.util.Enumeration IModel.getConceptualClasses()
          Returns a list of all the conceptual classes loaded in the model.
 IConceptualObject IModel.getConceptualObject(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the conceptual object with the specified name.
 IConceptualObject IModel.getConceptualObject(java.lang.String name, int strategy)
          Returns the conceptual object with the specified name.
 java.util.Enumeration IModel.getConceptualObjects()
          Returns a list of all the conceptual objects loaded in the model.
 IConcept IVariable.getConceptValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 IConcept IParameter.getConceptValue()
          Returns the concept value, the value of a parameter can potentially be a class.
 int IParameter.getContentType()
          Returns the content type of the parameter.
 java.lang.String IRelation.getDisplayText()
          Returns a display friendly name for the relation.
 java.lang.String IAttribute.getDisplayText()
          Returns a display friendly name for the attribute.
 double IAttributeTuple.getDoubleRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 double IVariable.getDoubleValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 double IParameter.getDoubleValue()
          Returns the double value
 IExternalAgent IAgent.getExternalImplementation()
          Returns the external agent implementation, the Java object implementing the IExternalAgent interface.
 float IAttributeTuple.getFloatRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 float IVariable.getFloatValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 float IParameter.getFloatValue()
          Returns the float value
 IGroup IModel.getGroup(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the group with the specified name.
 java.util.Enumeration IModel.getGroups()
          Returns a list of all the groups loaded in the model.
 java.util.List<IConceptualObject> IConceptualClass.getInstances(boolean includeSubClasses)
          Returns a list of all of this class' instances.
 java.util.List<IObject> IClass.getInstances(boolean includeSubClasses)
          Returns a list of all of this class' instances.
 java.util.List<IArea> IAreaDef.getInstances(boolean includeSubClasses)
          Returns a list of all of this class' instances.
 int IAttributeTuple.getIntRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 int IVariable.getIntValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 int IParameter.getIntValue()
          Returns the integer value
 java.lang.Object IVariable.getJavaObjectValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 java.lang.Object IParameter.getJavaObjectValue()
          Returns the Java Object value. IVariable.getJavaValue()
          Deprecated. Use getJavaObjectValue instead IParameter.getJavaValue()
          Deprecated. Use getJavaObjectValue instead
 IAttribute IAttributeTuple.getLhsAttribute()
          Returns the attribute for which the value is specified in this tuple.
 java.lang.Object IAttributeTuple.getLhsCollectionIndex()
          Returns the collection index/key for the collection.
 IConcept ITuple.getLhsConcept()
          Returns the left hand side concept about which a state is defined.
 java.lang.Object ITuple.getLhsObject()
          Returns the left hand side object about which a state is defined.
 long IAttributeTuple.getLongRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 long IVariable.getLongValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 long IParameter.getLongValue()
          Returns the long value
 java.util.List<IAgent> IGroup.getMembers(boolean includeMemberGroups)
          Returns a list of all of this group's member agents.
 java.lang.String IVariable.getName()
          Returns the variable name.
 java.lang.String IRelation.getName()
          Returns the relation name.
 java.lang.String IParameter.getName()
          Returns the name of the parameter.
 java.lang.String IAttribute.getName()
          Returns the attribute name.
 IObject IModel.getObject(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the object with the specified name.
 IObject IModel.getObject(java.lang.String name, int strategy)
          Returns the object with the specified name.
 java.util.Enumeration IModel.getObjects()
          Returns a list of all the objects loaded in the model.
 IConcept IRelation.getOwner()
          Returns the owner of the relation, the concept for which the relation is specified.
 IVMInstance IContext.getOwner()
          Returns the IVMInstance that owns this context
 IActiveInstance IBelief.getOwner()
          Returns the IActiveInstance that currently owns this belief, i.e.
 IConcept IAttribute.getOwner()
          Returns the owner of the attribute, the concept for which the attribute is specified.
 IClass IObject.getParent()
          Returns the parent class of this object.
 IPath IModel.getPath(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the path with the specified name.
 IPath IModel.getPath(java.lang.String name, int strategy)
          Returns the path with the specified name.
 java.util.Enumeration IModel.getPaths()
          Returns a list of all the paths loaded in the model.
 int IVariable.getQuantification()
          Returns the variable's quantification, one of FORONE, FOREACH or COLLECTALL.
 IRelation IRelationTuple.getRelation()
          Returns the relation defining the type of relationship between the left hand side and right hand side concepts.
 IRelation IConcept.getRelation(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the relation with the specified nameif it is defined for this concept or any of its parent concepts in the concept inheritance hierarchy.
 int IAttributeTuple.getRelationalOperator()
          Returns the relational operator specifying whether the attribute of the left hand side concept is equals or not equal to the right hand side value specified by this tuple.
 java.util.List<IRelation> IConcept.getRelations()
          Returns the relations declared for this concept including the relations declared in the parent concepts in the concept inheritance hierarchy.
 IConcept IRelationTuple.getRhsConcept()
          Returns the right hand side concept that is related to the left hand side concept through the IRelation specified by this tuple.
 java.lang.Object IAttributeTuple.getRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 short IAttributeTuple.getShortRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 short IVariable.getShortValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 short IParameter.getShortValue()
          Returns the short value
 java.lang.String IAttributeTuple.getStringRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 java.lang.String IVariable.getStringValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 java.lang.String IParameter.getStringValue()
          Returns the string value.
 java.lang.String IAttributeTuple.getSymbolRhsValue()
          Returns the right hand side value of the tuple, specifying the value for the left hand side attribute of the left hand side concept.
 java.lang.String IVariable.getSymbolValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 java.lang.String IParameter.getSymbolValue()
          Returns the symbol value
 long IStatement.getTimeCreated()
          Returns the time at which the statement was asserted in the world state or belief set of an agent or object.
 int IRelationTuple.getTruthValue()
          Returns the truth value of the relationship between the two concepts.
 ITuple IStatement.getTuple()
          Returns the ITuple defining the actual state represented by this statement.
 IType IVariable.getType()
          Returns the type of the variable.
 IType IRelation.getType()
          Returns the type of the relation.
 IType IParameter.getType()
          Returns the type of the parameter.
 IType IAttribute.getType()
          Returns the type of the attribute.
 IUnknown IAttributeTuple.getUnknownRhsValue()
          Returns value 'unknown' as the right hand side value of the tuple if this value is indeed 'unknown'.
 IUnknown IVariable.getUnknownValue()
          Returns the bound value of the variable.
 IUnknown IParameter.getUnknownValue()
          Returns the 'unknown' value.
 java.lang.Object IParameter.getValue()
          Generic method to return the parameter value as an object.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getValue(IAgent agt, IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the value for the attribute of the specified agent.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getValue(IAgent source, IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the value for the attribute of the specified agent.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getValue(IAgent source, IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation rel, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the values for the relation of the specified agent.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsGroupDescriptor.getValue(IAgent agt, IRelation rel, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the values for the relation of the specified agent.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject obj, IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the value for the attribute of the specified object.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject source, IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the value for the attribute of the specified object.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject source, IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation rel, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the values for the relation of the specified object.
 java.lang.Object BrahmsClassDescriptor.getValue(IObject obj, IRelation rel, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Returns the values for the relation of the specified object.
 java.util.Enumeration IVariable.getValues()
          Returns a list of the values bound to this variable.
 IVariable IParameter.getVariableValue()
          Returns the variable passed to the parameter.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named attribute based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given integer index based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given String key based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the beliefs in the belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefRelationAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, boolean includeUnknown, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether there are any true beliefs for a given concept and named relation in the current belief state.
 boolean IActiveInstance.hasBeliefRelationValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Tests whether a concept is related to a value by a named relation by inspecting the beliefs in the current belief state.
 boolean IVariable.hasMultipleValues()
          Returns true if this variable is bound to multiple values.
 boolean IActiveConcept.hasThoughtframes()
          Indicates whether the active concept has thoughtframes defined for it.
 boolean IActiveConcept.hasWorkframes()
          Indicates whether the active concept has workframes defined for it.
 boolean IVariable.isBound()
          Indicates whether the variable is bound to a value.
 boolean IVariable.isBoundAtStart()
          Indicates whether the variable was bound to a value at the start of the activity in which the variable is used.
 boolean IAgent.isExternal()
          Indicates whether this agent is an external agent implemented in Java.
 boolean IObject.isInstanceOf(IClass cls)
          Determines whether this object is an instance of the specified class.
 boolean IConceptualObject.isInstanceOf(IConceptualClass cls)
          Determines whether this object is an instance of the specified class.
 boolean IConcept.isLocal()
          Indicates whether the concept is loaded locally or remotely.
 boolean IRelationTuple.isRhsUnknown()
          Indicates if the rhs value is the value 'unknown'.
 boolean IVariable.isValueUnknown()
          Indicates whether the variable has as one of its values the value 'unknown'
 IAgent IGroup.newAgent(java.lang.String name, IContext actionCtx)
          newAgent creates a new agent, makes it a member of this group and returns the new agent.
 IConceptualObject IConceptualClass.newInstance(java.lang.String name, IContext actionCtx)
          newInstance creates a new instance of this conceptual class and returns the new instance.
 IObject IClass.newInstance(java.lang.String name, IContext actionCtx)
          newInstance creates a new instance of this class and returns the new instance.
 IArea IAreaDef.newInstance(java.lang.String name, IContext actionCtx)
          newInstance creates a new instance of this area definition and returns the new instance.
 IStatement[] DefaultStatementOrganizer.organize(java.util.Enumeration statements)
          Organizes the specified enumeration of statements and returns the organized set of statements.
 IStatement[] IStatementOrganizer.organize(java.util.Enumeration statements)
          Organizes the specified enumeration of statements and returns the organized set of statements.
 IStatement[] DefaultStatementOrganizer.organize(IStatement[] statements)
          Organizes the specified array of statements and returns the organized set of statements.
 IStatement[] IStatementOrganizer.organize(IStatement[] statements)
          Organizes the specified array of statements and returns the organized set of statements.
 void IConceptualObject.releaseMemoryReference(IContext ctx)
          Has the calling agent release a reference to this IConceptualObject indicating that it no longer wishes to use this reference and to allow for this IConceptualObject to be deleted.
 void IActiveInstance.releaseMemoryReference(IContext ctx)
          Has the calling agent release a reference to this IActiveInstance indicating that it no longer wishes to use this reference and to allow for this IActiveInstance to be deleted.
 java.util.List<IConcept> IActiveInstance.removeAllBeliefRelationValues(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IContext ctx)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by retracting beliefs from the belief state.
 void IActiveInstance.removeBeliefRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept rhsConcept, IContext ctx)
          Removes a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by retracting the corresponding belief from the belief state.
 void IActiveInstance.retractBelief(IBelief belief, IContext ctx)
          Schedules the retraction of the specified belief from the active instance's belief set.
 void IObject.sendTo(IActiveInstance receiver, int type, IContext ctx)
          Sends this object and its contents to the specified receiver.
 void IObject.sendTo(IActiveInstance receiver, int type, IStatementOrganizer organizer, IContext ctx)
          Sends this object and its contents to the specified receiver in the order organized by the specified IStatementOrganizer.
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named attribute
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IActiveInstance.setBeliefRelationUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IContext ctx)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by giving the relation a value of unknown.
 void IContext.setContextInformation(java.lang.Object obj)
          Sets context information in the specified object.
 void IVariable.setValue(boolean value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void IVariable.setValue(byte value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void IVariable.setValue(char value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void IVariable.setValue(double value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void IVariable.setValue(float value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void BrahmsGroupDescriptor.setValue(IAgent agt, IAttribute att, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the attribute of the specified agent.
 void BrahmsGroupDescriptor.setValue(IAgent destination, IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the attribute of the specified agent.
 void BrahmsGroupDescriptor.setValue(IAgent destination, IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation rel, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the relation of the specified agent.
 void BrahmsGroupDescriptor.setValue(IAgent agt, IRelation rel, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the relation of the specified agent.
 void IVariable.setValue(IConcept value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void IVariable.setValue(int value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject obj, IAttribute att, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the attribute of the specified object.
 void BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject destination, IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the attribute of the specified object.
 void BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject destination, IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation rel, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the relation of the specified object.
 void BrahmsClassDescriptor.setValue(IObject obj, IRelation rel, java.lang.Object value, IContext brahmsCtx)
          Sets the value for the relation of the specified object.
 void IVariable.setValue(IUnknown value)
          Binds the variable to the 'unknown' value.
 void IVariable.setValue(long value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void IVariable.setValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void IVariable.setValue( value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void IVariable.setValue(short value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.
 void IVariable.setValue(java.lang.String value)
          Binds the variable to the specified value.

Uses of ExternalException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.components

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.components that throw ExternalException
 void IWorldState.addFactRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept rhsConcept, IContext ctx)
          Adds a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by asserting a new fact into the world state.
 void IWorldState.assertFact(IFact fact, IContext ctx)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified fact into the world state including the distribution of the fact to all agents and objects. IVMController.getASP()
          Returns the collaborative infrastructure actor service provider used to make Brahms agents available as CI actors.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, boolean value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, byte value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, char value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, double value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, float value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IConcept value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, int value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, boolean value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, byte value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, char value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, double value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, float value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, int value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, long value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, short value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IUnknown value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, long value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, short value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.String value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, boolean value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, byte value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, char value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, double value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, float value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, int value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, long value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, short value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFact(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 boolean IWorldState.getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a boolean value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
 boolean IWorldState.getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
 boolean IWorldState.getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
 byte IWorldState.getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a byte value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
 byte IWorldState.getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
 byte IWorldState.getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
 char IWorldState.getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a char value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
 char IWorldState.getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
 char IWorldState.getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
 IConcept IWorldState.getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
 IConcept IWorldState.getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
 IConcept IWorldState.getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
 double IWorldState.getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a double value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
 double IWorldState.getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
 double IWorldState.getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
 float IWorldState.getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a float value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
 float IWorldState.getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
 float IWorldState.getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
 int IWorldState.getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves an int value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
 int IWorldState.getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
 int IWorldState.getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state IWorldState.getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a Java Serializable value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state IWorldState.getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state IWorldState.getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
 long IWorldState.getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a long value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
 long IWorldState.getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
 long IWorldState.getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
 java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> IWorldState.getFactAttributeMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Returns a Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from facts in the world state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
 short IWorldState.getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a short value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
 short IWorldState.getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
 short IWorldState.getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
 java.util.SortedMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> IWorldState.getFactAttributeSortedMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Returns a sorted Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from facts in the world state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
 java.lang.String IWorldState.getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a String value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state The attribute's Brahms type may be either string or symbol.
 java.lang.String IWorldState.getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
 java.lang.String IWorldState.getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
 java.lang.Object IWorldState.getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves the value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state.
 java.lang.Object IWorldState.getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state.
 java.lang.Object IWorldState.getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state.
 IFact IWorldState.getFactForIndex(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IContext ctx)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 IFact IWorldState.getFactForIndex(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, java.lang.String lhsCollectionIndex, int relop, IContext ctx)
          Find the fact using the specified parameters and return the fact if found, null if the fact was not found.
 java.util.List<IConcept> IWorldState.getFactRelationConcepts(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Retrieves a list of concepts that are related to a given concept by a named relation by inspecting the facts in the current world state.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts()
          Returns a list of all the facts in the world state's fact set.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IAttribute attribute)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified attribute regardless of the lhs concept, relational operator and right hand side value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side regardless of their relational operator or value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side and that use the specified relational operator.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, boolean value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, byte value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, char value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, double value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, float value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IConcept value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, int value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, IUnknown value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, long value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, short value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IAttribute lhsAttribute, int relop, java.lang.String value)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified concept and attribute on their left hand side, that use the specified relational operator and have the specified rhs value.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified left hand side concept and relation regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, int truthValue)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified left hand side concept, relation and truth value regardless of their right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IRelation relation)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified relation regardless of their left and right hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified relation and right hand side concept, and truth value regardless of their left hand side concept.
 java.util.Enumeration IWorldState.getFacts(IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthValue)
          Returns a list of all the facts that have the specified relation, as right hand side 'unknown', and the specified truth value regardless of their left hand side concept.
 IModel IVMController.getModel()
          Returns an interface to the model loaded in the virtual machine providing access to the concepts loaded in the virtual machine.
 org.omg.CORBA.ORB IVMController.getORB()
          Returns, and if necessary creates, the CORBA ORB that can be used to access or use Brahms Corba services.
 IWorldState IVMController.getWorldState()
          Returns the virtual machine's world state managing the fact set.
 boolean IWorldState.hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.
 boolean IWorldState.hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given integer index based on the facts in the world state.
 boolean IWorldState.hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given String key based on the facts in the world state.
 boolean IWorldState.hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named collection attribute at an int index based on the facts in the world state.
 boolean IWorldState.hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.
 boolean IWorldState.hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named collection attribute at a String key based on the facts in the world state.
 boolean IWorldState.hasFactRelationAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether there are any true facts for a given concept and named relation in the current world state.
 boolean IWorldState.hasFactRelationValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept is related to a value by a named relation by inspecting the facts in the current world state.
 java.util.List<IConcept> IWorldState.removeAllFactRelationValues(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IContext ctx)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by retracting facts from the world state.
 void IWorldState.removeFactRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept rhsConcept, IContext ctx)
          Removes a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by retracting the corresponding fact from the world state.
 void IWorldState.retractFact(IFact fact, IContext ctx)
          Schedules the retraction of the specified fact from the world state including the notification of the retraction to all agents and objects.
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, byte value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, char value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IConcept value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, double value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, float value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, int value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, long value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, short value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named attribute
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at an int index
 void IWorldState.setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IContext ctx)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at a String key
 void IWorldState.setFactRelationUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IContext ctx)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by giving the relation a value of unknown.

Uses of ExternalException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.convert that throw ExternalException
 java.lang.Object PrimitiveTypeConverter.toBrahms(java.lang.Class<?> javaType, java.lang.Object javaValue, IType brahmsType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Java value into its matching Brahms value.
 java.lang.Object NullConverter.toBrahms(java.lang.Class<?> javaType, java.lang.Object javaValue, IType brahmsType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Java value into its matching Brahms value.
 java.lang.Object MapConverter.toBrahms(java.lang.Class<?> javaType, java.lang.Object javaValue, IType brahmsType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Java value into its matching Brahms value.
 java.lang.Object IConverter.toBrahms(java.lang.Class<?> javaType, java.lang.Object javaValue, IType brahmsType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Java value into its matching Brahms value.
 java.lang.Object EnumConverter.toBrahms(java.lang.Class<?> javaType, java.lang.Object javaValue, IType brahmsType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Java value into its matching Brahms value.
 java.lang.Object CollectionConverter.toBrahms(java.lang.Class<?> javaType, java.lang.Object javaValue, IType brahmsType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Java value into its matching Brahms value.
 java.lang.Object CORBAEnumConverter.toBrahms(java.lang.Class<?> javaType, java.lang.Object javaValue, IType brahmsType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Java value into its matching Brahms value.
 java.lang.Object BeanConverter.toBrahms(java.lang.Class<?> javaType, java.lang.Object javaValue, IType brahmsType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Java value into its matching Brahms value.
 java.lang.Object ArrayConverter.toBrahms(java.lang.Class<?> javaType, java.lang.Object javaValue, IType brahmsType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Java value into its matching Brahms value.
 IObject ConverterManager.toBrahms(java.lang.Object obj, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Java object into its matching Brahms object representation.
 java.lang.Object ConverterManager.toJava(IObject obj, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Brahms object into its matching Java object representation.
 java.lang.Object PrimitiveTypeConverter.toJava(IType brahmsType, java.lang.Object brahmsValue, java.lang.Class<?> javaType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Brahms value into its matching Java value.
 java.lang.Object NullConverter.toJava(IType brahmsType, java.lang.Object brahmsValue, java.lang.Class<?> javaType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Brahms value into its matching Java value.
 java.lang.Object MapConverter.toJava(IType brahmsType, java.lang.Object brahmsValue, java.lang.Class<?> javaType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Brahms value into its matching Java value.
 java.lang.Object IConverter.toJava(IType brahmsType, java.lang.Object brahmsValue, java.lang.Class<?> javaType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Brahms value into its matching Java value.
 java.lang.Object EnumConverter.toJava(IType brahmsType, java.lang.Object brahmsValue, java.lang.Class<?> javaType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Brahms value into its matching Java value.
 java.lang.Object CollectionConverter.toJava(IType brahmsType, java.lang.Object brahmsValue, java.lang.Class<?> javaType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Brahms value into its matching Java value.
 java.lang.Object CORBAEnumConverter.toJava(IType brahmsType, java.lang.Object brahmsValue, java.lang.Class<?> javaType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Brahms value into its matching Java value.
 java.lang.Object BeanConverter.toJava(IType brahmsType, java.lang.Object brahmsValue, java.lang.Class<?> javaType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Brahms value into its matching Java value.
 java.lang.Object ArrayConverter.toJava(IType brahmsType, java.lang.Object brahmsValue, java.lang.Class<?> javaType, ConversionContext ctx)
          Converts the specified Brahms value into its matching Java value.

Uses of ExternalException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.exceptions

Subclasses of ExternalException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.exceptions
 class InvalidContentTypeException
          The InvalidContentTypeException is an exception thrown by a parameter if the user tries to retrieve a value using a method that does not match the content type of the parameter.
 class InvalidTypeException
          The InvalidTypeException is an exception thrown when a user tries to assign a value to a typed element that is of an incompatible type or when the user tries to retrieve a value using a method that return a value of a type not compatible with the type of the value to be returned.
 class UnknownValueException
          The UnknownValueException is an exception thrown when a user tries to retrieve a value for a Brahms attribute of a concept using a method that returns a primitive value but there is no fact or belief for that attribute of the concept or the value is Unknown
 class VariableBoundException
          The VariableBoundException is an exception thrown by variables when a user tries to set or add a value to the binding of a variable while the variable was already bound at the start of the activity in which the user tries to set or add a new value.
 class VariableNotBoundException
          The VariableNotBoundException is an exception thrown by a variable if the user tries to retrieve the bound value of a variable that is not yet bound to a value.

Uses of ExternalException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jac

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jac that throw ExternalException
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.addBeliefRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept value)
          Adds a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by asserting a new belief into the activity performer's belief state.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.addFactRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept value)
          Adds a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by asserting a new fact into the world state.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.assertBelief(IBelief belief)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified belief to the belief set of the active instance performing this activity.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.assertFact(IFact fact)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified fact into the world state including the distribution of the fact to all agents and objects.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, boolean value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, byte value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, char value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, double value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, float value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IConcept value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, byte value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, char value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, double value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, float value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, int value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, int value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, long value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, short value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IUnknown value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, long value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.util.Map collection, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes new IFact(s) and/or IBelief(s) of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, short value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, byte value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, char value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, double value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, float value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, int value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, long value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, short value, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthValue, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept with the specified truth value.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept.
 IStatement[] AbstractExternalActivity.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthValue, int beliefcertainty, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IBelief and/or IFact of the form concept relation concept with the specified truth value.
 java.lang.Object AbstractExternalActivity.convertCurrent(java.lang.Object value)
          Tests a value to see if it is an instance of ICurrent.
 void IExternalActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity code.
abstract  void AbstractExternalActivity.doActivity()
          Executes the java activity code.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a boolean value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  byte AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a byte value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  byte AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  byte AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  char AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a char value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  char AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  char AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves achar value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  IConcept AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  IConcept AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  IConcept AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  double AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a double value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  double AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  double AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  float AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a float value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  float AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  float AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  int AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves an int value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  int AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  int AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  long AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a long value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  long AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  long AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Returns a Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from beliefs in the belief state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
protected  short AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a short value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state
protected  short AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state
protected  short AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state
protected  java.util.SortedMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeSortedMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Returns a sorted Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from beliefs in the belief state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a String value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state The attribute's Brahms type may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves the value for an attribute of a concept from the activity performer's belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from the activity performer's belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from the activity performer's belief state Returns null if there is no corresponding belief in the belief state.
protected  java.util.List<IConcept> AbstractExternalActivity.getBeliefRelationConcepts(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Retrieves a list of concepts that are related to a given concept by a named relation by inspecting the beliefs in the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a boolean value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a boolean value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  byte AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a byte value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  byte AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  byte AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a byte value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  char AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a char value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  char AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  char AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a char value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  IConcept AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  IConcept AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  IConcept AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves an IConcept value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  double AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a double value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  double AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  double AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a double value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  float AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a float value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  float AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  float AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a float value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  int AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves an int value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  int AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  int AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves an int value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a Serializable value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  long AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a long value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  long AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  long AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a long value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Returns a Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from facts in the world state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
protected  short AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a short value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state
protected  short AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state
protected  short AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a short value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state
protected  java.util.SortedMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeSortedMap(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Returns a sorted Map representing the values for a map attribute of a concept from facts in the world state Entries with values of unknown are included in the returned Map if the includeUnknown parameter is true.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves a String value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state The attribute's Brahms type may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves a String value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state The Brahms type of the value may be either string or symbol.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves the value for an attribute of a concept from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given integer index from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractExternalActivity.getFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieves the value for a collection attribute of a concept at a given String key from a fact in the world state Returns null if there is no corresponding fact in the world state.
protected  java.util.List<IConcept> AbstractExternalActivity.getFactRelationConcepts(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Retrieves a list of concepts that are related to a given concept by a named relation by inspecting the facts in the current world state.
protected  IModel AbstractExternalActivity.getModel()
          Returns a reference to the model loaded in the virtual machine.
 java.lang.String AbstractExternalActivity.getName()
          Returns the name of this activity
protected  IParameter AbstractExternalActivity.getParameter(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterBoolean(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the boolean value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  byte AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterByte(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the byte value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  char AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterChar(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the character value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  IConcept AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterConcept(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the concept value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  int AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterCount()
          Returns the number of parameters specified for the activity.
protected  double AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterDouble(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the double value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  float AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterFloat(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the float value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  int AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterInt(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the integer value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterJava(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Java Serializable value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  long AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterLong(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the long value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  short AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterShort(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the short value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterString(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the string value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterStringOrSymbol(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the symbol value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterSymbol(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the symbol value of the parameter with the specified name defined for the external activity.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterValue(java.lang.String name)
          Generic method to return the value of a parameter as an object.
protected  java.util.List<java.lang.Object> AbstractExternalActivity.getParameterValues(java.lang.String name)
          Generic method to return the values of a parameter as a list of objects.
protected  IActiveInstance AbstractExternalActivity.getPerformedBy()
          Returns the active instance (agent or object) performing this activity.
protected  IVMController AbstractExternalActivity.getVMController()
          Returns the virtual machine's controller usable by this activity.
protected  IWorldState AbstractExternalActivity.getWorldState()
          Returns a reference to the world state managing the fact set.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given integer index based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasBeliefAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given String key based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasBeliefAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the activity performer's belief state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasBeliefRelationAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether there are any true beliefs for a given concept and named relation in the current belief state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasBeliefRelationValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept is related to a value by a named relation by inspecting the beliefs in the current belief state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given integer index based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasFactAttributeAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether a concept has any value for a named collection attribute at a given String key based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasFactAttributeValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept has a specified value for a named attribute based on the facts in the world state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasFactRelationAnyValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, boolean includeUnknown)
          Tests whether there are any true facts for a given concept and named relation in the current world state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasFactRelationValue(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, java.lang.Object value)
          Tests whether a concept is related to a value by a named relation by inspecting the facts in the current world state.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.hasMultipleParameterValues(java.lang.String name)
          Returns true if the named parameter is bound to a variable with multiple values.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.isParameterUnbound(java.lang.String name)
          Tests whether the content of a parameter is an unbound variable.
protected  boolean AbstractExternalActivity.isParameterUnknown(java.lang.String name)
          Tests whether the content of a parameter is the 'unknown' value.
protected  java.util.List<IConcept> AbstractExternalActivity.removeAllBeliefRelationValues(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by retracting beliefs from the activity performer's belief state.
protected  java.util.List<IConcept> AbstractExternalActivity.removeAllFactRelationValues(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by retracting facts from the world state.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.removeBeliefRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept value)
          Removes a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by retracting the corresponding belief from the activity performer's belief state.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.removeFactRelationConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName, IConcept value)
          Removes a concept as a value of a named relation for a concept by retracting the corresponding fact from the world state.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.retractBelief(IBelief belief)
          Schedules the retraction of the specified belief from the belief set of the active instance performing this activity.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.retractFact(IFact fact)
          Schedules the retraction of the specified fact from the world state including the notification of the retraction to all agents and objects.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified set of beliefs to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified beliefs to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the belief in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the belief in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.
 void AbstractExternalActivity.setActivity(IJavaActivityCtx activity)
          Sets the activity to be wrapped by this external activity.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named attribute.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at an int index.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at a String key.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named attribute.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at an int index.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at a String key.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named attribute.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at an int index.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at a String key.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named attribute.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at an int index.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at a String key.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at an int index.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named attribute.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at a String key.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Creates and asserts a new belief in the activity performer's belief state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setBeliefRelationUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by giving the relation a value of unknown.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeBoolean(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, boolean value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified boolean value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeByte(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, byte value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified byte value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeChar(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, char value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified char value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeConcept(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, IConcept value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified IConcept value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeDouble(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, double value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified double value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeFloat(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, float value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified float value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeInt(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, int value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified int value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Object value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeJava(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified Java Serializable value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeLong(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, long value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified long value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeShort(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, short value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified short value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeString(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified string value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeSymbol(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has a specified symbol value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named attribute
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, int index)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at an int index
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactAttributeUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String key)
          Creates and asserts a new fact in the world state representing that an IConcept has the unknown value for a named collection attribute at a String key
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setFactRelationUnknown(IConcept lhsConcept, java.lang.String relationName)
          Removes any existing concepts as values of a named relation for a concept by giving the relation a value of unknown.
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterBoolean(java.lang.String name, boolean value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a boolean value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterByte(java.lang.String name, byte value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a byte value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterChar(java.lang.String name, char value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a char value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterConcept(java.lang.String name, IConcept value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to an IConcept value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterDouble(java.lang.String name, double value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a double value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterFloat(java.lang.String name, float value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a float value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterInt(java.lang.String name, int value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to an int value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterJava(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a Java Object value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterJava(java.lang.String name, value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a Java value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterLong(java.lang.String name, long value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a long value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterShort(java.lang.String name, short value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a short value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterString(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to a String value
protected  void AbstractExternalActivity.setParameterUnknown(java.lang.String name)
          Sets an output parameter of the activity to the unknown value
 void AbstractExternalActivity.setProperties(java.util.Properties p)
          Sets the properties for the activity.

Uses of ExternalException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jagt

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jagt that throw ExternalException
protected  void AbstractExternalAgent.assertFact(IFact fact)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified fact into the world state including the distribution of the fact to all agents and objects.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, boolean value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, byte value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, char value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, double value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, float value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IConcept value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, byte value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, char value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, double value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, float value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, int value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, int value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, long value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, short value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IUnknown value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, long value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IFact[] AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.util.Map collection, int factcertainty)
          Concludes new IFact(s) of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, short value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, byte value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, char value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, double value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, float value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, int value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, long value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, short value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept relation concept.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthValue, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept relation concept with the specified truth value.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept relation concept.
 IFact AbstractExternalAgent.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthValue, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept relation concept with the specified truth value.
static ExternalAgentRecord ExternalAgentFactory.createExternalAgent(java.lang.String agentClass, java.lang.String name, IContext actionCtx)
          Creates a new external agent created from the Java class specified in agentClass and with the specified name (optional).
abstract  void AbstractExternalAgent.doWork()
          The virtual machine takes care of having the agent run in its own thread of execution.
 void IExternalAgent.doWork()
          The virtual machine takes care of having the agent run in its own thread of execution.
protected  IModel AbstractExternalAgent.getModel()
          Returns a reference to the model loaded in the virtual machine.
protected  IWorldState AbstractExternalAgent.getWorldState()
          Returns a reference to the world state managing the fact set.
abstract  void AbstractExternalAgent.initialize()
          Initialize is used to initialize the external agent after it has been loaded into the virtual machine.
 void IExternalAgent.initialize()
          Initialize is used to initialize the external agent after it has been loaded into the virtual machine.
abstract  void AbstractExternalAgent.onAssert(IFact fact)
          onAssert is called by the virtual machine whenever a new fact is asserted in the world state.
 void IExternalAgent.onAssert(IFact fact)
          onAssert is called by the virtual machine whenever a new fact is asserted in the world state.
 void AbstractExternalAgent.onProcess(long time)
          onProcess is called by the virtual machine when the virtual machine is in simulation mode and the agent is notified by the scheduler that it is allowed to process any events for the specified time.
 void IExternalAgent.onProcess(long time)
          onProcess is called by the virtual machine when the virtual machine is in simulation mode and the agent is notified by the scheduler that it is allowed to process any events for the specified time.
abstract  void AbstractExternalAgent.onReceive(IBelief belief)
          onReceive is called by the virtual machine whenever a new belief is communicated to the external agent by another agent or object.
 void IExternalAgent.onReceive(IBelief belief)
          onReceive is called by the virtual machine whenever a new belief is communicated to the external agent by another agent or object.
abstract  void AbstractExternalAgent.onRetract(IFact fact)
          onRetract is called by the virtual machine whenever a fact is retracted from the world state.
 void IExternalAgent.onRetract(IFact fact)
          onRetract is called by the virtual machine whenever a fact is retracted from the world state.
 void AbstractExternalAgent.onThreadEnd()
          onThreadEnd is the last method called just before the agent's thread is gracefully ending.
 void IExternalAgent.onThreadEnd()
          onThreadEnd is the last method called just before the agent's thread is gracefully ending.
abstract  void AbstractExternalAgent.pause()
          Pauses the external agent.
 void IExternalAgent.pause()
          Pauses the external agent.
abstract  void AbstractExternalAgent.reset()
          Resets the external agent to the initialized state as it was placed in using the initialize method, performing any additional clean-up if necessary.
 void IExternalAgent.reset()
          Resets the external agent to the initialized state as it was placed in using the initialize method, performing any additional clean-up if necessary.
abstract  void AbstractExternalAgent.resume()
          Resumes the external agent from a pause.
 void IExternalAgent.resume()
          Resumes the external agent from a pause.
protected  void AbstractExternalAgent.retractFact(IFact fact)
          Schedules the retraction of the specified fact from the world state including the notification of the retraction to all agents and objects.
protected  void AbstractExternalAgent.send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified set of beliefs to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalAgent.send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified beliefs to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.
protected  void AbstractExternalAgent.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the belief in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalAgent.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the belief in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.
 void AbstractExternalAgent.setAgentCtx(IActiveInstanceCtx agt)
          Sets the agent to be wrapped by this external agent.
 void AbstractExternalAgent.setProperties(java.util.Properties p)
          Sets the properties for the activity.
 void AbstractExternalAgent.setVMController(gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.controller.VMController vmc)
          Sets the virtual machine's controller.
abstract  void AbstractExternalAgent.start()
          Starts the external agent.
 void IExternalAgent.start()
          Starts the external agent.
abstract  void AbstractExternalAgent.stop()
          Stops the external agent.
 void IExternalAgent.stop()
          Stops the external agent.

Uses of ExternalException in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jsvc

Methods in gov.nasa.arc.brahms.vm.api.jsvc that throw ExternalException
protected  void AbstractExternalService.assertFact(IFact fact)
          Schedules the assertion of the specified fact into the world state including the distribution of the fact to all agents and objects.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, boolean value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, byte value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, char value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, double value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, float value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IConcept value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, byte value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, char value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, double value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, float value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, int value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, int value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, long value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, short value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, IUnknown value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, long value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IFact[] AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.util.Map collection, int factcertainty)
          Concludes new IFact(s) of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, short value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, boolean value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a boolean.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, byte value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a byte.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, char value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a character.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, double value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a double.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, float value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a float.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IConcept value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an IConcept.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, int value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is an integer.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, IUnknown value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is the value 'unknown'.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, long value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a long.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.Object value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Object.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a Java Serializable.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, short value, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a short.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept concept, IAttribute attribute, java.lang.String collectionIndex, int relop, java.lang.String value, boolean symbol, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept.attribute(index) relop value where relop is one of EQUALS or NOT_EQUALS and the value is a String.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept relation concept.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IConcept rhsConcept, int truthValue, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept relation concept with the specified truth value.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept relation concept.
 IFact AbstractExternalService.conclude(IConcept lhsConcept, IRelation relation, IUnknown rhsConcept, int truthValue, int factcertainty)
          Concludes a new IFact of the form concept relation concept with the specified truth value.
protected  IModel AbstractExternalService.getModel()
          Returns a reference to the model loaded in the virtual machine.
protected  IWorldState AbstractExternalService.getWorldState()
          Returns a reference to the world state managing the fact set.
protected  void AbstractExternalService.retractFact(IFact fact)
          Schedules the retraction of the specified fact from the world state including the notification of the retraction to all agents and objects.
protected  void AbstractExternalService.send(IBelief[] beliefs, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified set of beliefs to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the beliefs in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalService.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance agent)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agent, causing the assertion of the belief in the specified agent's belief set.
protected  void AbstractExternalService.send(IBelief belief, IActiveInstance[] agents)
          Sends the specified belief to the specified agents, causing the assertion of the belief in the belief set of every agent in the list of agents.
 void AbstractExternalService.setProperties(java.util.Properties p)
          Sets the properties for the activity.

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